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Juande Spurs will be good again.....maybe

Spurs 0 Hull 1

I usually write letters to the chairman, but today’s 0-1 home defeat by the mighty-newly-promoted-hardly-cost-a-penny Hull City has made me break out in song. I think it’s a bit more dramatic than crying or crawling into a corner and swaying back and forth very slowly.

Some emotional vocals and some tap-dancing on my season ticket really does help with raising a smile when no-one around you (anywhere you sit or stand at WHL) can muster one. And who would blame them at the minute? But music helps mend the heart.

Half-price bagels?

I’ll stop short of serenading Daniel Levy. Last time that happened I was arrested. Apparently singing ‘SACK THE BOARD’ at 4am in the morning outside his house is not permitted by law. This country is far too politically correct IMO. We won’t be able to breathe soon.

Another home defeat, in a game where we saw plenty of effort but no all important ball hitting the back of the net in Tottenham's favour. Desperate times at the Lane. Seven played, no win, two points. 20th. If they weren't last week, or the week before that, Bottomham are in deep trouble.

You know things are bad when you look up to Sunderland with a little green-eyed jealous. Watching Steed fighting for the ball, competing - along with his team mates. Mostly all ex-Spurs. Whilst we put up with a powerpuff midfield, who talk the talk but never seem capable of walking the walk. Although to be fair, effort was decent today. But it's the type of effort you associate with a newly promoted team who are doing their utmost to survive in the Prem - and not a team that has spent millions upon millions. But when you sit back and look at the bigger picture, £15M for a winger who sits on the bench would have been better spent on a defensive midfielder. Which is why Hull look more Prem and we stink of the Championship (no disrespect to the Championship, but if they were a fragrance they would be Brut, whilst the Prem would be Chanel. We stink of Brut. Gallons of it).

But hey, Levy and Comolli are the ones who make the decisions, so who am I to question their wage packet? Their big big wage packet.

As for the game stats that stand out: 16 shots on target, 10 off. Hit the post. Bent could of/should of scored. When luck doesn't smile her face at you, then you know that you truly are up against it.

And next up is Stoke. 8th game of the season and you can tag this as a 'Relegation Dogfight Six-pointer'. Hand on heart, can you see Spurs winning this game based on everything that's been dished out in the way of performances thus far this season? Don't answer that question. Just knowingly wink and nod at your monitor.

But what song is apt for such a miserable and tragic occasion that befalls us Spurs fans? How long would I spend having to find a song and then change the lyrics to make it Spurs related? Well, thanks to Rose Royce, not long at all. Seems this song was actually made for Tottenham. So much so, that I've hardly had to re-work the original. Such is its simplicity and majestic honesty.

South Stand, North Stand, East Stand and West.....actually, you lot don’t need to bother with the singing. But the rest of you, sing it loud and embrace our possible future head on. It’s more therapeutic than you might think.

"We’re Goin' Down" (Original lyrics by Rose Royce, re-worked by Spooky)

No win in our hands
What's going on here Daniel
You ain't got no footballing plans
No no no no
And Zokora and Jenas running
Around White Hart Lane
Is slowly, is slowly drivin' me insane

We’re goin' down
We’re goin' down
Cause you ain't bought a DM
My whole world's upside down

Passing the ball don't come easy
Daniel please believe me
Since you been here
Everything's goin' wrong
Why'd you have to have a Director of Football
Look what you've done to us
Will Ramos stop these tears from fallin' from my eyes
Ooh we are doomed

We’re goin' down
We’re goin' down
Cause we play with no style
My whole world's upside down

Oooh Lilywhites
goin' down, goin' down
Mmm ooh we’re goin' down
Ooh I, I...

We’re goin' down
We’re goin' down
Cause you sold Keane and Berbs
My whole world's upside down

Ooh, goin' down
Goin' down
Oh, I don't know what to do


Reader Comments (9)

I think the chorus would work just fine on the terraces. Very apt.

You make me sad Spooky.

Oct 5, 2008 at 8:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterLeft on the Shelf

it's "brut"

if you could combine huddlestone and zokora into one player, he'd be Essien- a dependable box-to-box midfielder, strong in the tackle and a threat from long range. Or he'd be gazza (in his current state)- overweight, painfully slow, a liability to everyone around him, but very jovial all the time.

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterpedantic

hate to be a pedant, but the song was written by Rose Royce and was covered by Mary J Blige.

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I should do my research next time.

Anymore for anymore?

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered Commenterspooky

Do do do, he's just as bad as Jenas.

Thanks for pointing out the Brut'e' error. Spurs could do with a brute, centre-mid.

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:17 PM | Unregistered Commenterspooky

Rose Royce, Mary J Blige...I'd like Chas and Dave to cover it next. Give it a bit more oomph!

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterGutted, N17

Congrats to Hull. 3rd in the table. Unless they fall apart, then that's one of the promoted sides you can single out for survival.

Oct 5, 2008 at 9:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterLightbulb

Its been leading up to this for years.

Oct 6, 2008 at 12:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterSanders

Oh the irony. Woodgate left Boro to progress and questioned their ambition/ How Southgate must be chugging beer down his throat (nose?) sniggering to himself.

Oct 6, 2008 at 1:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterRevolutionary Warfare

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