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Morning Spurs fans...

Roman Pavlyuchenko. Apparently has 'psychological problems' which is the reason for his lack of form. Well thank you very much Roman's agent for confirming that when a player leaves his homeland and travels to a new country, struggles to learn the language, lives out of a hotel for most of the first season he is here, needs an interpreter to bark out translations of basic touchline instructions, suffers from fatigue and is never anywhere near 100% fit which further effects form, has a whole summer to recover but doesn't get to start many games resulting in further loss of confidence and therefore his form remains stagnated and frustrating as he still appears to be the same 'player' he was from last season. So yes, Roman is a little depressed. Thank you for pointing this out. And for your next trick? You'll go more than two weeks without making a statement to the press. Yeah right.

How about Mr Agent stops telling us that Pav might leave and start to look at a genuine possible transfer away come Jan instead of churning out the same complaints over and over again? Can't blame Pav at all to be fair. We should never have signed him in the first place, and much like Darren Bent - it's not the right way to be spending our money. You can't expect to have these players perform at a top level if they don't play week in and week out. The ghost of Comolli continues to haunt us.


Sandro is flattered in Tottenham's interest. I'm beginning to think this deal has either happened/is happening/will happen. I've got the finger on the pulse me. Some ITK's are claiming its done and dusted. IMO, this is the type of signing we should be making. Sure, it’s a risk because he's Brazilian, but he's young and eager to impress and more importantly, he is a perfect under-study for Palacios. If we have any money left in the kitty, it should be spent on a DM. Not sure Jamie O'Hara is a long term solution to our midfield cover. And the other popular targets are proving to be a little too expensive (Sissoko is still being quoted at a ridiculous price). I can't think of anyone based in the EPL who would be a decent alternative. Feel free to suggest one if you disagree.


Robbie Keane. Does he have to open his mouth pre-NLD every season, spitting out sound bites that do nothing but aid the enemy? We are definitely on par with them, says Robbie. Our bench is stronger than their bench he claims. That's fine except its probably not. And at the moment our treatment table is stronger than our first team line-up. No Lennon or Modric on Saturday. Woodgate is a doubt and no official word on King yet. Defoe is still suspended. Which means we shall be pinning our hopes on our second string. Maybe Arsenal should make it a fair contest by playing their kids. You know, their kids. The ones that are eternally youthful with each passing season and although their names sometimes change you never quite know where they go when they pass 26 years of age and are no longer classed as kids by Sky Sports and the tabloids. Did you see 'the kids' last night against old man Liverpool? Fabianski, Silvestre, Gilbert, Senderos, Gibbs, Nasri, Bendtner, Eduardo. The backbone of youthful Arsenal, inexperienced, baptised in the fountain of youth. What's that? What about the three teenagers who started and the further two teenagers who came on as subs? Oh right, yes. Unbelievable stuff. Teenagers? Playing first team football? In modern day football? Has the world gone mad?

Reader Comments (32)

We'll be lucky to get back the £14M we spent on Pav.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterN17 Kebab King

Same old Keano, can't keep his mouth shut. We shouldn't be playing up our chances considering how cock-sure Arsenal are on any given day. And we are depleted at the moment in key areas. The fact we may need to rely on Bentley sums up our desperation. He played well the other night but that was the first time in an age. I'm nervous. More so than last season.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterJep

There seems to be more than just a severe epidemic of gout going round then. It seems that these psycho issues are catching, and it seems the best place to catch it is on the bench - Bentley first and now Pav? Don't tell me, it's also the reason behind that Hutton family fight club display. Problem is that it's also now starting to affect first teamers like Robbie 'not-quite-as-stirring-a-speech-as-the-braveheart-one' Keane, is spouting off again. Lets do the goal scoring do the talking eh Bob?

As for Sandy - I hope Arry scores with that one. Gawd knows we need some CM hopes for the future, aside from our loanees of course.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

I have psychological problems too. Because I'm not earning 45k per week.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterOops

Did you see 'the kids' last night against old man Liverpool? Fabianski, Silvestre, Gilbert, Senderos, Gibbs, Nasri, Bendtner, Eduardo. The backbone of youthful Arsenal, inexperienced, baptised in the fountain of youth. What's that? What about the three teenagers who started and the further two teenagers who came on as subs? Oh right, yes. Unbelievable stuff. Teenagers? Playing first team football? In modern day football? Has the world gone mad?

So true, so good to read it ... ;) that's communication and marketing from ar5ena1. We are the good side because our players are kids ... chelski are the bad one because they have money .. it is so stupid ...

Fight them and win it. COYS !!!

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:35 AM | Unregistered Commenterramsesv

As far as Pav is concerned I really hope we sell him beacuse it is destroying his career been sat on the bench week in week out. It is not about the money for him it is about the football. Keane, shut up and get your game going you have been utter shite this season. Bentley, they say you are only as good as your last game. Well is last game if was good so give him a break and lets see what he can do, it would be great to have both him and Lennon firing in the same side eventually. I want to give Bale a start also on Sat, play him on the left and pull Kranjcar into the middle.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterBig Johna

Mind games pre-match is fine. Wait another day and Wenger will no doubt start his usual ranting.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:37 AM | Unregistered CommenterKilljoy

i fear for us vs the Goons. We play open football and Arsenal love playing against open teams.

Ordinarily a toe to toe fight between 2 open attacking teams would give us an equal chance....but without our best striker, our best midfielder, our second best midfielder and at least one of our best defenders, we are going to struggle.

If Keane walks the walk to back up his big talk, then there is nothing wrong with him talking the talk.

Given the lack of our best 3 or 4 players, I suggest we park the bus. Midfield of Bale, JJ, Palacios, Huddlestone. Crouch up top and Keane in support but spending time in midfield, giving Song something to think about.

I know that Harry is not a massive tactician, but it this instance, given our injuries, I want him to play a tactical game.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterDesonshirespur

Hi Spooky,
I rarely comment but read your blogs continually. (by the way has harry hotspur died or been abducted by somali pirates or something!...) I think that with Pav it is just a case of being left out and short of competative play at the highest level, as all players recovering from injury experiance, or in this case selection problems, although in my heart of hearts I do not see him with a future at SPURS same as the Bent saga.
Sandro .......? Do any of us know enough about him to comment, I think not if the truth were known.
As to PSB's outburst why bloody not ! The more that we blow our own trumpets against the Gyppo's the better..Well done PSB. If we don't then nobody will. Time to support the likes of BENTLEY, PAV,HUTTON, BALE, J2S,etc and then we will defeat them, not help them to win with our own self critisism, and I have been a SPURS fan for 49 years so I should know a bit.
We will WIN saturday...believe me.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterOsvaldoVilla

Bentley, Hutton and Bale were superb the other night. We can't got there and play football. We need contain and frustrate. How? I have not a clue.

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterHazard

why cant keane keep his mouth shut ! already we get bullied by gooner fools and after this if we get thrased at scousers home ,they will get more to make fun of and over it it sickens me every year just talking and talking and then struggling to retain a top half finish, honestly if u ask me we r no where near arsenals quality ,i worry more about city and villa for 5-6 place rather top 4.i think if we have any chance to make top 4 it would b at expense of liverpool and i believe our squad is much better than liverpool and not arsenal.

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterDUDE

sat the day when weve got to play ugly...our best players are out so i would use crouchys height.they are very dodgy with his type ,there ch. are both bentley ala beckham whipping it in the box and cause mayhem..thats the only play bale to do the same on the left and lets smash the scum...coooooooooooys

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:09 AM | Unregistered Commentermmllg

We are missing Modric. Had he not got injured we would have picked up 5 more points than what we have possibly more. It impacted us in a big way. But he's almost back. And Defoe will be hungry to impress and make up for his mistake and Woody should be sorted soon. We'll be just fine. Have FAITH.

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterGrim down South

I used to think the best way for me to prepare for scum away was to convince myself all week that we'd get a proper tonking, so whenever we drew it felt like triumph (especially last year), and if, God forbid, we won, it felt like, well, uh - I can't remember now.

Nowadays with our team so mentally weak, I'm pretty sure most of players think the same way - they, like me, have got used to losing the 'big' games, and that a draw is a brilliant afternoon's work. So in one respect it's quite good to see that Keane at least believes we are at the same level as The scum.

Sadly, I think the real truth here is that Keane is displaying worrying signs of delusions, not only for the team he is supposed to be captain of, but for his own ability, which quite clearly vanished somewhere between London and Liverpool.

He should keep his gob shut and let his feet do the talking and silence the fans out there that haven't forgiven the defection by scoring the winner.

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

I have it on good authority that ‘arry is going to play Pat Van Den Hauwe at right back, just so that he can recreate the “Limpar into row F” moment with the assistance of Arshavin….

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterNayim

Talk is cheap, didn't Keane once say that Spurs was his spiritual home? Should be worrying about his own ability rather than their's.

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterBilly The Yid

Did Keane say something? I've developed a condition where I can't see/hear anything having to do with him. Is he still at Spurs? I thought he was at Celtic ...
Have any of you read Soccernomics? Just started it and it seems fun. Some interesting stuff, some rubbish. This Pav thing, not to mention the wooing of potentially overrated Brazilians sound like they're coming straight outta the book.
THFC gets called out for stupid spending over the years while Arsene is held up as the paragon of all that is right with the world. Yawn.
Arsenal are riding for a fall if you ask me. COYS!

Oct 29, 2009 at 11:36 AM | Unregistered Commenternycyid


Oct 29, 2009 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

Nice to see that I am not the only one that can see the goon central PR department has all of a sudden changed 'kids' to 'a blend of youth and expereince'.

Just like the 'kids' who played us when we beat them 5-1, you know that game, 'the one that doesn't count' to the goons because they only play the 'kids' in that competition ( on that day those 'kids' included gallas, pleb, fabregash, Diaby, Sanga and Walnutt) and it's only the CC.

Well now they realise that it is one of the few cup's they can actually win, along come the 'big guns' just to help them on their way.

As for Robbie, can't we get our PR departement to get the players to keep their trap shut? Do we need to give the oppositions bench an extra lift with something to prove?

I fear that if (and in all honesty) when we lose, his words will look hollow and ill conceived.

At best I am hoping for a draw, no Mod, lennon or defoe, I just can't see us troubling them enough up front even if we miraculously manage to not conceed too many.

I hope I am wrong of course, and I will go mental if we win of course. But I can't help feeeling that if we do do, it will probably be tagged 'undeserved' by the media. In case you hadn't heard this is 'love whinger season'.

Please prove me wrong team! Wilson and Hudd I want you to piss all over the opposition midfield and drive them into the ground rendering them in effective. I want a Crouch hatrick with Bentley and Nico slinging fast dangerous cross in all game. And for Bentley to score another just to really piss them off. I'd even take a robbie goal or two with him poaching a 5-yard special.

Oct 29, 2009 at 12:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

nayim, I used to love PVDH for his 'non nonsense' approach to defending. Absolute classic player and what I would give to see one of our current lot tackling Van Prickie or Bender into row F.

Oct 29, 2009 at 12:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Keano, always does well against the Scum they really hate Keano !!!! So fair play to him keep pressing their buttons it might even get them rattled. The Gooners love nothing more than these teams that roll up thinking they are going to loose,we should go there with the attitude we are going to kick some Arse and we will.


Oct 29, 2009 at 12:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCATCHER

Crouchie apparently has a good track record against the goons, but seriously their home record worries me. If it were at ours I reckon it's a completely different game. But it's not and we are missing our three biggest potential match winners.

Oct 29, 2009 at 12:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

why is everyone so angry what keane said.....i get it, we wanted our skipper to come out and say that we r crap and hope we dont go down der.......that was this time last year..i admire what he said and stop being so negative...maybe thats why we have been in their shadow for so long.....i grew up on spurs being top dog ...they aint barca so stop whunging and BELIEVE ..COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYS

Oct 29, 2009 at 12:38 PM | Unregistered Commentermmllg

I admire the fact that Keano believes in the quality of the team even with half the team on all sorts of treatments , supsensions ... On the other hand winning over there seems to be a sheer impossible task.

Wenger is a grade a wanker but has an eye for talent , got to admit that buying talented kids cheap is a bit better politics then signing 15 ml pound almost big names

How he got on to my countryman Vermaelen i will never know but even close followers of the belgian football (which is not a very amusing task :-) have never seen the potential he is showing at the arse

Man , i sound like a gooner - got to go and take a shower know i feel very dirty all of a sudden

best wash my mouth out with soap just to be on the safe side

Oct 29, 2009 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

"I can't think of anyone based in the EPL who would be a decent alternative." I can Spooky. Unfortunately, we gifted him to Portsmouth!

As for all the gloom and Doom on here, I can only laud the likes of west Stand Bagel, Catcher, Grim Down South, mmllg, OsvaldoVilla to name but some for saying what we all should be saying i.e WE"ER GONNA SMASH THE ARSNE OFF THE PARK. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYSPURS.

PS. And if we don't, that's for tomorrow (Sunday) to worry and cry about

Oct 29, 2009 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

'the optimist is often dissappointed, the pissimist plleasantly suprised'.

I've seen to many false dawns of new false era's to be too confident about saturday. Now that my make me appear cynical, probably because I am, but rest assured if we do actually win, I will be on the phone to the local hospital to book in my new liver for the middle of next week.

I hope that we win, but the hop is tempered with a reality, and it is reality that we have to deal with sometimes (even if it sucks).

Oct 29, 2009 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

* pessimist, although I imagine a 'pissimist' is also often suprised.

Oct 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Tricky, fuck rationality..... we're gonna win. Repeat after me... we're gonna win. Everybody.... we're gonna win. Sunday, Monday and the rest of the season can then take care of itself.

Oct 29, 2009 at 2:39 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

I almost envy your optimism Tony. Hell, I might even go and buy a lottery ticket in support of your optimism, I'll let you know how it pan's out.

Oct 29, 2009 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

50% is mine when (not if) you win.... fair?
chuckle, chuckle

Oct 29, 2009 at 3:21 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

I think PSB has been taken out of context; he was referring to the strengths of the squad and where they will finish over the course of the season. not just the result of th enext game.

Anyway, I've got to go over to London Bridge and watch the game in a pub full of Millwall with my old man, then jump on a train to South Bermondsey and watch the mighty Col U (that's right, the Spurs of Essex) play Millwall. So it could potentially be a very painfull (literally) afternoon. I'll settle for 4 points - I'll mock the south London fools mercifully if I've already got 3 points in the bag!

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterNayim

Mercilessly of course that should have been. Give south London goons mercy, as if?!

Oct 29, 2009 at 10:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterNayim

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