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Entries in Tot-ten-ham [Tot-ting-ham] (1)



Tot-ten-ham [Tot-ting-ham]


1. conceived or appearing as if conceived by an unrestrained torment; unbearable but yet remarkable; bizarre, heart-stopping, emotional: It was tottenham but I got through it okay.

2. fanciful but yet frustrating, as persons or their ideas or actions: We never know what that tottenham creature will do next.

3. imaginary or groundless in not being based on reality; foolish, delusional or irrational: I have tottenham fears.

4. extravagantly fanciful; full of swagger, never dull or boring; roller-coaster at any given moment without warning; beautiful, majestic, yet never far from abject face-palming: It was an absolute tottenham but I'd never have it any other way.

5. incredibly great or extreme; exorbitant: to spend tottenham sums of money.

6. highly unrealistic or impractical; outlandish: a tottenham scheme to make an impossible dream reality.

7. Informal. extraordinarily good: that was fantastical, it was tottenham


1882, Tottenham Marshes, however the true essence of the word was birthed in the 50's, becoming everlastingly prominent in the early 1960's.


1. SPURS shares a sense of deviation from what is normal or expected. SPURS suggests a wild lack of restraint, a fancifulness so extreme as to lose touch with reality: a spurs scheme for room on the trophy cabinet for silverware. In informal use, SPURS often means simply "exceptionally good when on game, exceptionally stressful all other times": That job interview was a bit spurs.

Two games left. I still believe.