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« Tottenham Hotspur Premier League Obituary | Main | tumbleweed »

Pompey v Spurs

I've pulled the following stats from the Beebs preview of today's away game at Pompey:


  • This is Juande Ramos' 50th game in charge of Tottenham
  • Spurs have made their worst start to a league season in 53 years; since gaining just one point from the first six outings of the 1955-56 top-flight season.
  • Tottenham are the only club without a Premier League victory this season.
  • Gained just two points out of 18 this season.
  • On the longest current run in the Premier League of 12 matches without scoring more than a single goal in a game, since the 2-0 home win over Portsmouth on 22 March.
  • Yet to take the lead in a Premier League game this season.
  • Won 10 of 32 Premier League games under Juande Ramos.
  • Won one of the last seven away league matches (at Reading).


  • Tottenham hold a seven-match unbeaten Premier League record against Portsmouth of six wins and one draw, including the double over them last season.

Grim. Defoe apparently wants a hattrick. The greedy git. With Pompey having been whipped in recent weeks, including that 6-0 lose at Eastlands, I'm sure 'all guns blazing' will be their mentality while we stand there with empty water pistols with no triggers.

Prediction? If Pompey play poorly then we might just snatch a point. Otherwise, home win. The odds on us actually putting in a solid performance? Don't bet on it. What's scary is Hull winning at Arsenal, and us facing them soon. Whatever happened to dead certs and no easy games?

We've become the dead cert.

Of course, Pompey do have about 6 ex-Spurs player in their squad, so they could well shut-down again. Which would be welcomed.

Reader Comments (1)

Just got back from the game. Don't think Pompey were that great which goes a long way to showing us up for how bad we were. Ramos is like a rabbit caught in the headlights. What a mess.

Will get worse by mid-week.

Sep 28, 2008 at 8:31 PM | Unregistered Commenteroracle

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