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We've had to wait 2 months for this

Spurs 4 Wigan 0

Wigan join Derby as one of the worst Prem team I've seen for a number of years. Utterly woeful, incapable of holding onto the ball or passing it to their own players. Instead, ace at giving the ball back to us and being generally shit, more so than us. We did enough to win the Biggest Game in our History™ comfortably, and we could easily have added 3 or more to the scoreline with the woodwork rescuing Wigan from a complete rout. The win was vital. And to achieve it with a little bit of swagger, just enough to brush a doomed team aside, gives the impression that improvement is gradually occuring. Conceding against this lot would have made me suicidal. Don't think Robinson had one shot to save. And Ramos has taken note of the fact that protecting a lead isn't the way to go - adding more goals to the tally allows for us hold onto the initiative and possession rather than sit back and let the opposing team attack. It was all a bit too easy.

And yes, the irony that our two Prem wins this season have come against the two worst teams is isn't lost on even the most fickle of Spurs fans.

Jenas (aka The Destroyer of Shit Teams™) was at his industrious best (gosh) and should have scored a hat trick, but rather than use the inside of his foot to place the ball he decided to use the outside. Gift wrapped opp, considering the Wigan defence parted like the Red Sea for him, except Moses would never have fallen on his face in the midst of such a dramatic moment. Jenas, once more a Biblical disappointment when it was easier to score. Could have done with Moses cane for assured balance as he tried to place the ball. Though kudos for the two goals he did get. And his general getting-forwardness. One day, he'll perform like this against a proper side.

Pro-Jenas comment, for larfs and larks

Great to see that our players are taking shots from outside the area. Lennon included, who scored a fine goal. Under Jol, we always seemed to favour walking it into the penatly area and then attempting to bury it. Nothing wrong with having a crack. Just ask deflection king, Frank Lampard.

And what about The Sulk? Well, Berbatov was - it has to be said - sublime. Involved in three of the four goals (setting up two) and even managed to throw in a smile. In fact, Berbatov played very well, an anchor between midfield and attack. Playmaker, even. Another nice touch by Ramos. Works better than Keane being the anchor as he ends up playing far too deep to be effective enough. Sure, the Bulgarian appeared to be a little sulky and did his usual 'moan at everyone' routinue (as has been the case all season) but his touches and lay-offs and his general presence was telling and inspired.

A rampant Spurs side of last year or the year before would have scored 7 with ease. I think today, anything less than 3-0 would have been a disappointment.

Wigan would win the ball and then pass it back to us, and some of their defending consisted of backing away from our players and hoping nothing would come from our play. Truly miserable stuff. They brought down a hundred or fans, and I applaud them for making the effort, the poor bastards have little chance of survival on this evidence. And with Marcus 'Relegated with six clubs' Bent in their side, they really don't have the blessing of the footballing Gods. Probably what Whelan deserves, mind. Back to the Championship for you mate.

Anyway, let's get some perspective. It was only Wigan. International break up next followed by West Ham United away. Probably the first big test for Ramos.

Reader Comments (8)

Comfortable win and Berbatov was sublime like you said but very happy with the fact that the player were up for it. Its playing against better teams thats the worry. I find it strange that confidence was so low that we have to rebuild from the foundations.

Nov 12, 2007 at 7:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterHe had no hair

Don't say that, Wigan were just as great as they were last season, we just have gotten a lot better. La-la-la I am not listening to you la-la-la Berbatov is staying la-la-la...

Nov 12, 2007 at 7:55 PM | Unregistered Commenterazaris

Berbs praising Ramos in the papers today. Long may it continue.

Nov 13, 2007 at 11:43 AM | Unregistered Commentershelf side warrior

Berbatov blamed the media fir his problems. Call them liars. This was 4 or 5 days ago. Yesterday he said he had nothing against the media.
He also said repeatedly that Jol was the guy, that he was his player, that he was with Spurs because of Jol. Yesterday he said heaven and a sun ray about Ramos.
Is this guy trust worthy?
Don't be surprised, then...

Nov 13, 2007 at 1:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Put a link at the foot of my latest post mate.

Nov 13, 2007 at 10:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterHarry Hotspur

Hopeful that Berbatov can carry that type of performance into the next 5 or 6 games. Need to climb the table.

Nov 14, 2007 at 11:33 AM | Unregistered Commenteroops

There's been improvement cant argue with that. Just nothing spectacular. Which is for the best. No more false dawns please.

Nov 14, 2007 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterMEHSTG

The papers are full of rumours about Comolli planning a raid on the Arsenal reserves! Where are you Spooky?

Nov 18, 2007 at 9:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterazaris

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