New Spurs stadium = Majestic

Credit to the chairman. Majestic, no? It's got an understated swagger to it. Modern yet still manages to retain a traditional boxed in look, aided no doubt by the fact the stands are closer to the pitch (in comparison to other newly built stadia).
Levy. I could almost kiss you, you wonderful bald munchkin you. This is testament to managing a redevelopment project by listening to the fans. Great work from everyone involved. I'm all giddy over here.
Reduced capacity because of the amendments made to the design? Just about 'ok' with me. 70,000 registered members. 23,000 waiting for the chance to apply for a season ticket. Perhaps we could have done with a few less exec boxes at both sides of the 'Kop' end. The more fans, the bigger the atmosphere and the bonus gloating rights to be able to sing about how our one is bigger than yours. But let's face it, we will sell out most games anyway. And better a packed ground than one with 5,000 or so empty blue seats. Last thing we want is radio adverts begging day-trippers to buy up tickets.
Corporate boxes are a modern day requirement (from a financial stand point I guess) and their 'section' looks quite inoffensive. Probably would have made it far nearer the 60k mark if we had less of them. Posh Tarquins tucking into their glazed ribs and chilled champagne in the luxury of their boxes is fine, thanks to the fact that the rest of the ground will be vibrant with us commoners. Considering the noise we make (ear bleeding levels innit?) at White Hart Lane, we'd probably tear a hole in the space time continuum when 50,000 Lilywhites slow sing Oh When the Spurs go marching in...
As for the above artists impression, loving that 63 row single tier stand. I can see myself standing bang in the middle of that beauty. Hopefully the Park Lane lot get shifted into that stand when the move eventually happens. Although it's more likely that we'll be in the opposite stand near the away fan section. If that's the case then fingers crossed the single tier end is more than just a family stand (aka Paxton II).
Also. Please get rid of that clock.
More details and pictures can be found on the Tottenham site.
Now all we need is a decent sponsor for the 'name' of the new stadium. Shame really that there are no loyal traditionalist millionaire Spurs fan(s) who can simply pay the club to name the ground something apt like...
The Bill Nicholson.
...and avoid the necessity to have a brand name plastered all over it. But then again that's just a fanciful daydream on my part. Still, here's hoping we get a statue of the great man. Would look great at the front of the new stadium.
Yes. I want the moon on a stick too.
Reader Comments (47)
Oh no! Look at the Jumbotron. Zokora's back!
Have to say that single tier stand looks quite brilliant!
If only there was a way we could get all spurs fans online to support the club by paying £1 each and seeing if that was enough to buy the naming rights and then just name it "White Hart Lane".
You're right that you've gotta hope that single tier is Park Lane ppl, it looks amazing, and I think if it wasn't it would be eventually.
The single tier looks a beast and thfc I like you idea on the whip round although I would suggest we will probably make 5m a season for the naming rights so you would need to get cracking! :o)
oh man , very tempted to make the two weekly trip to 'the island' after the new stadium is finished
Lets all hope that when the time comes to play in this new stadium(if indeed it ever does) you will be able to at least beat the mighty stoke city lol
Genuinely awe inspiring. Nice to see that we're keeping the fans within punching distance of Frank Lampard.
A Billy Nick statue would serve as a connection between our glorious past and exciting future. He made this all possible after all.
we all hate spurs
Ooh anonymous trolling. Classy.
Ooh jep the plank. Classy
I'm going to regret saying this. But the stadium looks impressive. Designed by an Arsenal fan I'd guess with the addition of the clock.
"If only there was a way we could get all spurs fans online to support the club by paying £1 each and seeing if that was enough to buy the naming rights and then just name it "White Hart Lane"."
Unfortunately, I expect it would be more in the region of a grand each...
It's going to take £80-£100 million to buy the naming rights for 10/15+ years at a guess, great idea though.
These final designs then?
Love these designs. Shame we are still sat bang in the middle of Tottenham. Area development is likely to alert the local 'criminals' for richer pickings.
Cant disagree with the sentiments, stadium looks plush. Dont get why we couldn't push out the attendance to 60k. We have the support to pack 'em in.
simply stunning, so would a win against those corrupted cheats on saturday
Will be interesting to see how it develops over the next 2/3 years. Nice for us (you know 'small club') to build something this grand. Have to make sure we've got a decent team to go with it.
Levy has listened - single-tier stands have more atmosphere - but he needs to explain the lower capacity. Can't really understand why we can't get over the 60,000 mark. And why turn down the chance of more revenue?Having said that, Spurs fans are 2nd only to Stoke as the noisiest in the premiership (contrary to what those morons from other clubs who leave posts here might say), so 56,000, 66,000 or 76,000 actually makes little difference (Old Trafford being a case in point). It's not so much the quantity but the quality of fans that matters.
Replace the clock with the Cockerel I say. Sitting proudly above 63 rows of Spurs' that would be majestic.
'A Billy Nick statue would serve as a connection between our glorious past and exciting future. He made this all possible after all.'
Can we park that Bill Nick statue somewhere near central midfield?
More mobile than Huddlestone, just as dense as Jenas but with more imagination.
The space we own around WHL is limited. Also in order to get the stands as close to the pitch as possible meant we would lose some capacity, putting the single tier in meant we lost some more. I don't care that it's 5,000 less than Arsenal's. This isn't about comparing the size of your penis. This stadium looks better (as it's an original design) and will be far more atmospheric so you won't even notice the 5,000. (e.g Anfield is not as big as Emirates but I know which one I would rather visit). Well done the club for listening to the fans needs ahead of revenue. Must be a first!
Awesome design, cant wait. COYS
How about the boys at Mansion naming it 'the mansion' or Carling could name it The Carling stadium, probably the best standium in the world. Anyone else got any ideas?
looks awesome, not like one of those soulless bowls!
thanks mr levy!
Doesn't really matter what the "Stadium Name " is once sold, we'll all still call it the 'Lane or simply "Home"
Is there any scope to increase the capacity in future? I reckon you could get another 5000 seats if you filled in the pinched corners.
you have to say hats off to levy to pull this off without affecting player purchase.....
will be interesting how they deal with a full house leaving onto the high road........
the sound from this design could well become a legendary factor for THFC
the one its similar to is nicknamed "the opera"
nice to see that the scum are trying to copy the emirates when it comes to stadium design if you look at the roof it's identical to that at the emirates
killswitch .....does it piss u off so much u have to say the emirates twice........
the stadium has the benefit of the mistakes in the emirates design........
How many entrances are there to White Hart Lane? I've never been in Europe but in the States each stadium/field has about 4 gates. The Cleveland Browns kept their Stadium name so we'd have no corporate sponsor, rather we sold the Gate Entrances to companies. Hope the same happens for the new stadium.
Someone should just give Steve Nash a call and he'd probably spend the money to name the Stadium for Bill Nicholson.
what mistakes are there it's the perfect stadium
Re Bibliospur's comments about how the High Road will cope with a full house leaving, I can only presume that he is too young to remember the days before poxy all seater stadiums when we could have 50,000+ at a home game.
Regarding naming, I don't give monkey's what the official name is, it will always be the Lane to everyone but the prawn sandwich brigade. I also suggest we call the single tier stand the Park Lane even if they are daft enough to put it on the north side of the ground.
Ooh Tommy's just scored as I write.
"Love these designs. Shame we are still sat bang in the middle of Tottenham. Area development is likely to alert the local 'criminals' for richer pickings"
What are you on about twitchy??? Are you wanna of these fans who wants to move tottenham from its roots so you can get home twenty minutes quicker in your car...The team is called Tottenham Hotspurs for a reason...were from tottenham and still working class hence the atmospere always at the lane I grew up in the area and bloody proud of it and were bloody theives.. P**s off back to your little mock tudor home on some new build estate and try to stop your kisd becoming manure fans as they wont understand the glory and the history of the club becuase all they will hear from your trap is " lets leave before the end kids, dont want to get caught in traffic"
63 rows should become 61.
And as it's almost impossible to get a season ticket for the Park Lane it will be interesting to see how they work out where exisitng ST holders sit. Could end up with one massive noisy stand and the remainder a mixture of Paxton and the west stand. time will tell i suppose.
but how much will the prices be?
in regards to the name, whoever decides to purchase the naming rights should have 'lane' as a suffix. instead of the Mansion Stadium or Tesco Arena or whatever, it should be like Mansion Lane or Tesco Lane!
and they should name the 63 rower The Bill Nicholson Stand - and then should name the other end after another great spurs figure. Id go for the Jason Dozzell Enclosure.
any other suggestions?!?
Magic. Im calling it WHITE HART LANE till the day i die
TMWNN, I like your style, but how about playing Bill up front? He'd have a better first touch than Pav, the rich man's Rasiak. I don't understand why Bent was pilloried but Pav gets applause for hoofing the ball out of play for a throw in.
Maybe I'm being harsh and he's a bit rusty but Hutton, Bale and especially Bentley all put in more than decent shifts tonight despite the lack of match practice.
Good win though and against a strong Everton line up to boot. Bentley's performance should hopefully give Lennon something to ponder next time he fancies leaving early to get home in time for Strictly.
Gr8 stadium! regardless of naming rights it'll always be 'THE LANE' to us!!! Also, let's hope the away fans are in the corner section beneath the jumbotron so the Park Lane & Shelf Side faithfull can pack the single tier stand! We'll probably be the loudest and most intimidating ground for any away support - can't wait! COYS!!!
Bentley will play against the Arse and score another thundering beauty. Come On You Spurs!!!!!!
Great looking stadium, loving the single tier. I seem to recall from memory the lead architect from KSS is a spurs fan. They just happened to be the architects who designed the effeminates, and used them to work out what works and waht needs improving on to create a great atmosphere (or indeed one at all).
But as for it not effecting player revenue o ticket pices, watch this space, we've all heard this before and I'm a firm believer in 'the devil is in the detail' when it comes to money. More games will be categorised as 'a' games in order to suruptitously increase matchday revenue, and expect £55-65 a game if we get back into europa cup next year. And yes ENIC will probably buy up a share issue if that is how we are to go.
As for all the fans paying a £1 to keep the name to WHL, it would have to be more like £100 per fan every two-three years to keep that going.
The club will bleed us dry, because they can, and because they own our soul. Especially since they made the decision to keep WHL at WHL! Not saying it was the wrong decision, it's just the way it is. I am resigned to it, I accept it and I will embrace it, just to sit bang in the middle of that single tier.
The 'Anderton Medical Facility' for the first aid room?
The 'David Ginola Wing'?
I say get some old players to sponsor the Subs benches, can have little plaque made up as well;
'This subs bench seat is sponsored by Jonnie Jackson, he used to love watching games from here during his time at WHL'
Killswitch you are such a nob! 'If you look at the roof it is identical to the emirates'. Wow! So my house is just like yours because my roof goes up on one side and comes down the other!!
Also, have you heard the phrase 'a house is not a home...'? It's down to the atmosphere INSIDE it....
Why is the new stadium hosting a Portsmouth/Bristol game?
And what about "The Bobby Zamora Upper Tier"?
Its been designed by Spurs fans who happened to design the Emirates. Apparently.
We must have a statue too of Arthur Rowe. He can stand in his rightful place alongside Billy Nick.
That clock is outside the ground near rudolphs and looks good in the pic imo - helps maintain a traditional look. Sponsorship with Mansion ends soon and wont be renewed so it wont be the mansion stadium. As for the goon who said it may not happen, the planning application has now been submitted. Once the council do the formality of ruling positively in a few months we will begin building, with us moving into the stadium with it 75% done in 2012. With regards these ridiculous claims that it is another emirates walob - hence the single tier stand. The wavy roof is common place in new grounds, why would we look to copy you lot! if we are copying you, then you copied man city and so on - its pure jealousy, you have a boring ground with seats miles from the pitch and your simply jealous that time has aided us and we are building this BEAST! COYS!!
Love it, Love it I will love it If I can sit bang in the middle of dat Kop - just Love it!!!
Just three issues:
1) Should be bigger, all this fuss over 20,000 extra seats could have just put another level on the West and East? Still think that 56,250 is not ambitous enough - at least make it 60,800 or so, the difference will be a significant revenue stream loss (frendlies, internationals, semi-finals etc). There is an awful lot of wasted space above the kop end, sure another mini tier can go over that (is that another 4000 seats perhaps- can call this the cage in memory of the south east corner of the shelf?) with an extra row or two around the ground (bottom and top levels) this can clearly go of 60k and I am confident that it would be filled on a regular basis if we keep the prices at a reasonable level.
2) Keep the naming conventions for all four stands the same in memery of the old ground, dont fancy the north stand being labelled like Palace's "super market end" YUK.
3) Agreed , dont like dat clock, what is that? at least have something electronic below or above the scoreboards.