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1 win all season, 4th from bottom

Says it all.

When I defeat this horrid chest infection I will round-up the past week or so with the usual inane ramblings of a man who wished he was a teenager in 1961. Not just for the football, but the birds back then wore exceptionally high mini-skirts.

Reader Comments (3)

And they thought Jol wasn't the right man to take us to 4th...

Oct 8, 2007 at 5:08 PM | Unregistered Commenterazaris


Oct 8, 2007 at 7:02 PM | Unregistered Commenteroops

By the time spooky is back online Jol will be at Ajax.

Oct 9, 2007 at 1:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterMYHSTG

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