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« Another bloody Sunday | Main | Ramos Released »

End of day rant

We over-achieved. We looked better than we actually were. The Jol / Levy (and the rest of those mugs) relationship was deep and brooding away, behind the scenes, disguised by those two top 5 finishes. Nobody on the outside had a clue, while inside the club it was going to shit. Hence the collapse. Jol was a massive improvement on the past attempts to get this club moving forwards, but football is fickle and you can see how the whole mood at the club (in the stands) has shifted back to despondency this year just because of a 10 game poor run.

To be honest, its time we fucking banned all this 1960's shit and 'We have to make top 4' and all the other bullshit we churn out that drags us down all the time. Yes, we were really good 50 years ago, so fucking what. You can’t expect to be that again simply because you were like that once upon time. There’s not right to expect that. Yes, be ambitious but be realistic too. And the fact WE believe we should have it is something that rubs off on the players who seem to join Spurs for the simple reason that there is little pressure or stress and its a comfort zone (or stepping stone even). Seems the ‘We deserve 4th’ mentality has engulfed the board, hence the impatience and ego-wars and the PR disasters.

I honestly hope Ramos doesn’t give a shit or even mention The Past™ when he takes the helm and simply aims to achieve success for his own personal ego and gain. I wouldn’t mind seeing us finish Top 4 because of his own personal goals. This is no disrespect to Nicholson or the players from yesteryear. By definition, a club is defined by its history. But when you’re history is firmly lodged in black and white its time to create a new one. Remove the anchor and fucking sail upstream.

Jol was too much of a fan. And yes, it was endearing and yes, I fucking loved the big fat bear and wish he was my dad, but our club, our little club lives on nothing but promises and ‘what ifs’ and ‘we deserve to be there’ instead of shutting the fuck up and achieving it on the only place where it matters - the pitch.

Notice our bench last night towards the end of the game? The players enjoyed a joke. Personally think that was disgusting. For £20,000 a week I wouldn’t unzip myself and piss over the fans but they appear to have no problem doing so.

If Ramos comes in, I hope he plays players who want to play for this team, his team. That story about him taking off a player and leaving 10 on the pitch to force them to work harder for each other when they were coasting 2-0 makes me quite confident that Spurs have found the man to finally sort out this mess.

If he fails, then let it be down to footballing matters and not conspiracy theories from the board room.

Reader Comments (5)

No chance. It will be the year 2087 and Spurs will be going though another transitional period and they will still be showing footage of the 1961 side and how we should aspire to them.

Oct 26, 2007 at 4:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterIts me!

Juande Ramos has agreed a four-year contract worth £4.9 million to replace Martin Jol as Tottenham manager, according to reports from Spain.

Spanish website Marca reported that Ramos, 53, has been released by his club Sevilla, who have been negotiating a compensation package with Spurs after Jol was sacked yesterday.

The Spanish club this morning called an emergency board meeting although a statement was issued denying Ramos' departure was imminent.

Ramos, who has led Sevilla to successive Uefa Cup triumphs in the last two seasons, met club president Jose Maria Del Nido this morning before overseeing a squad training session today.


According to The Telegraph. Make it so!

Oct 26, 2007 at 5:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Ramos is class.

I can't wait for him to turn our work-shy squad into a half decent lot with a bit of hunger.

Oct 26, 2007 at 8:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterPark Lane Spurs

It is better to fail aiming high than succeed aiming low. Then even failure will have some echo of glory.

Sadly Jol aimed low.

Oct 27, 2007 at 1:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Nice perspective there Howdy. Do you work for the News of the World?

Oct 29, 2007 at 8:54 AM | Unregistered Commenteroops

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