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The BBC are saying it's barely credible that Harry has lost his job and yet still cite the fact that the relationship between him and Levy was broken beyond repair. They don't appear to be the only ones in the media struggling to come to terms with this announcement. There's a consensus, a controlled outrage that this decision is one they are refusing to accept. What with that other relationship, the one between Harry and the tabloid/broadsheets/Sky, being of far greater importance to their every day existence. It's akin to them losing one of their own. How dare Daniel Levy do this.

Yes, in terms of financial clout and stature you can argue that Spurs were in some ways punching above their weight. I don't believe that myself but some will point towards Man City and one or two others and suggest we have no right to finish above them because of the money they can and have spent. As I mentioned last night on the blog, nobody is going to argue (well some of you might) against the fact that Harry has achieved some measurable success at Spurs. But it seems the crux of it is being completely ignored. It should have been solely about the football. If it was just about the football Harry might have kept his job (although the media seem to be punching very lightly on our end of season form when referencing it) but there's no way a chairman can continue to work with his appointed manager if their relationship appears to have less spark than David Bentley's Spurs career.

The irony of 'Harry to England' and the impact it had on Spurs season completely and utterly lost on our bestest friends in the tabloids and beyond. The moment Harry got Paul Stretford involved you knew it was end of days and it was only a matter of days.

It will be interesting to see whether Harry remains as gracious as he has with words shared in the official club announcement.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Spurs and am proud of my achievements. I have had a fantastic four years with the Club, at times the football has been breathtaking. I am sad to be leaving but wish to thank the players, staff and fans for their terrific support during my time there."

It's been good fun, let's not deny that.

So, what are the options? Names that I can think of that might have some ilk of feasibility to be linked with us (some perhaps in reality more tenuous than others):










Any more for any more? Would like to mention Klopp and Low. Bilic has already accepted a contract in Russia apparently. I added in Sherwood for laughs. I won't even mention Pep. Oops.


Reader Comments (54)

its all down to levys direction for the club which manager we get
will he cash in? get a manager to nurture our young tallent, and flog all the best players
or will he try to go forward with a top manager and the same squad and new players.?
what do you think spook?
ive got a feeling its my first option

Jun 14, 2012 at 10:09 PM | Unregistered Commenterham

This is sad. Ultimate delusion: Mourinho? Pep? Moyes? One person here would actually take Lucien Favre based on a Wikipedia quote!

I think the best guy for us is van Gaal but why would he come? After the initial 50 million or so to get out of the relegation heap, the club invested 8 million one summer and 5 million the next (plus 2 players on loan).
Let's just keep watching.

Jun 14, 2012 at 10:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterNochman

Robbie Williams - just think of all the babes he'd put in the stands. And he might chip-in to Levy's transfer pot...

Jun 14, 2012 at 10:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterCaterham7

we need Arsene Wenger, he's far much better than all the above, and his contract is up in a year. he knows the scum best and it could be easier beating them with him.

Jun 19, 2012 at 7:04 AM | Unregistered Commentervincent

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