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I'd rather Barton than Cole. Admit it, you would too...


Okay, so what do I need to blog about today? The Judicial Review. Levy telling Chelsea 'to f**k off' re: Modric. Ade and Diarra practically done (for the 3rd week on the trot). Joe Cole. Hearts 'preview'. Being linked with Parker again. And Joey Barton. Here we go...


High Court drama

It would appear Levy was correct in fighting this with the judge yesterday granting us permission (along with Orient) for our application for a judicial review of the decision to give Olympic stadium to West Ham United. That's a review of the process leading up to the decision that saw us get spanked 14-0. The rather unfair process, that Levy won't let go of. Again, whether this is a case of us proving a point or attempting to claim back money spent or perhaps also gain as much leverage as possible - we don't know. As the chairman pointed out during the OS bid, there are certain things that have to be held back.

As one or two have already pointed out, its only leverage if nobody actually perceives it as that. So when is enough, enough?

Running parallel to this all day yesterday was the suggestion that the Mayor of London was in deep talks with the club relating to support for the NDP and the Tottenham area. What some expected was for Spurs to drop the court case and accept (finally) the money/deal/compromise that would be offered. But for now the 'game' continues.

One thing is for certain though. All of this does not look good for the Olympic Committee and the image of the games being held in England along with the fact that the recent riots (shown across the world) was hardly a great advertisement. N17 needs help. The Olympic Games do not need the adverse publicity. The NDP needs a helping hand.

It's still all very political and Machiavellian. It's still all bluffs and threats. We'll have to wait and see who stands down first.


Levy: You shall not pass

So via Harry (where else would you expect to hear it from?), Levy has instructed Chelsea to give up on Luka not bother with any more bids or pressure via media outlets as the player (as stated countless countless times) is simply not available and will not be sold. In other words, regardless of the cheap ITK headlines news feeds are polluted with from one day to the next, there has been no change in stance by chairman since his very first public announcement/statement.

Player might want to leave. Player might not be completely right in the head either. But as I've said before, Luka's head has not been right since it was turned during the start of the summer. He's obviously injured (carrying a knock) and that's being used as an escape to avoid first time action whilst he sulks and comes to terms with the fact he will have to pull on the Lilywhite shirt again.

Redknapp has probably had to tell him to get his sh*t together. Hence the 'his head aint right' comment.

I don't think he's on strike or even contemplating it. Also think Harry's comment was just Harry being not so articulate with his words as there was nothing much wrong with the rest of his comments when clearly stating 'he's not going to be sold'. He could have just stated Modric was injured and left it at that. We do not need to disclose everything from within the club. But then this is Redknapp we're talking about.

You might want Luka out for the disrespect he's shown to the shirt. I hardly want to hug the bloke myself. But my opinion still remains the same. Honour the contract. The club have to make sure he does just that. If a contract is simply a tool of insurance to gain as much transfer fee money as possible then here's some advice for footballers and their agents. Don't sign massive 6 year contracts and accept the money on offer.


Adebayor and Diarra

I still believe the Adebayor deal was 'done and dusted' a week or two back. Just formalities to be sorted. Just a gut feeling that Levy wants to bundle together all the signings and then reveal all (ooh) at a snazzy press conference. Ade was spotted and photographed with BAE, so there's no doubting he's back in London. The questions surround whether this will be a loan deal or a permanent one.

The other questions (this morning) concern Diarra. Yesterday the Madrid press said the deal was practically done. Now the player himself is saying he isn't moving.

"The information about my departure is a lie. There's no agreement with Tottenham and I don't think there will be"  - Diarra

Cheeky Arsenal bid? There is some logic in perhaps not worrying too much if he decided to reject us. One being the fact he tends to throw a hissy fit if not selected and when Sandro is fit, Sandro will be number one choice (at least you hope that's the case - I'm trying to ignore Harry's favouritism here).

Controversially, I'd just offer Joey Barton a contract. Non-believers, embrace Barton. I'd have him sitting in the middle of the pitch tweeting. He wouldn't even have to play football.

Yes. I did just say that. I've changed my mind on this. I'm easily influenced by Twitter. We need an absolute **** in the midfield to anger up the players and at times embarrass them into fighting rather than falling asleep on the ground sucking thumbs.

I did clearly say controversially, so stop screaming at your monitor.

I doubt West Ham would look to do business with us re: Parker. And to be honest, I dislike Parker more than I dislike Barton. Parker 'the Spurs fan' who rejected Spurs 2/3 times. Top bloke.

Having said all this, perhaps Diarra has simply been instructed to say what he has said. Either by agent or by Spurs. We'll find out soon enough. Tick tock tick tock.


Joe Cole

Don't be so f**king silly.


Breaking the Hearts of Scotland

Luka might play. In fact, the git should be forced to play if he's fit. We'll need someone in the middle to allow the game to flow and possession to be kept as Harry looks to start 'the yoof'. 


Harry Kane. Goal getter.
Tom Carroll. Cultured versatile midfielder (deep-lying midfielder...the English Luka?)
Lewis Hamilton. Energetic winger.

Bookmark Windys blog for all the info you'll ever need on our kids.

Should be a good game, if anything, because Hearts will (should) offer a stern test (more so than what they offered up North) and look to reclaim some pride after their thrashing on home turf. And we finally get to see Kane, a big prospect, show us if he has the touch and maturity to perhaps feature in more games this season rather than just a cameo.

What does remain a massive positive is the fact that we are finally seeing some of these youth players break into first team action. Livermore at Old Trafford did himself proud. Townsend always looks bright, so Kane and Carroll...over to you. No pressure. Seriously, no pressure. If you're at the game this evening, sing up sing up. This is what it's about. Tottenham yoof coming through the academy and wearing the shirt.

Love it.




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Reader Comments (30)

would def rather have Barton than Cole. At least with Barton you have some fire and commitment on the pitch.
Cole is lifeless and lazy... we should no way give him a chance, considering he chose the northen monkeys ahead of us in the first place!!

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:18 AM | Unregistered Commenterant

Seeing as Diarra might not be coming, then maybe we should think about Barton AND Cole. This anti-Cole thing baffles me. He's a decent squad player.

Why give a fuck that he decided to go to Liverpool? So what? People acting like spurned lovers seems a bit childish.

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterNostradamus

you'll take back that barton thing once you've sobered up from your coco pops

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:24 AM | Unregistered Commenteradolf ginola

I'd rather we signed the ashes of Nat king Cole than Joe Cole. Barton offers decent delivery from set pieces but little else. We've got Bentley for that.

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterChrisD

Cole before Barton any day but surely there is better than Cole available and the club have been working on it. Surely right? Please? Someone reassure me?

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpurssince80

We need someone who will bite into a tackle rather than wait for the ball to eventually come to us. That player is Joey Barton. Granted, he may be a dick off the field (although by all accounts he's actually a really nice bloke these days), and on the pitch he may have his moments, but isn't that really what we need at the moment?!

Allegedly we have that French kid coming in for a medical today too from Le Havre.....

I can easily see the Ade deal not coming off too.

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

Ive been calling for Barton for a while. Intelligent player on the pitch. Fire to his game. Class player. PL experiance. Something to prove to so many. And since stopped drinking, calmed down. His twitter does show a certain amount of intelligence to the man as well. (As well as a lot of passion) Say what you will about him getting in trouble off the pitch. It doesnt make the guy dumb. I know many people with a short fuse, getting them into trouble. Without the pressure of being in the public eye. That has not stopped them having a good level of IQ and not stopped them turning out ok once they learnt to curb the temper. Bottom line. LOVE TO SEE HIM IN OUR SHIRT. Well ahead of the ex arse/chelsea or hammer/chelsea/liverpool rejest

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterMorgan

ok about diarra not coming but what about when sandro is injured?
joey barton?
"its ok modders........
you can have more money and just look at our intent to get back?
weve bought joey barton and ade on loan!
how could we possibly do more?
whats that?...................bring in cahill, damiao and falcao and diarra too?
thats silly?
do you want us to win the league or something?"

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered Commenterjb

Altogether now...

"I'd rather have a Barton than a Cole...
Oh I'd rather have a Barton than a Cole..."

If we buy Cole I give up.

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:39 AM | Unregistered Commenteriain

Remember the days when we were all wetting ourselves over the thought of signing Joe Cole from Chelsea, and wouldn't touch that Arsenal scumbag Adebayor with a 40 foot barge pole? Funny ol' game, innit?

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterPaolo Shapiro

I say - set an example and stop the madness Man City an Chelsea have brought to the table. Make contracts honourable. Lets have players and teams agree when to break them.

I hope that if Harry has concerns about Huddlestones fitness he gives him a decent run tonight becasue for us to move forward, we need Thudd back as the quarterback.

Cole would be good cover for Lennon and Bale. Good buy. Never wanted Diarra. He offers us nothing.
I really hope we get Adebyor. Really need a stiker that casues the defenders to think about it. Defoe and Pav and Crouc allow for a good afternoons nap before the game to the opposing defenders. AND please for all things holy, let him play against Arsenal.

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:42 AM | Unregistered Commenterdonny

Oh and why are we not moving for Bellamy?

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterWalkerboy

Barton is scum. It's a family thing too. He would be an offence to the shirt. He shouldn't even be employed let alone gracing our midfield.

OS Court action - Levy obviously stringing out legal action in return for some kind of settlement re: NDP and for that he should be supported as there is no chance of the OS becoming our new home.

Joe Cole - won't happen, shouldn't happen.

Modric - pure greed. Was happy to sign the contract for the wage increase whilst conveniently ignoring the term. Wants the money but not the commitment. Same as any player, really. I can't think of an equivalent case where an unhappy player has been made to stay and has continued to excel or not moved on soon thereafter. I watch with interest but no optimism.


Aug 25, 2011 at 11:46 AM | Unregistered Commenter555

What is the deal with Harry and his has beens. Does he not realise he is at a big club with even bigger ambitions?????

Exactly what he did with Pompey, buy old wahsed out players and try and get a final horah from them, it was fine then as that was their level, we will have a squad full of thirtysomethings on silly money if we let him take the reins!
P.S. supposed £8.5m offered by Boris is still way short of the £100m the scum got for their stadium!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 25, 2011 at 11:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterOssie

"Adebayor, Adebay or or or, he's on three times the money - than Modric the whore"

Barton? Cole? Adebayor? Parker?


Aug 25, 2011 at 12:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterTMWNN

1. We need an 'orrible cnut in the middle.
2. What odds Harry sticks yoof (sic) in and we get mugged?

Aug 25, 2011 at 12:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

Joe, Joey & BoJo.
Coming to CBeebies soon.

'Hi, I'm Arry, and fucking up windows was my idea'.

Aug 25, 2011 at 12:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Lets not forget that Harry can get the 'best' out of players, esp the likes of Cole and Barton. Neither one are playing to their full ability, just like a certain squad of players that only managed 2 points in 8 games a couple of seasons back?
The OT game taught us that we need 'something' or someone to drive the play forward, our attack was bellow par and we didnt exploit the absence of Vidic and Ferdinand at all!
Thanks for having a pop tho VdV ;-)
Every transfer window is a mind f#*k with spurs, but we do get a nice lil surprise now and again. Levy MUST be up to something.... BUT WHAT?!?!?
Diarra, looks like that turd has flushed. If he was ever comming he'd probably be here by now.
Ade, fingers crossed. We need a striker with power and aggression, a can o' worms in the oppositions defence.
Lago Falque, Don't we have enough kids?
I'll always love the mighty Spurs, but if we dont bring in someone with balls anytime soon, I'm gonna be singing a lot quieter this season.

Aug 25, 2011 at 12:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrizzleSpur

So... how long before the ITK'ers claim this was a smokescreen?

Aug 25, 2011 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

Smokescreen for what? This character from Othello that's flying in for a medical?

btw, we're not the only side putting kids in tonight, Hearts are more focussed on league game at weekend also. Poor show considering the price of tickets for such a game!

Aug 25, 2011 at 12:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Smokescreen for our triple signing of course, you know, the one thats been going on since 1995.

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterPLN

Brizzle--Lets not forget that Harry can get the 'best' out of players. What's that you say. He's not getting much out of the team that's playing, if Monday night is anything to go by. He's a loud mouthed, uneducated asshole, who is working against everything his Chairman stands for.
I say get rid of the pikey or he'll end up signing has-beens and pikeys, which he's trying to do on a daily basis.
Redknapp Out.

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered Commentercookiebun

No Barton is a piece f scum, a vile excuse for a human being, I do not want him soiling our shirt.

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterDecency

Just a quickie about this "highly rated" Juve player we are picking up on loan.

Here are a couple of tweets from a fella who does a lot of press/translation in Italian football and is a massive Juve fan - came on the back of this initial tweet:

@skysportspeteo: Tottenham reportedly poised to sign highly-rated Juventus winger Iago Falque on loan.

"Winger' a bit misleading, more of an attacking midfielder, did well at Villarreal B last season"
"He signed a 4 year deal with Juve in 2008 & hasn't really improved too much."
"Not in Juve's plans at all, never really has been. Odd move for club & player from the outset IMO"

So this really talented player that Juve signed from Barcelona B, who was signed by Juventus - farmed out to Bari where he only played for their youth team. Then sent to play for Villarreal B before being sent back to Juve and now on to us. Juve's midfield is very patchy at the moment. If he can't get in to their side, why on earth do we think he is worth a shot in ours?

If someone at Spurs has seen something that no one in Spain or Italy has, then what exactly are they looking at?

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterChris King

Textbook Spurs signing from the looks of it.

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:40 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

PLN, are we going back in for George Weah or is it his cousin again?

Reckon we stand a chance this time round.

The cousin that is, not George.

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Spooky, I have you right.

Here's a further comment from a Spanish football writer:

"Little info on IF: Been absolutely cursed with injuries, and that's hindered his promise. Very fragile player, but gifted."

Aug 25, 2011 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterChris King

No wonder he's fragile, he keeps getting dropped.

Well this is just wonderful isn't it?

Levy wants young, potential, re-sale

Arry wants old, past-it, mates

Someone re-print 2 copies of the hymn sheet, perhaps they can look at it together.

Aug 25, 2011 at 2:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterWinterWeekend61

Barton is a cnut, absolute filth. The suggestion is even offensive.

Aug 25, 2011 at 3:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterBimspur

Not Cole, Barton or Diarra - not really Adebayour either. All these are bargain buys at reduced prices because bits are missing, With Cole it's a heart; with Barton it's a brain; with Adeboyor i's a heart AND a brain ........ and with Diarra it's a brain again, with the addition that he's as psychotic as Barton. What a pity we can't get Sarge back on track with the addition of a little more brain. I think we are back to picking up the unconsidered trifles again, as we did in the past. You know, the one's overlooked by others, like Berbatov and Modric ......

Aug 26, 2011 at 11:20 AM | Unregistered CommenterTommyHarmer

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