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Jol has another dig at Comolli

Regardless of what Jol is saying in the press (its all Comolli's fault for buying players he didn't want), it doesn't hide the fact that he is laying blame elsewhere while on the pitch the team fell to pieces. Yeah sure the drop to 3rd from bottom can be seen as a knock-on effect from the troubles behind the scenes but it seems Martin is hellbent on deflecting responsibility to others rather than looking at his tactical naivety, even for a second.

See how easy it is to yo-yo between differing opinions on this matter? It's well documented in other blog entries and I think now Jol should simply move on (hopefully he'll get the Ajax job at the end of the season) and let it be.

We will soon find out who has the biggest say in transfers this January. I'm sure the signings will fit into the Ramos mould. Of course, maybe Comolli has learnt a lesson or two with what's happened with Jol and will now sanction exactly what the manager needs. There's no room for error and I doubt - after the Jol farce - that DM and DL will take any risk to upset the brand spanking new error. I mean era.

Reader Comments (1)

If you read his comments (Jol - in the article you mentioned in the other blog) you can see that he has a way with words that is either very clever - in other words he doesn't tell you the full story and adds positive spin to it - or he is being 100% honest and it's simply his way with English that raises unwarranted suspicion.

If he was in an impossible situation at Spurs this season then surely he would be PISSED at DM and DL. His interviews suggest otherwise.

I don't believe him.

Nov 5, 2007 at 2:09 PM | Unregistered Commentershelf side warrior

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