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Redknapp - The Messiah?

Disclaimer: Yes, I know, it's a bloody long article.



Tapestry Part V

Redknapp - The Messiah


Dear Mr Levy,

I've had my moments. My attempt to parachute onto the pitch at White Hart Lane in protest of our early season form backfired when I mis-calculated the wind factor and my resulting trajectory took me onto the North Circular. My demonstration in protest of the West Stand bourgeoisie also ended unsatisfactory. I guess wearing an actual suit made of bagels was a major oversight on my part. I still have the scars from the pigeon attack. But nobody can ever doubt my commitment. I've put myself out there and will continue to do so. As soon as the court injunction ends.

But perhaps there is no urgency to be on the front-line thanks to the current equilibrium bestowed upon us by your good self. The appointment of Harry Redknapp was a masterstroke of a decision. Nine years into our five year plan to turn us into a Champions League outfit and you finally use the Batphone.

You’ve tried it all during your tenure, your predecessor too. Ex-legends, an up and coming manager, PE teacher, international tactician, promoted assistant, experienced continental mastermind. None of it has worked. Apart from that flirtatious 2006 season which ended with a chorus from Johnny Hates Jazz.

It never quite comes together, does it? Usually because of the itch to jump forward three steps when only one step is required. It's all a bit John Sergeant giving it the Fred Astaire. A comical mess of an embarrassment.

So when Ramos and his ketchup ban was shown the door we all fell into any abyss of confusion, nervously eating away at our fingernails trying to work out who the next victim of the White Hart Lane guillotine would be.

I clearly remember the evening when we all found out. I was watching a remake of Debbie Does Dallas, which in essence I believe to be superior to the original thanks to some sparkling camera tricks and shrewd re-working of the plot. I didn't discover the appointment until an hour or so after it had happened. Sky Sports News was in a giddy meltdown that resembled a club terrace in Ibiza, with churning smiles all over the place as the presenters all bounced up and down with joy, repeating the news over and over and over again with the ticker at the bottom of the screen working over-time.

And then it got surreal. Harry himself on the blower telling us he had accepted the job.

I was numb. And the Kleenex was firmly pushed aside.

"Is Harry likely to fulfil the dream that Levy champions? Does he have the tactical ability to outsmart his peers at the top of the table? Can we see him achieving Fergusonesque empire building success with us fighting it out with Wenger, Rafa and <insert current Chelsea boss here> in the midst of battle for a top 4 place?"

As the questions bounced around my head, the numbness faded, and the hefty kick of reality landed on my backside.

"When have we ever sustained such a challenge anyway? In fact, isn't this form of out-stretched ambition the reason why we never get things right, always eager to change things? We are bottom – all that matters is getting off it"

You don't need me to tell you this is Tottenham Hotspur. But I feel the need to run through recent history. I guess it's a statement of fact. Lessons learnt.

We are ambitious by nature, longing for glory days and nights. Like any other fan who supports a club that has the resource to compete with the top sides, you know you are a little closer to the dream than others less fortunate. But instead we are kept in a perpetual ground-hog day where the same promises are made and mistakes repeated. And yet we never learn from any of it. You must know this already considering the sharp rise of frozen shit pellet attacks on your car over the past few seasons.

Juande you will be able to drive down the road without incident.

Pre-Redknapp, Ramos was obviously still dizzy from the offer and although we will be forever grateful for that day at Wembley, nothing else actually worked.

During the summer in came some key signings and the removal of all deadwood along with some quality additions. You know, like selling Berbatov. To Utd. In the final minutes of the transfer window. At the death. Sold. And bringing in a right-winger, to go alongside the other right-winger we have. Because two right-wingers is better than one especially when one of them costs £15M and can star-jump. On camera. In the background. It was funny. The star-jump. Jumps like a star.

A new age was upon us. It lasted as long as the opening credits to Match of the Day.

What we were left with in the aftermath was a disjointed squad of players who lacked self-belief and pride and two measly points from 720 minutes of football (that's eight games to the common man).

How did we get here? Let's go back even further and work our way back to the present.

Once upon a time, in a simpler world, we were the glamour club. Remember those days? The 1980's were good to us. Shirts tucked out, bit of swagger and a couple of Argentines. Proper Cup finals too. It wasn’t sexy football. It was tantric.

Happy days. But nothing stays still forever. Keith left. Scholar made a mess. Venables v Sugar. We slowly degraded whether it was down to in-house politics or financial meltdown.

The lust we have (it's just part of our genetic makeup) meant we always over-extended when attempting to re-claim past glories. We stagnated. But around us, others began to move on. Arsenal went from winning things in a boring fashion to playing football with the type of revered football that was once bestowed on us. Chelsea stole our glam. And while others (Liverpool) were dethroned (Utd) we jumped from one manager to the next, all failing to claim any concept of consistency.

  • Pleat's experiment almost worked.
  • Venables saved the club in '91 and then that spoon full of Sugar saw him swap the bench for the High Court.
  • Ossie, bless him, was over ambitious and out of his depth, an appointment that stemmed from Sugar's aim to appease the locals.
  • Francis got the team working hard but then it all faded into mediocrity.
  • Gross was Sugar's attempt to do what Arsenal did with Wenger and how we laughed.
  • Graham was another attempt at something that we didn't quite fathom and then the Levy era truly kicked in with the return of the King of the Lane.
  • But Hoddle's ego devoured itself, sandwiched in-between Pleats caretaker responsibilities and ‘technical director’ meddling.

Then came Santini, Jol with Arnesen.

This was the master plan in full effect - the Director of Football structure - one that allowed for failures. Santini didn't work so off he went, taking with him the keys to the bus. But no need to fret. The DoF was the guardian of the dream allowing the vision to never lose focus, whilst others around did. Managers are appointed based on what the DoF believes to be the right man for the job, a man who can work hand-in-hand with him.

Jol was promoted and then we watched Arnesen quit for the grand challenge on offer at Chelsea (had nothing to do with money that).

So in came a new DoF. Might have different views and policies than the departing one but the ambition remains the same, no? The ambition based on your directives as chairman. Welcome Damien Comolli, the new keeper of the vision. Safe hands please, don't drop it.

The tranquillity did not last long.

Jol was meant to be the one. Comolli and Kemsley thought otherwise. Many agreed that Jol lacked the edge that was required, with the choking in big games syndrome. So when Ramos took over this was seen as the natural logical step in the master-plan. The final piece of the progression puzzle to elevate us towards the promised land of Champions League.

"Down to bare bones, two points from eight games, triffic"

But just how many mistakes can we afford to make? Up until and just after the Ramos appointment, you built in a nice little safeguard, stating that if Juande didn't work out - Comolli would be responsible. Shock horror, it turned to shit again and not even you and your PR machine could save the infamous DoF from certain doom.

Straw. Camel. Back.

The faith you had in this awkward system was as mystifying as the unnecessary plastic surgery the Leslie Ash of mascots had done to his face. I’m talking about that piece of work Chirpy and that ridiculous face-lift.

We needed an English-can-hit-the-ground-running coach who could lift us up and out of the mire by sorting out the fundamentals. Back to basics was the only way to kick-start things again. The future vision, for the first time, was irrelevant. The immediate future the priority. The plight we were suffering, the only thing of consequence. No messiahs need apply.

Hence Harry, the only viable available option, one born out of desperation due to the predicament. Sure you dropped a sound-bite or two about how you had spoken to Harry in the past about offering him the position and that he is someone the board respect and yadda yadda yadda.

Two or three years ago, appointing him as manager would have been seen as a negative backwards step. And why? Well because, Harry is like, ex-West Ham and what's he ever done/achieved to warrant the job at the Lane? You know, cause we’re such a big club, innit.

Ouch. Another reality kick to arse: Bottom. Two points. Relegation fodder. Damage limitation. Anything after that is a bonus, and anything after that can be something a little closer to that vision we have cradled for so long.

It's no longer 2006. The French do not fear the English. The big bloated ambitions of cracking the Prem’s elite led by a director of football structure has imploded and left us in a perilous position miles under the foundation of hope we would usually start at.

So in some ways having Harry Houdini take the helm was a master-stroke. One or two people pulled out their calculators and worked out that based on the fixtures left in the season we could still go down. Countless Facebook Relegation Party invites does not mean it's a dead cert the champagne corks will go flying for opposing fans.

We were never going to get relegated. Far worse teams in the Prem. But because of the start we had and the fact that we had a squad of players epically under-performing.

Which is why the publicity shy Harry Redknapp had the midas touch with our powder-puff millionaires. It must have been a little gut wrenching for you Daniel. Deep down, you must have felt a little empty that we had come to this. But come to this we had.

And it split Spurs fans, had West Ham fans laughing even harder. But then sometimes, things fall into place accidentally. The less obvious turns out to be the more pleasing. And soon enough the doubters became believers.

  • Harry has got the players playing for themselves and the team
  • Players starting in positions they are comfortable in
  • Playing to their strengths. In a formation that makes sense and works

And more:

  • Got the best out of BAE and Lennon where Ramos failed miserably
  • Palacios signing was inspired and yet a perfect illustration of the failures of previous DoF's and managers who never got close to filling this gap (apart from Carrick who worked well for us in a different kinda way)
  • Defoe just had to come back home
  • Keane, did have a positive impact on his return, even if he has run out of gas a little in what has been a roller-coaster season for him
  • Points accumulated has been impressive. We got to a Cup final, again. White Hart Lane is currently a fortress

Only concern is the re-signing of Pascal Chimbonda who has hardly figured for the first team. Although I have sources close to the club who believe him to be one of three people employed to wear the Chirpy costume on match-days. The other two are currently in hospital due to accidents outside of the work place. Apparently. So they tell me.

Sure, he shows a lack of instinctive quick-thinking changes to turn the course of the game if things are not quite working and sometimes is late in making key substitutions. But we knew this already. He's no genius.

So does make Harry unofficially a stop-gap? Get the team consistent and up to 6th/5th place and make us steady and reliable enough to not only attract players (which we don't tend to have a problem with anyway) but to also attract a glamour manager? If that's what we need. Considering that hasn't worked before. But then nothing really has since Keith.

But thinking that far forward is the exact type of mistake we are so prone to making. One step at a time. That's for you Daniel AND some of our fan's who take a few wins on the trot to mean that glory is waiting round the corner with her skirt over her back and panties down at her ankles.

So, Harry? It all looks good thus far doesn't it? But I refuse to get giddy. History reminds me to stay firmly on my feet.

There is no doubting that going into the summer, we are looking in great nick. Two or three additional players and we are set. Not for 4th spot. Regardless of what Harry or anyone else in the media will no doubt spout in their predictions for next season. 4th is completely unrealistic, unless Arsenal implode. Winning silverware and finishing 5th is not so ridiculous. An FA Cup would be nice. But continued progression and strength in depth would be even better. We just need to compete. And we've shown glimpses of doing just that against Top 4 opposition this season.

This isn't a deluded outlook. It's just based on the fact that the teams just outside the top 4 are - all on form - about equal in class and effort. And all have the chance to edge in front if they get their summer planning spot on.

It's a realistic ambition.

We've done nothing for years and years in the league if ever tbh (apart from those two 5th spots). And rushing into it has never worked, so instead of assuming we are X amount away from being a top 4 club, how about just working hard from one season to the next until we are actually good enough and its obvious we are within touching distance by the virtue of points in the bag.

Stating the bleeding obvious, aren't I?

See the disease at Spurs is one that has engulfed everyone from the board to the fans to the media and even opposing fans. Because we are so hungry for success, we find ourselves not so much expecting it like it’s a God given right, but always believing we are on the right path in a very over excitable manner that tends to blind us from the harsh truths.

It's the money, the support, the signings. Always positive, always with intent. And the warning signs are pushed aside until it’s too late for recovery.

We put ourselves out there like a cocky boxer who knows he's forgotten his gum-shield but fights on regardless.

No matter what anyone might say about us, we might not be perceived as a big club in comparison to the Top 4, but we are a big club compared to one or two others simply on the basis of what I've stated already - cash, big name signings. It makes failure all that more bitter because the resource to compete is actually there.

Delusions of grandeur!! Delusions of grandeur!! I guess when you have this type of intent constantly, without success you'd think we would learn something. But alas, no. That's us with hearts on sleeves. We might have the intent, but it's nothing without assured focus. And not the type that Comolli displayed when he courted Ramos.

Everton strive for the same thing, but there is no urgency to chop and change. But there isn't half as much money. And they were winning titles back in the 80's, whilst we only ever claimed two in the 60's. Are they less ambitious?

Chelsea, before Romans money, were a Top 4 club. Something they worked towards and have now consolidated, and then gone further because of the money they came into and the Jose appointment.

You make your own luck.

We are a proud club, with a rich tradition. And we are stuck between the past and a vision of the future.

Harry's job should be simple. Change the culture of the team, the players. Instil a winning mentality. Start at the bottom and work our way up. Which, ironically, is exactly what we've done.

There is far too much trauma on the pitch for a club that does almost perfectly off it. Leave the football to the manager and let things progress naturally.

We need to get better than the Villas and Evertons and Citys. And then we can look up at the remaining four.

Consider this a warning shot across the bow. A statement of history we all know inside out, but needed to be stated for reference. Don't make me come back to this for the wrong reasons Mr Levy.

It's in your hands.

Buck the trend.





Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV


Reader Comments (30)

Longer than a bout David Bentley has on the Spurs bench.

But well worth it Spooky.

May 21, 2009 at 12:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterOops

The premiership is doomed.No decent players want to come to a side outside the top four.Forget it.

May 21, 2009 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterGEORGE

Superb article

May 21, 2009 at 12:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterMrMan

What's the deal with Chirpy exactly? You seem to have a dislike for him. I'm guessing.

Great article. Simply put - Levy should take a back seat. I reckon he'll get itchy feet before long and look to upgrade Redknapp with a world class 'manager' and the cycle will kick off again.

Sorry Spurs fans.

May 21, 2009 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterITV Tactics Truck

Fucking ace stuff. It's evolved from the rantings of early years but prefer this. Keep it up Spooky. You might even get a response from the great man himself ;)

May 21, 2009 at 12:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterEnglands Number Gone

One of the best journal entries i have read for a very long time. Sense and humor combined!

Great read!

Top 4 next year here we come!

May 21, 2009 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterSimon

Completely agree that we have no patience and we have a reoccurring habit of fucking things up ourselves by over estimating our progress and taking what the media say to be a given. They hype us up, we hype ourselves up. The players we sign are all hyped.

We need to forget all the dreams and actually work at achieving them rather than expect them. Reality is like you said, not good. We are miles behind the top 4 and it will take an effort of sustained building with no interference or upheaval to get anywhere near them.

Whether Harry is a stop gap or not, he's reign must be one that allows the next person to continue upwards. I think Levy isn't the only one responsible here. Harry has to take us as far as he can - and if that's 5th then that's fine. As long as we are 10 points better than the team in 6th place.


May 21, 2009 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered Commentergrim down south

"Only concern is the re-signing of Pascal Chimbonda who has hardly figured for the first team. Although I have sources close to the club who believe him to be one of three people employed to wear the Chirpy costume on match-days. The other two are currently in hospital due to accidents outside of the work place. Apparently. So they tell me"


May 21, 2009 at 1:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeft on the Shelf

Nothing new here, but reading the history of it all in one sweep make me think how big a clusterfuck we've managed to create from one season to the next. You are right. We have the resource to challenge but I don't think we can now because players want Champs League over the challenge of a 'challenge. Which is why Carrick and Berbatov wanted to move on.

Massive task for us. But yes, we need to build slowly and without the need for the usual kneejerk bollocks.

May 21, 2009 at 1:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterRR

Brilliant series Spooky. Love the effort you put into this.

May 21, 2009 at 1:28 PM | Unregistered Commenter8182

as the great parrot in the sky said

2 from 8, 2 from 8

Harry will have a go, he s got the twinkle in his eye!!

May 21, 2009 at 1:32 PM | Unregistered Commenterbiiliospur

Cracking article. Took a couple of cups of coffee to help digest it all in, but spot on. It makes uneasy reading when you see it up in black and white. The amount of appointments we've made and repeated mistakes is criminal considering how much it amounts to wasted resource. Guess when you can churn out the money becuase of the fanbase it allows you to start over, over and over again.

And re the culture issue. This is the biggest bugbear we have at the club. We think big time without actually building up to it. Which is why we are so weak mentally.

May 21, 2009 at 1:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterStan


May 21, 2009 at 2:28 PM | Unregistered Commenterfilthy


May 21, 2009 at 3:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterK-Bizzle

Great stuff.

We have to change the culture at the club and build slowly, not criticize our own for being 'unambitious' when they say they'd be satisfied with just stability and improvement every season, or slag off our players when they take a while to settle down or are in poor form, or demand big-name European players over the less glamorous players who would actually benefit our team, or chop and change the squad every season.

May 21, 2009 at 3:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterDavey

Spooky: When only 100 words are needed, he gives you 10,000.

Ha, only kidding with you. Another top article guv. The amount of naive managerial appointments over the past 10 - 15 years has been the reason for our dip.

If you go back to the early 80's we were equal pegging with Arsenal. I think the moment they began to have success in the league we should have been far more shrewd about things instead of continue on like it was the early 80's. I think 87 was a wonderful season but it was a one off effort rather than the beginning of something new. Gough, Hoddle moved on. It all fell apart. We should have got in a manager and sat back and left it all alone but we just can't keep out of the news. Shot ourselves in the foot.

May 21, 2009 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

"It never quite comes together, does it? Usually because of the itch to jump forward three steps when only one step is required"

Spot on. Or trying to run before you can walk. Or another similar cliche. Levy has tried to force a top four place overnight when a more gradual approach is needed.

May 21, 2009 at 3:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterIain

Just can't see how a Top 4 place is possible for anyone, Everton and Villa included, with the current dominance and monopoly of the teams that sit up there season in and season out.

May 21, 2009 at 3:58 PM | Unregistered Commenterhazard

Hazard - Villa sat in 4th for a while, so did we in 06 and Everton finished 4th too a few season back. It's possible but the trick is that the following season you consolidate that position. So if you claim 4th you MUST claim 4th the following season. That will go a long long way to breaking the monopoly. Imagine if Arsenal finished 5th two years running and us or Villa or Everton or City even finished 4th in their place. That would break them. Players would get restless, you'd attract players that would normally join them and you'd be raking it in.

Arsenal, Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea have such a stranglehold that they can challenge comfortably on both the domestic and Champs League front.

I think a team that takes 4th might struggle to contain their excitement and falter domestically the season after they claimed 4th spot. If they don't get a decent squad together.

This is what Levy seems to mis-understand and what some of our fans also don't get. You can not challenge at that level over night. And its something that will take a monumental effort (and luck) along with a continued plan to get better and better. Gradually. If you are at a level in the Prem to actually challenge for 4th and 3rd place and suddenly there are 5 or 6 teams fighting it out for 4 places, then it opens up a brand new era of hope for all.

Long way off I'm afraid.

May 21, 2009 at 4:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

Scott Brown to Spurs. £10M.

Spooky, I don't think Levy reads your blog mate.

May 21, 2009 at 4:14 PM | Unregistered CommenterShelf Side Warrior

Great end to a great series.

May 21, 2009 at 9:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterollie

That my friend is a genius synopsis of us as a club and as a collective of fans. I salute you.

Every Tottenham fan should be made to read this article.

Our desperation to succeed is the biggest contributor to our continual failure.

The sooner club officials, players, and most importantly fans realise this the sooner the self imposed pressure will ease and we will have the opportunity to build longer term rather than lurching from one false dawn to another.

Spooky. Legend.

May 21, 2009 at 9:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterUpstairs for Dancing

This is great stuff, Spooky.

Take a bow...

May 22, 2009 at 12:54 AM | Unregistered Commenterwho framed ruel fox?

Any Champion League quality player not playing CL football will more than likely jump ship after 2 seasons.

How can you build a 'top 4' squad over a number of years when the key players are off at the slightest sniff of CL club?

It's nigh on impossible to tie these players to their contract, and, as we've seen, they practically go on a sulky strike until they get their way.

The games moved on You need to build a CL qualifying team within two years, or you'll forever be chasing your own tail.

May 22, 2009 at 9:57 AM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

.....Not you personally Spooky, obviously, but generally speaking.

May 22, 2009 at 9:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

It's one of the best things i've read in a long, long time

Fantastically written, fantastically witty and fantasticially accurate

Never seen this site before, it's safe to say I will be back.

May 22, 2009 at 10:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterExecutive

The games moved on You need to build a CL qualifying team within two years, or you'll forever be chasing your own tail.

The above is correct. There is a need for urgency, even if its desperate and there is a need to take massive risks. A slowly slowly ethic will not work because of how the Prem has shaped up over the past few years. Fact is you need to bully/fluke your way into the top 4 and then do everything to stay there. It's not impossible but there are many factors that need to go in your (ours, whoever) favour for it to work.

Teams likes Spurs, Villa, Everton, City - anyone with such aspirations HAVE to aim for the Top 4 every single season even if its something that is unlikely.

Players just won't hang around if they are good enough to play Champs League if they are at a club that is finishing 8th - 5th. They will move on.

May 22, 2009 at 10:43 AM | Unregistered Commenterkilljoy

big club? wots all this big club stuff? we blinkin nearly got relegated..RELEGATED..RELEGATED...who said we was 2 good to get RELEGATED? WAS WE 2 GOOD 2 GET RELEGATED? 4 f**** sake..2 points from 8 games... hav a look at newcastle..we was crap..CRAP...until harry took over...we dont deserve nuffin..u f***** only get wat u put in..and we pissed loads of dosh up against the aint about bein a big club its about bein a good club that looks after its players n supporters n plays good football..what other gaffers wanted to come ere wen we was at the bottom of the ladder?redknapp pulled us out of the shit and got us in the top alf and for that he is a what if we dont make top 4? remember berbatov? as soon as a big club was after im he f******ed off and who wants geezers like that kissing a badge on our shirt?if we aint carefull as a club we will f*ck it all up again dreamin about top four..leave harry in charge n let im wheel n deal...and we will av progress...

May 22, 2009 at 12:09 PM | Unregistered Commentersimon

Simon in light of the fact we are now 4th I'm hoping you have calmed down and are now swearing with glee rather than rage.


May 18, 2010 at 5:36 PM | Unregistered Commentertweeky

Wow. Two posts a year apart.

May 18, 2010 at 8:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterthfc-lac

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