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Venables hits out

Bless El Tel for standing up for us with regards to Berbatov and the fulfilment of his United dream, spitting out a tirade of criticism at the sulky Bulgarian.

Greedy. Selfish. Poisonous.

Words that could be used to describe our chairman.

Players, in modern day football, are more important than any club outside the Top 4. Maybe, just maybe, one day, a club like Spurs will sign a player like Berbatov, and a team like Utd will attempt to buy him. And that player will say no, and honour his contract – resulting with the team prospering.

Now that’s fantasy football.

Reader Comments (2)

Terry is keeping us sweet. Just in case a caretakers job becomes available in the next couple of weeks.

Oct 1, 2008 at 12:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterFed Up

Berbs and Keane scoring their first Champions League goals for their new clubs.

I'm choked.


Oct 2, 2008 at 7:02 AM | Unregistered Commenteroracle

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