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Then there was one

Bent is a doubt for tomorrow night. He's had a bout of tonsillitis. Pavlyuchenko is Cup tied and Robbie Keane is out on loan to Liverpool, which means the soon to depart back to Man Utd Fraizer Campbell will be our sole striking option. That's just returned to training after a calf injury Fraizer Campbell. Jenas is expected back far sooner than expected (possibly Sunday week or Boxing Day).

At least there's one positive out of that lot. And with any luck he might not be back on Boxing Day.

Nah, just fucking with ya. Jermaine, get fit soon mate.

As for our defence, Woodgate and King are out, so Dawson and Corluka to play centre-back buddies again I guess. Not sure if that means Zokora will once more slot into the right-back position (agreeable) and Huddlestone playing centre-mid.

Draw will get us through against Moscow on Thursday night.

UPDATE: Corluka is cup-tied. All fun and games for 'arry.

Reader Comments (2)

Sadly, Vedran Corluka is cup-tied!
I expect Dawson + Huddle or maybe Dawson + Zokora to play centre-back.

Dec 17, 2008 at 9:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I knew there was something wrong with my post. Darn it. It's ye old musical chairs down at the Lane again.

Dec 17, 2008 at 9:46 PM | Unregistered Commenterspooky

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