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Entries in dml fantasy football (5)


Last call

Fantasy Football and me, do not go hand in hand. Full of confidence on day one, by Christmas I'm out of the race like a much maligned Spurs side of the 1990s. I blame other distractions such as Football Manager but the reality is, I lose focus faster than Harry Redknapp in the midst of flirting with England. However, you lot appear to want this back again, so knock yourselves out:


Code to join the DML Supa Liga is: 195141-56816  (via Fantasy Premier League 2012/13)


May the most obsessed geek win.


DML Supa Liga - fantasy football, sign up, sign up

Fantasy Football and me, do not go hand in hand. Full of confidence on day one, by Christmas I'm out of the race like a much maligned Spurs side of the 1990s. I blame other distractions such as Football Manager but the reality is, I lose focus faster than Harry Redknapp in the midst of flirting with England. However, you lot appear to want this back again, so knock yourselves out:


Code to join the DML Supa Liga is: 195141-56816  (via Fantasy Premier League 2012/13)


May the most obsessed geek win.


Dear Mr Leaguey

Fantasy Football time.

Usual place, if you're not already signed-up to it then get yourself over to the Fantasy Premier League site and do so. Once in, to join 'Dear Mr Leaguey' just use this code:


My team is 'Garrincha's Left Peg'.

Anyone who selects Wilshere in their squad gets a slap.



The Fighting Cock is a brand new THFC podcast. You can stream it or download it here on DML (make sure you have a Quicktime plug-in installed).

Love the Shirt.

Flav, tehTrunk, Spooky, Ricky, Chicago Dan.

The FC Podcast group on Facebook.


Also listen to The Fighting Cock via:

rss feed


e-mail: thefightingcock at gmail dot com - we want your feedback, suggestions and e-mails.


Fantastical Football 

On the eve of the big kick-off, one last call out to the wild.

Code to join is 4859-2558.

For those not in the know it's on this website:

Also - use the following code 68100-22332 to sign up for the Triffic v Dear Mr Levy head-to-head.

Pick a goon in your side at your own peril, judas.



Fantasy football time

Organised by Fox Mulder. Come one come all.

Code to join is 4859-2558

For those not in the know it's on this website:

Also - use the following code 68100-22332 to sign up for the Triffic v Dear Mr Levy head-to-head.

Tip. Don't pick Bentley in your starting line-up.