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Finally, a win

Tottenham 2-1 Wisla Krakow

Disappointing performance. I know 'a win is a win is a win' - but if we don't improve for Sunday and then the return leg, then brace yourselves for a shit storm.

On paper the team looked more balanced than Monday's disaster, but then again, playing tubs of lard through the middle of the team instead of registered players would have been more effective compared to our line-up against Villa. However, using Lennon on the left-hand side is not a tactic that can long continue. Not helped too much by the fact that Bentley, on his right side, was woeful (did any one of his corners beat the first man?).

Opening 2o minutes saw us chasing the ball. Krakow dominated possession. It's hard going creating chances for a lone gunman upfront, another tactic that simply doesn't work. When we took the lead, we let it go immediately. Will we ever learn to put our foot on the ball? Zokora, gives away a throw-in and the Polish (with some style) walk the ball in.

Our second half disallowed goal was one moment of glory football. Brilliant build up work. Shame on the linesman. Shame. On comes Agent Campbell, and before you can say 'tap up' he's showing a bit of determination and energy. So when he assists Bent for a goal, one or two of us smiled that at least Manchester United's loan star has something to offer.

2-1. Not enough really, is it? Krakow have never lost a European home tie, so whatever happens, we need to notch up an away goal or two. Big task on this form. I don't even fancy us to beat Wigan on Sunday.

Dramatic knee-jerks aside, the team still lacks cohesiveness. There is no urgency and definitely no strength in central midfield. Upfront, Bent still looks isolated and alone and certain players (Bentley for example) are just not playing well enough to inspire those around them - and the fans.

King. Well, Ledley looked knackered. I'd say somethings not quite right, but then we've known that for three years now. Zokora made it one good performance (Chelsea) out of five games. Yes, he has a set of lungs on him and runs around - but no first touch, composure or anything that warrants the world 'class'. But that's no secret.

Special mention to the Poles. Very decent side in possession. But a confident, swaggering team of a season or two ago - led by Berbatov and Keane would have terrorised them. Such is the negative impact of losing both our talismen .

Other than that, anyone at the Lane last night would have enjoyed the first half atmosphere at the very least, with various pockets of Krakow fans in the home stands.

West stand upper, East stand upper and the lower....these boys in red had no problem walking through the home fans turnstiles and taking their place. Questionable responsibility from Spurs officials/stewards and the police. Did make for some cracking moodyness. Bit of bother outside after the game. Police presence was up to the standards of a Chelsea home match.

I think their fans probably went home a little happier than ours. Also, good to finally see Ramos speaka da Englisho. Hopefully he'll give us something to crow about sooner rather than later.

Every Prem game now is vital for confidence and climbing off the bottom. If we lose our next two cup games and don't improve in the league, then.........ah fuck it. If if if if if.

I'll stick the negativity on ice for now.


Reader Comments (1)

Ramos' substitution of Gunter with O'Hara, putting Didier Zokora at right back puzzles me. Why replace a well-rested natural right back who was having a good game with the unpredictable and unreliable Zokora, whose carelessness in possession was the main factor in Krakow procuring the equaliser? What is it about this menace that continues to beguile everyone from Damien Commoli to Martin Jol to Gus Poyet? It's insanity. (sweeping statement to follow) He is hands down the biggest obstacle we have to improving this season.

Sep 19, 2008 at 9:48 PM | Unregistered Commentershanemac

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