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Away trip snapshot: Kingstonian FC v Spurs XI

by @charlottepeachy


A young Spurs XI did the business at Kingsmeadow on a chilly July evening against Kingstonian FC.

There was a surprisingly strong turnout of supporters, all in great spirits, presumably itching to let the long summer football drought come to an end. And of course to check out the sexy new Under Armour kits. The general consensus – we approve.

Was great to see a highly vocal and impassioned Tim Sherwood in the dug out motivating the players, accompanied by Les Ferdinand and Chris Ramsey.

Throughout the game Sherwood could be seen enthusiastically jumping up from the bench every 30 seconds, shouting out to the young players.

After a delayed kick off due to the amount of supporters still trying to get into the ground (genuinely… my God we missed this), the first half was fairly uneventful, with the players on both sides looking a little rusty. Still, had to be said that the Spurs lads maintained strong possession and looked good on the ball – most notably Pritchard, who impressed up front.

The second half was livelier, with a great goal from Mason early into the second half, followed by a tidy goal from Barthram, who came on for Ceballos after half time. The Ks pulled one back with a penalty which was put away by Archer, and had a chance at an equaliser in the closing ten minutes of the match.

In summary, a solid first away day of the season for me - itching for the next already. A convincing win by Spurs, despite being down to 9 men by the end of the match due to injuries and having used all of our substitutions, playing very pleasing football. Lovely atmosphere (considering the team and opposition) and a very enjoyable friendly, despite Kingstonian’s fairly pushy slogan on the walls – “Get a life – follow the Ks”. In addition, the chips were decent with a vast array of available condiments and the pints were cheap. Smiles all around.


Kingstonian (4-4-2)

Tolfrey (Bragg, 75); Goode, Hutchinson, Murphy (Kamara, 44), Sterling; Pattison (Holloway, 46), Sankoh (Clayton, 46), Murray, Lodge; Mullen (Tait, 46), Small (McCollin, 46).

Spurs XI (4-2-3-1)

Miles (Archer, 46); Byrne, Hall (Ekong, 68), Veljkovic, Stewart; Bentaleb, Gomelt; Pritchard (Barthram, 58), Mason, Ceballos (Munns, 58); Bostock.


Kingstonian - McCollin (penalty 84)

Spurs - Mason (50) Barthram (69)


Reader Comments (19)

I saw this too, thought Bostock looked awful up front and in general and Ceballos needs to put some weight on big time.

Jul 17, 2012 at 9:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterUnclerico

Nice to see so many people show up last night for what we all essentially knew would be a run out for some youngsters. They clearly deserved the win and Kingstonian were lucky to receive a very dubious penalty late on. Thought I'd give a brief synopsis on each player (I didn't have a team sheet as the old man handing them out seemed a little put out by so many people asking for one) anyway...
Jonathan Miles: Played 45mins and made at least three excellent saves. How much he knew about two of them I'm not sure but his reflexes were superb. Could hear him being extremely vocal with his defence too, which is a rarity from a Spurs keeper.
Nathan Byrne: Oh dear. He got byrned at least three times in the first half from quite a nippy winger for Kingstonian. Not sure he's a right back. Played more advanced in the second half but didn't do anything of note.
Grant Hall: I think he was playing a trial match from Brighton but was easily the most commanding defender, good ball distribution and looked solid if a little immobile. Didn't win many headers against K's burley centre forward but was generally looking a good prospect.
Veljkovic: Looked like a Chris Perry type player. Not my bag baby.
Kevin Stewart: Not sure he did much at all, fell asleep at one stage with a ball over the top into the corner (excellent ryman league tactics) and let someone chase him down and eventually lead to an unnecessary corner...Made a nice run though for the second goal which he won a 50-50 with the keeper for Barthram to tap in.
Nabil Bentaleb: Quality. Looked a little rushed at the start, along with everyone else, eager to show what he could do. But as the game progressed he showed some real flair, excellent passing and orchestrated our attacking movements in the second half especially when K's played a catastrophic high defensive line. Bentaleb was spraying balls left and right with excellent precision.
Gomelt: Mopped up everything infront of defense and although wasn't raking in with challenges he won possession on a few occasions and although sometimes looked a bit robotic with a few 5 yard passes he showed that he could be in the right place at the right time. Could get on the bench this year if we have 5 or so injuries to our centre midfielders ;)
Pritchard: Was expecting more having only seen his name crop up in many match reports in the goal and assists column. However, seemed a bit lost in his role. A few nice touches here and there but looked better in the warm up.
Ryan Mason. Captain for the evening and did fairly well. Guilty in the first half of trying to find a killer pass and the K's defense just had to stand there to intercept much to his annoyance. Before his goal, which he took well and glad he didn't square to a better positioned Bostock, he was linking up well with Bentaleb in midfield whilst K's chased their shadows. Not sure he's anywhere near the finsihed article but maybe a year more in the Championship would suit?...
Ceballos: The new Messi? Lovely touches hear and there but Jose Dominquez had that too....missed an open goal which he could have nodded in but chose to try and fake the keeper, bring it inside and tapinto an open goal but missed the flight of the ball and went out for a goal kick...looks fragile too. He's not ready and not sure he ever will :( Shame, was really excited to see him.
Bostock: Wow...looks the part, great build and stature but he looks completely disinterested. I want him to be insanely good but he had at least two shots that went out for goal kicks that I even clapped out of pity but it's not looking good for him. He more or less played upfront on his own though, Ceballos just off him. He was slightly isolated but his movement is not that of a striker. Will Palace have him back? ;)
Archer for Miles: Had literally nothing to do. He did come and claim one ball though which keeper's these days like to punch so fair play to him for that.
Ekong for Hall: Centre back did ok but not much to do, preferred him to Veljokovic anyway...
Barthram for Pritchard: Nice movement but did nothing of note. Oh, he did score though. But it was a tap in.
Munns for Ceballos: So tiny...but outmuscled one or two in half an hour. Through ball for the second goal was more or less his first touch. Something about him was promising though, found his passes and looked tidy. And tiny.

Sorry about that. Had to get it off my chest, the missus doesn't listen to me when I talk about Spurs reserve matches ;)


Jul 17, 2012 at 9:34 AM | Unregistered CommenterSi

They let girls into football now?

Jul 17, 2012 at 10:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyrigglet

Yes...but there's no crying allowed.

Jul 17, 2012 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterCaterham7

Interesting that there was no sign of Coulibaly...I've heard good things about this lad, would be nice to see him either go out on loan to a Reading/Southampton/Wigan sort of team this season

And away days are the best days

Jul 17, 2012 at 12:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterGra Mar Superstar

Good work, Windy's done a write too witch is worth a look. Be great to see some of these youngsters come through over the next few years, no need to rush them though.

Jul 17, 2012 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterLammy Cutlets

@GMS. I have feeling that we maybe seeing Coulibaly at Stevenage tomorrow night, and if we don't sign a forward or two, again at Newcastle on the 18th.

Jul 17, 2012 at 4:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterWisky Tom

Nectar. All sounds good and great to hear out here in the beautiful heat of Tokyo. I hear that summer may arrive next week in Britain just when I get back. perhaps I have missed the monsoon season in the UK and return for a glorious summer. Oh how welcome that would be, a fine blisteringly hot August and a full on start to the campaign. I cannot wait.

Jul 17, 2012 at 7:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack

Not to stir up the pot, but how old in Windy? I hope he's not some old guy because then I'd find all the attention he gives to the youth a bit creepy.

Jul 17, 2012 at 8:42 PM | Unregistered Commenter@tennispimp

Brian Cox.
James Blunt.

Mesh them together and you've got Windy.

Jul 17, 2012 at 9:13 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

You mean he's a Professor of shit music?

Jul 18, 2012 at 12:58 AM | Unregistered CommenterJack

I feel like a 'KING' tattoo coming on.

Thanks Ledley you will be missed, I said missed.

Jul 19, 2012 at 11:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterWisky Tom

So the KING of White Hart Lane has finally called it a day. Thank you Ledley for your loyalty-a rare commidity-
over so many seasons. A role at Spurs must be found for this MAN.

Jul 19, 2012 at 12:01 PM | Unregistered Commenter4Mullery

Ledley = Legend

Jul 19, 2012 at 12:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterDeadly

Rarely horizontal, the stamp of a truly great defender.
Thanks Ledley - whoever takes the armband has huge boots to fill.
You can stick them all up your arse.
We had Ledley at the back.

Jul 19, 2012 at 2:55 PM | Unregistered Commentermoe

Woke up this morning with a big smile etched on my face. That'll teach me! Never buy permanent markers when you have kids. After weeks of woe, aggitated aggression towards inanimate objects, cats, and Newsnowtottenham, I find myself, cool, calm, and strangely enough chillaxed. My wife calls it the 'Eye of the Storm'. I call it 'THE COULIBALY AFFECT'.

Jul 19, 2012 at 5:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterWisky Tom

Stop sniffing those permanent markers, WT.

Jul 19, 2012 at 5:38 PM | Unregistered Commenter@tennispimp

Public Health Disclaimer:
It is strongly advised not to sniff (inhale) permanent markers. Suck them instead.

Jul 19, 2012 at 6:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterWisky Tom (Director of Public Health)

Can you insert an English spellchecker , some of the spelling is 'Woolichesque' .
Ta very much .

Jul 19, 2012 at 7:58 PM | Unregistered Commentermaturin

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