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Down to the wire

Three points away to Stoke. With Kaboul in midfield. And Pav off injured.


Now that’s what I call digging deep. Was not a perfect performance by any stretch of the imagination. And even though we lived dangerously at times, we deserved it in the end. Crawl, walk and then run.

Massive selection gamble but one that Harry was forced into thanks to Wilson Palacios and his collection of yellow cards. Younes Kaboul slotting into central midfield. And it worked. Wouldn’t want to see it that often but with no other obvious options, YK did a job and did it just better than okay without it being exceptional. Less said about his shooting boots the better.

With each game, we seem to lose a player and yet we continue to overcome.

Losing Pav early on (having lost Defoe to injury in the week) has me thinking that somewhere in the upper regions of the stands hides a sniper, with a rifle armed with bullets forged with disdain for our beloved club. Fired by a crack marksman from a clandestine organisation. His mission objective? To shot down Tottenham players to aid the retention of the Sky Sports Four. So enter the Iceman, Eidur Gudjohnsen. Bullet-proof. And once more, we overcome.

First half was a little non-descript. Delap throwing the ball in from distance. Gomes dealing with most of them by scrambling them away (cue missed heart-beats) which made the game a tad more exciting - although quite clearly the wrong type of excitement. Bale had a decent run at goal, defended well by Stoke (Faye getting the tackle in). I can’t say I remember any other worthy goal mouth incident for us. It was crying out for some sort of breakthrough to kick-start the game. It was physical, as expected. Just needed to see us do more than what we were doing. Which at half-time was simply dealing with the home side. Stoke were textbook, set pieces their main weapon.

Second half, different story. 20 seconds in and Eidur thumps the ball in having received it from a Crouch assist (yes, Peter Crouch, don't playa hate) showing strength to make it 1-0. Fantastic effort. That was the breakthrough moment.

Inspired we changed gear and tormented Stoke, piling on the pressure. Whitehead goes off for a second yellow and we continue to dominate play. This is more like it. Playing the game to OUR tempo. Eidur in the hole, looking the part. Modric showing similar guile and influence in the middle that we are usually accustomed to seeing from the left. It was now quality V effort and we were destroying them.

Then a commercial break interrupted proceedings.

Corluka has words with BAE, something about leaving his defensive duties behind whilst going forward. There’s a few expletives exchanged, and Benny pushes Charlie in the stomach. Obviously not accepting the criticism/advice from the Croatian. A man must have a code. Assou-Ekotto’s is ‘don’t mess with me’.

Thankfully it ended there. Well actually no. Seems it was still playing out in Bennys head. Having failed to take down Corluka,  BAE decides to go one better soon after, giving away a clumsy penalty by climbing all over Kitson. Obviously our left-back was in need for more touchy-feely action. The ref points to the spot. It's a balls-up, Spurs style.

Up steps Etherington (the git), and it’s 1-1. Having absolutely battered them since going one up we're pegged back. ‘We’re gonna throw this away’, the collective thought of thousands of Spurs fans no doubt. I had such fuckin’ hopes for us.

                                                        'It's all in the game'

Here is where there is still room for improvement. Call it a crisis of leadership. We – the fans – can see the quality of the players we possess in the side, injuries or no injuries. Add to it the fact that even at 1-1 we were the better team, so composure was required. Take the ball back and control the game. I just think we're still missing a player of the ilk of a true captain. Someone to just shake the players up a bit and get them to react instantly, rather than perhaps live on the edge for a bit before finally (sometimes) rediscovering the stamp of authority to win through.

Better than Stoke and yet it could have been 2-1 to them had Ricardo Fuller scored. Don’t care how he managed to spoon the ball over from six yards out, but well done that man. The 10 men started to look the ones more likely to edge ahead. So much for that extra bit of quality in our side, another obvious collective thought shared amongst plenty.

And then, as if by magic. 2-1 Spurs. And the game changes again. BAE released by Bale, crossing it in and the superb Gudjonsen, full of Viking strength and smarts, steps over the ball allowing Niko Kranjcar to smash it into the goal. Happy now, bitch? No idea if Benny shared a smile with his team-mates, but I wasn’t alone in punching the air and grinning from ear to ear. Don’t matter how many times you get burnt, you just keep doin’ the same. Faith, patience. It pays off in the end. Right?

So into the final 10 minutes we go. Tuncay on for the home side. And I’m begging Spurs to play intelligent keep-the-ball football. Instead we give free-kicks away in and around the box. Defended well – how great was Crouch in stopping the bombardment through-out the game? – but we still managed to almost fuck it up again. Sidibe failing to get to the ball before Gomes, Dawson and Bassong the culprits who seemed to forget the art of defending in what could have been a soul-destroying few seconds. The Gods will not save you. But at least on Saturday they smiled in our direction.

2-1, full time. Three points. GTFI.

There was character and heart and some tasty football – as a unit of players and from individuals. And we rode our luck, as you need to on occasions. That’s now four wins on the trot with around five or so guaranteed first team players out. Credit where it’s due. Well done to Harry and the players. I’m proud and you should be too. If I hear music, I’m gonna dance.

I did enjoy seeing the players celebrate at the end. They knew how important it was and how tricky the Stoke away fixture is. The big plus was Gudjohnsen. We finally got to see why he was signed. And just how effective he can be, dropping back and allowing the midfield to push forward. The clever interchanging of passes between Eidur and the midfield adds an important dimension to our play. He's like a refined version of Robbie Keane without the countless boyhood clubs and pointy shouty antics.

Going by Harry’s points-required-total, we now need 13 from the remaining 8 games. Four wins and a draw. Let’s just round that off to five wins then.

It’s a thin line between heaven and here. Liverpool lost, Villa stuttered. Tottenham, still 4th. Two points ahead of 5th spot City (winners today at Fulham) who have a game in hand and are probably considered the favourites to claim fourth. No doubt, with each passing week - it will keep on changing. Pressure on them. Pressure on us. Pressure on us all.

Dope on the damn table.

Reader Comments (63)

tingling from COYS chant wont fade till May now.

Mar 21, 2010 at 10:44 PM | Unregistered Commenterspursmass

A great coverage of the game.If only Harry would read it and let it influence his decision making.I especially thought the vision of Keane you created was accurate

Mar 21, 2010 at 10:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterBeach_Bum

Love The Wire references.

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterPionner

It looks like we will rely on city to drop some points, 12 to be precise. They have to play us, utd, scum, villa and everton. We must be protsmouth, bolton, burnley, get a point against city, that'll take us to 65, the hupe we pick up some points against chesea, scum, utd and at least a point at sunderland, 3 points there would be great though 3 points in those 4 with the other results would take us to 68 whcih may be enough.

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterepochery

so pleased with the 3pts as it a tough place to go and win, so used to the glory boys getting laid back and throwing it away so good on arry and the boys for playing a blinder. sitting nicely in 4th although with the scum chelski and united in a row to come top 6 is more realistic but the cup is ours, wink wink. COYS!!!!!

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterthe glory boys

A few points: BAE was completely stupid for pushing out at a team mate, but he is even more stupid for picking on someone 3 times his weight! Modric would have been a better bet - although Stoke were taking care of that! Pulis obviously tells his team to physically intimidate the opposing playmakers are danger men. Bale and Modders feeling it big time - and weeks after the Shawcross incident. Although I don't much care, it is a bit funny how NO ONE on tv is tipping us, despite being in pole position, with points on the board and a superior goal difference to the other 3. The other point to note is that MOTD highlighted how Crouch dealt with all the long throws - well done Crouchy. If other teams watched, it could be the end of Delap's weapon.

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterTonyTott

IF this is how Spurs is going to play for the rest of the season then I might have to find someone to put me in a 24 hour coma night before every Spurs match, for the rest of this season. I believe I will stand a far better chance of seeing the year end doing that than continuing to witness episodes of "How to make the easy things difficult".

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterIaG

Great win and a great weekend except for the Arab love in at Fulham flyers i wonder how much money the Cammell City owners spent in Harrods, When the commentator asked woy is he worried abot Zamora Hangeland and Gera he said no because we where 2-0 down i thought i would give them a rest, The dirty swine could have drawn the game if he kept is best players on the field i hope they win nothing and it stinks of Arab owners sticking together to ruin our chances of Glory . Whats the difference between Fulham Birmingham stoke Blackburn Bolton Wolves they are like a boxer with a horse shoe in his Glove they all punch above there weight . We need to remember Roy done us no favors resting is players against City and we should hammer is Team for making it easy for City.

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterDAVSPURS

Keane was quoted in several papers that he would be coming back - for one, I hope he would be sold to WHATEVER club wants him. I wonder if it's me, but without him we seem to be going on strong, only one defeat in the last how manny games?

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterPostiga

Good article. Loved the Wire references. Sheeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiit.

Mar 21, 2010 at 11:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterCarlito

Davspurs. Paranoid Racist? For the love of God, when referring to a man's belongings its HIS!! HIS!! not IS!! GAH!! HIS BEST PLAYERS, not "IS BEST PLAYERS" DAMNIT!

Mar 22, 2010 at 12:11 AM | Unregistered Commenter..orp

All that unusual hugging and elation among our players at the end of game made me believe that an out-of-the-ordinary team commitment has been pledged. This could also explain nervousness (e.g. BEA-Charlie spat) and our lack of a game flow, for which I don’t mind as long as we get points, especially at Stoke where, except for less than a handful teams, visitors got not only crushed but left banged and bruised. My hat’s off to all the players and to Harry. However, players that exceeded my expectations are Crouchy and Kaboul for defensive efforts, and Iceman and Niko partnership and space awareness resulting in the wining thunderbolt.

Can’t wait for another moron to come in and declare Kranjcar’s footballing career as “just show and pony, and nothing but fancy flicks”.

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:23 AM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

BAE worries me. Idk why but I always have flashbacks to the red card he got last season against WBA. Also had that incident with the fan. Now this. He has a temper and isn't Gerrard, thus he'll get in trouble because of said temper. Solid player but I'm dead scared that one of these days his temper is going to cost us something huge on the pitch...if we're able to find a viable replacement, I would like to ship him out.

Either way, COYS! Huge win...gotta keep it up with these Pompey and Sunderland matchups...

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterus futbol

Another brutal match to watch. Being a Spurs fan is definetely not for the faint hearted. However, Spurs might just have the mental acumen and fortitude to do the job this year. Hell of a schedule ahead but if they keep playing like they are at the moment (with belief) anythings possible. Kudos to Harry, the team and the fans voices at the match.
Great result and a great read above. COYS

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:59 AM | Unregistered Commenterdean

Fair play to Redknapp, had a tough call to make with Palacios and the Fulham game coming up, opted for Kaboul and he did a sound job, keeping it simple in an important area.
i'm sure if we lost you lot would have been the first to complain about Kabouls selection.. so credit where its due!
I'd also like to say Niko Krancjar.. absolute revelation for us, brings a bit of class to the team along with Modric...and they can work well together!

But Harry.... Why Oh Why... Loan out O'hara, Keane, Taraabt/Dos Santos.
These are our midfield squad options for when we are in need...
EG. NOW!!??

Mar 22, 2010 at 2:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterRob

I understand the frustration regarding so many players being loaned out, but who would ever think that we’d have so many players injured at the same time… I guess, they loaned them out for several reasons:
1. Nobody wants their good players to ride the pine for too long because these players lose confidence and game fitness (i.e. Pav, O'hara, Keane, Dos Santos), and their dissatisfaction and grumbling can cause rift among the first team players.
2. It is great likelihood they will be playing at those clubs and maintain game fitness and maybe improve their game (especially youngsters like Livermore, Mason, Taarabt, Cox, Obika, and others).
3. Having idling expensive players cost too much, and loaning them out make bottom line look much more appealing.

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:03 AM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

Kaboul should not be played there in the middle of the park again unless he manage to learn from palacios about how to tackle to stop opposition's attacking players. He did not tackle and let the opposition reach our defender too often. He might not make so many mistakes but there is no real contribution to the team either. We were lucky that Whitehead got send off. It is so obvious that before the red card was pulled out, our midfielders cannot play the way they have played for the last 3 games. Modric do not have space and time to play with out the defensive power of palacios. I rather play Gudjohnsen or livermore there instead of him. We got lucky this time!!!

Mar 22, 2010 at 7:32 AM | Unregistered Commenterspur4ever

Was disappointed with BAE's behavior. We shouldn't be the team that fights on the pitch. To argue it out in the locker room is one thing, where the manager and teammates have the chance to help cool things down. Instead, when on the pitch, you give the chance for people like Lawro to create another 5 minutes of fame defecating all over Spurs - that bastard! But I guess it happens in the heat of the moment.

Mad props to Eidur and Kaboul. They stepped up when asked and they made quite the difference. As for Niko... you are one sexy mofo!

COYS and FA Cup, here we come bitch!

Mar 22, 2010 at 8:43 AM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi@ibleedhotspur

If we can get Super Pav off the treatment table, then he and the Iceman might just fire us to 4th. Game's the same, just got more fierce. COYS!

Mar 22, 2010 at 8:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterMike England's Knee Cap


Mar 22, 2010 at 9:27 AM | Unregistered CommenterDay of the Triffics pt.2

4th with all our missing first team squad to get fit between now and the end of the season.
Oh, and big up to Crouchy for the sterling defensive heading work against those bombing throw ins. Well done mate, that's the way to do it!

Mar 22, 2010 at 9:30 AM | Unregistered Commentersinger

Kaboul is a ticking time bomb. He did alright on Saturday but against a better midfield I fear for him and for us. Need Hudd back yesterday.

Mar 22, 2010 at 9:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

Headline of the day:
"Eidur Gudjohnsen adds prime beef to Tottenham's bare bones at Stoke" The Guardian

I thought his was an astonishing goal - it was like watching Drogba or Shearer in a Spurs shirt.

I can't remember the last time a Spurs striker muscled his was to a goal like that - must be the Viking in his blood.

All of em deserved the congrats they got at the final whistle. Stoke away tests more than just your skill and they all passed.

Mar 22, 2010 at 10:17 AM | Unregistered CommenterTed

Wonderful three points this and I don't care that people think City are the favs for 3rd in fact let people believe that and heap the pressure onto their backs. We might have harder games left but we always raise our game against the likes of Arsenal and Chelsea. I can see us pulling away with other faltering. COYS.

Mar 22, 2010 at 10:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterTom

Eidur was rolling back the years. Would love it just love it if he scores against the blue scum.

Mar 22, 2010 at 10:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Glad for another win. Should give us at least a slight mental edge over Fulham. That, and Harry's much vaunted man-management skills:

Clearly, I'm not a fan of Redknapp, but, seriously, is there any other manager in a top league who routinely slags off his current starting players in the press this way? What is his major malfunction?

Mar 22, 2010 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered Commenterziegemonster

Great touch from Crouch to assist Eidur's goal, and Eidur still had alot to do and think about to score that goal. And the step over, when was the last time Spurs did that successfully? Quite happy what big gay Lawro said on MOTD, based on his Spurs predictions so far this season.
Off topic, not sure if he did this at the weekend, but loving Modders best trick, the 'I'm gonna stop on the ball, no I'm gone'.

Mar 22, 2010 at 11:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

Defoe back for the Fulham game then? ANy news?

Mar 22, 2010 at 11:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterGrim down South

A fine team effort showing guts when in the past they would have folded against a team of attack trained pit-bulls.
Gudjohnsen is real class, fine techncal skills and vision, and showed top class finishing skills--gotta keep him!!

Mar 22, 2010 at 12:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterD.Kirby

stoke are a disgrace....hope in the not to distant future they are plying their trade in 3rd division........ even with so many injuries spurs are playing like a it me imagination or a spurs becoming a more balanced team? whats that stat that we have 17 different goal scorers this season? last season we was so unbalanced redknapp did well to get us a few draws.this season we is scrapping away and turnin those draws into wins..can u dredge up some facts for me mr spooky? do u fink spurs are becoming a more balanced team?

Mar 22, 2010 at 12:43 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

pretty much looks as though we are without the injured gang until the semi final (surprisingly!!) Pav, Lennon, Defoe, Hudd - all out till then. (Should we get there!

4 massive games to win on the trot now with the team that beat stoke! Fantastic victory.


Mar 22, 2010 at 12:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterCEJ

Not the best win ever but a win V Stoke away from home is a good win...

As we roll closer and closer to the end of the season we find ourselves edging slowly away from Liverpool and a lesser extent the villans, I think a three horse race for Third & Fourth Between Spurs, City & Chelski is looking on.
COYS - any news on Bentley??? heard he had a virus so should be back....

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:14 PM | Unregistered Commenteri belive steve

ok guys it's time i 'fessed up. Back in August I did a deal with the devil. Arsenal to win the Premier League and CHampions League double if Spurs can win the FA CUp and qualify for the CHampions League. However, I didn't ask for Kaboul to come back. I think he did that himself the cheeky blighter

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterFox Mulder

Did Defoe not say he expected to be back earlier? 10 days or so, should be in time for Sunderland away.

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterYiddenAgenda

I've just done the BBC predictor and have us taking 4th with 70 points, 1 point ahead of Villa.
Got us beating Portsmouth comfortably, sneaking past Sunderland then draws at home against Arsenal & Chelsea, followed by a loss at Old Trafford.
We then beat Bolton at home, draw at City and beat Burnley away to take CL football.
Our goal difference should be strong enough that we can afford to lose one of the draws (but only one).
This is obviously reliant on City only drawing with Everton this Wednesday.......

The important thing is that we've won 4 and have not had the best players available.
If we can get Lennon, Defoe & King back for 2 of the 3 against the top 3 I think we will be okay.

Then again, we will probably be in pole position going into Sunday 9th May, eat a dodgy pie or two and get beaten by an already relegated Burnley.....

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

Having told any gooners around that they need to stop whining about stoke's play and man the fuck up, this may sound a little hypocritical. But I don't care.
It was plainly obvious that they had targeted Gareth Bale as a threat as he must fhave got about 4 or 5 nasty knocks in the first half, some of which weren't even given and only one of which that resulted in a booking. It seemed Robert Huth's main role was to sit back, wait for Bale to try to get past him, and then give him a whallop to scare him off. Remember when bale beat him down the left, checked back inside and got a clothesline/rugby tackle for his pleasue and then had a free kick awarded AGAINST him for pushing??!! I was so scared those thugs were going to wreck his and our season. I was screaming angrily at my dubiously legal live stream.
However he showed amazing testicular fortitude to carry on and even start the move for the winning goal. He reminded me of Daniel-san in the Karate Kid. The bigger kids beating on him all the time but trusting his skill and courage to win the day. Watch him again in that game with the classic song playing in the background - "YOU'RE THE BEST. AROOOOOOUUND. NOTHING'S GONNA EVER KEEP YA DOWN." What a hero.

Oh and he should have massively had a penalty in the second half for a push in the back by, you guessed it, Robert Huth. Then straight down the other end Stoke get a pen for almost exactly the same indiscretion. Pulis reckons the ref was bad. If he was better they would have probably been down to 9 men and we'd have won 3-1.

Match of the Day can fuck off. It will make it all the sweeter when we finish fourth and Lawro and Hansen pretend they backed us all along, before trotting off to comiserate stevie g on missing out on european competition complete while they give him a nice double header. om nom nom nom nom

Mar 22, 2010 at 1:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterFox Mulder

We won last time Lawro backed us to lose. He can back us to lose every week for all I care, I think the twat is doing us a favour.

Loved the game on Saturday, heart in mouth for parts but both of our goals were a beautiful thing to watch, more of the same please.

Mar 22, 2010 at 2:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterCanada Yid

Walkerboy, I did the same as you on the Predictor this morning, and deliberately kept it realistic bordering on pessimistic. I had us in 5th by 2pts behind Liverpool. There are a shedload of variables between then and now, but it does tell me there's an awful lot of work and a large dollop of luck still required.
Mind you, I tipped Newcastle to narrowly avoid the drop last year using the same technique...

Mar 22, 2010 at 2:41 PM | Unregistered Commenter555

What I liked best about our 1st goal was Gudjohnsen's instant layoff to Crouch, who then reciprocated with a nicely weighted ball over the defence.

The ball came from Modric(?) at pace, at chest height and EG laid it off instantly to Crouch and then got on his bike. It was a classy touch and very sharp play from a guy who has not played much.

This how I see the run in.

4 points from Pompey(h) Sunderland(a) should be achievable. Unlucky for us the Black Cats have found some hot form.

Another 4 points from Arsenal & Chelsea (h) and Utd (a). We need some players back at this point though. Defoe & Thudd, if not Lennon/Pav/King. If we beat Sunderland (a) then we can maybe afford 2 points from these 3 games.

6 points vs Bolton(h) and Burnley(a)

Avoid defeat to Man City (1 point), although with a fitter squad I think we could take 3 points from them. We have a good record away to them. Citeh have some other tough games too - Utd, Arsenal, Villa, Spurs and even away to WHU on the final day is not what you would really chose

That gives 15 points and 70 overall. My Predictor ends like this:

Spurs 70
Citeh 68
Villa 67
LFC 66

Resting Wilson has worked in our favour. A risk from HR but given Stokes aerial bombardment, maybe it was a decent plan to have as many big blokes on as possible. Anyway, with Pompey & Sunderland next before the possible semi and top3, perhaps the plan is for Wilson to get booked vs Fulham. 2 match ban, nicely rested and back for the big games in April (hopefully along with JD, Thudd, Lennon & King).


Mar 22, 2010 at 2:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterDevonshirespur

Omar Little in central midfield? That'a work!

Mar 22, 2010 at 3:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

Isn't Omar gay? Him and Jenas would get along fine.

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

I ran the BBC predictor too and had us in 4th at the end of the season. So logically, If three of us unbiased pricks have all done it, it quite simply must be true.
And Canada Yid, I agree 100% about Lawro's predicitons- he often backs us to lose or drop points only for us to come away with all three. I'd love to see his Spurs predictions to results chart for this season- I think his Liverpool tinted spectacles make it impossible for him to consider they'll actually miss out on the Champions League.
Mind you, last time they blew it and Everton finished 4th, didn't they offer some shabby appeal about the winners having the right to defend it?! Expect nothing less degenerative this season too.

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatty K

He's gay but its the good type of gay. Shotguns and stuff.

That makes no sense.

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

This is going to be an epic end of the season.

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterAuthor of Comment

Done the Predictor and got:
Spurs 70
Liverpool 70
Villa 70
City 70!
The Wigan game could be the difference. Seriously though, City play Villa and us at home in the first week of May - think this will decide the 4th spot.
BTW, if we beat Fulham tommorrow night, the NLD moves, which is a shame as it would have been 4 days after their trip to Camp Nou. Winning the FA Cup or victory in the NLD, 4th place and Arsenal not winning the league?

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

I'm not sure if playing Arsenal 4 days after they've been dicked all over the Nou Camp by Messi is such a good thing anyway- we hardly want them to "bounce back" against us to prove a point!

Mar 22, 2010 at 4:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatty K

Just tried my hand with the BBC's predictor machine (seems to be the in thing).

I have us missing out on 4th unless we beat one of the 'big 3' or City.

Mar 22, 2010 at 5:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

i'm gutted.

i'm not going to be in the country on that wednesday. I'm genuinely considering shortening my holiday to come back for it. I can feel an epic night on the cards for that one.

Mar 22, 2010 at 5:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterFox Mulder

the predictor

what fun! I had us comfortably clear in fourth by 5 points from Citeh. And I don't think I was being wildly optimistic. It's assuming that Citeh lose at Everton and we win at Eastlands - we've got a great record there. We draw against Cheatski and the arse and lose at Man Ure...

Man Ure win the title by four points ahead of Cheatski with the arse in third on goal difference. Hull, Burnley and Pompey to go down


Mar 22, 2010 at 6:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterHods Cods

I tried the predictor and came up with the following:

Everton to win title on goal difference
Pompey to finish 6th on Goal difference
Goons relegated in 17th place
And we still finished 7th.

I dunno, I was in charge of results and still we can't finish in 4th.

I smell a conspiracy (btw, just as well I did MOTD piece before this weekend, might have sounded insincere and bitter otherwise. but nice to see tweedle's dum and dee living up to their alter ego's).

Mar 22, 2010 at 6:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

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