It was four years ago today...

...I posted this article quoted below.
Day Zero
Wednesday, May 2, 2007 at 11:32PMI have returned from exile. And in addition, have decided to embrace the Internet and blog culture in my fight against the oppressor. Season ticket burning season is almost upon us with the 2007 footballing year drawing to a close, falling into the abyss that is the summer transfer window. My therapist says keeping a journal should help. Personally I believe excessive porn and midnight conversations with Jack Daniels will block out any reoccurring night terrors.
Happy 4th b-day DML. I'm still here. From mid-table to bottom of the table to Champions League. I've had the odd sabbatical, almost quit once or twice, but stuck with it. From Jol to Ramos to Redknapp.
I've also managed to write a few letters. Burnt the odd season ticket in protest. Been threatened. Been accused. Asked what exactly does Jenas do. Said countless hellos and goodbyes to the Arsenal trolls that always appear to gloat when it's safe to do so but never turn up when it's not.
Hated on International Break. Wrote the odd article about Stratford. Hated on Matthew Norman.
Had Andrei Arshavin and Dimitar Berbatov guest-blog. Attempted and succeeded in relegating Newcastle United. Punched Chirpy in the face. Used the same Quantum Leap joke twice. Made friends, lost friends.
Introduced the Four Horsemen and had them appear in the Stupendous Adventures of Bale and Bentley. Held hands in the Love Parade with the ITK community on more than one occasion because they just love the attention.
Even allowed Kanye West to interrupt...several times.
Expanded to Twitter, Facebook and made some videos on You Tube and even stalked Daniel Levy to the tune of Eminem.
So thanks for the support. And special hugs for...
Chris Toy, All Action no Plot, Who Framed Ruel Fox?, Musings, Tottenham on my Mind, Windys Blog, What a Fantastic Run, THFC1882, anything the one trick pony teh trunk does, all the newly born start-up Spurs blogs, all the Spurs fans on Twitter, Scott the Red from Mancunia, the glory glory boys, the narcs over at rumourwhores...yadda yadda yadda.
Hopefully the experience here hasn't been too shabby. You can't expect to be able to please everyone and I've hardly done that in the past four years. Nice to see one or two of you have stuck around. The ones that don't always agree but still visit, cheers for being here to provide the counter-arguments.
I'm only as good as what Tottenham have to offer and the club never fails to inspire, be it in bad or good times.
Although I'm not about to part money with Interflora, I should also say a thank you to the chairman. Imperative to this blog has Daniel been. If Levy did happen to leave THFC in the future, I'd perhaps be forced into registering a new domain name. Dear Mr Pleat?
So before the sentimentality floods the place with tears, just wanted to give you a wink and a pat on the back. If this was a pub, I'd buy you a pint. Onwards to the 5th then the 10th anniversary we march.
Reader Comments (37)
Happy Anniversary Spooky. 5 years ago Tottenham were a good-almost-great team. Today Tottenham are good-alm...You get the idea.
On another note, I am almost hoping you have to change the blog name to Dear Mr Gates or Dwar Sheikh Hussein ;o)
Umm...technically wouldnt 2007 be 4 years ago?
congratulations on your, erm, self-congratulation, but you may want to check your math. (hint: 2011-2007=4) ; )
It's four years. And I'm an idiot.
Great blog! Love it:-) specially the pre match post against The milanese teams ;-) pure quality, much!
Happy Anniversary!
It's also my birthday today!!
I wish you'll continue for the coming years to provide us with agile and delightful comments and to give us the opportunity to express also our opinions.
Congratulations and thank you.
I don't post on here much but, I read every one of of your blog-letter things and it is simply the best tottenham blog around. If Carlsberg did Spurs Blogs...
Spooky your a fucking genious !!! got me smiling again after a poxy weekend, results wise.
Dear Mr Levy - Get Harry Out ... mind you Harry will soon be in Jail .. so we might not need to ... Harry is the reason we did not make CL this year, he has played 451 with players who are suited to 442 and then moans when the forwards cannot score. He does not give the better forwards a chance to gel before he changes it all again, loves Crouch and Defoe too much and despite being our best forward pulls Pave or does not play him. Keeps sticking with VDV who is OK at best but you cannot play a team around 1 player and despite almost never scoring from free kicks still lets him take every one and so we constantly have wasted chances ... let him go to MU the guy was a two week wonder. Harry also failed to buy in Aug 10 and Jan 11 and because of that we fu*ked up and lost out ... look at Liverpool, dead at the beginning of the season, bought the two forwards we should have and have not looked back, now apparently looking at a wally from WBA, the Liverpool reject Cole and probably more dead wood, bought back Defoe and Crouch when we should have bought world class, this about sums up Harry a WANK*R ... So Levy, DUMP HARRY ASAP, DUMP VDV and if somebody offers 60+ million for Bale dump him as well ... sorry but not our best player, build around Modric, Sandro and Hudd and if he is looking 4 a job get Mourinho as we all know he want to come back to the UK and he likes sleeping giants (Chelski, Inter, Madrid) ...
Well done Spooky.
One of the blogs that inspired me to waste mine, and others, time by doing my own.
Here's to the next trophy (or 4th place, whatever people feel is more important)
only being following spurs blogs for a while now and have to say this is one of the best. Look forward to more of the same. Happy B-day and COYS
Superb blog, always funny and your staggering a ability to sum up into words what the majority of is think is simply brilliant.
I'll be worried in a few years when we've won everything and none of us will have anything to complain or knee-jerk about, let alone blog about!
Happy Anniversary!
You said 3rd this year. You were wrong. I said 3rd this year. I was equally wrong. Therefore I will continue to follow you.
I did say 3rd. Perhaps the pattern is I get it right every other year.
So, next season:
FA Cup winners, 3rd place.
Happy anniversary Spooks! Hopefully we'll see many more years of your articles!
Spooky, this is far and away the greatest THFC blog. If not for DML I would probably have had to do some work over the last 4 years, at the very least it's kept me looking like I'm doing some work in the office. Supporting Tottenham is in my opinion, insanity, it's not something we choose, we were brought up and brainwashed, its a religion, make no mistake. This is a fundamental difference to your fully formed, adult football follower, who, free of family obligation and childhood conditioning, can choose his team, often, unfortunately based on recent success and media profile- I give you the 'top 4'. Perhaps, we now have a few genuine conversions, after our recent adventures? I reckon they were waiting for us to go top 4 once again before 'coming out'. In many respects we are fortunate, we remain trapped, in our impenetrable universe, no more able to explain it than explain God, and free of many of the dreadful tossers, who frequent the Death Star.
I digress.
DML, is the only Spurs site, which for me, adequately expresses the lunacy of being perpetually tied to the runaway Tottenham express, and for a fan like me, very rarely able to go to games, or even mix with other fanatics, I am eternally grateful.
God bless.
Spare a thought for Forlan and Fabiano. I bet they wish they'd joined us now. Idiots!
Much love DML. You are International.
Best Spurs blog....ever.
Happy Birthday Spooky, keep up the madness.
Congrats. Best of the bunch.
So you got the anniversary date wrong, on purpose, to generate more exposure to the blog. Nice way to fuck up. Keep on plugging the glory brother. COYS.
Cracking blog. Long may you reign. At least something of a Tottenham persuasion made 4th this year.
Congratulations Narcissus! ;) Keep up the good work. Just one thing, av a word with Levy, because I can`t stand another season with gnikcuf Jenas in a Spurs shirt.
Today is a double celebration. Firstly, we celebrate the birthday of the world's best Spurs blog. Secondly, we celebrate the demise of the world's most evil Gooner and, if you are reading this President Obama, Bin Laden's number two goes by the name of Arsene Wenger and I know where he is hiding. Spooky, you are our Bin Laden helping us resist the occasional evil actions of our Chairman. Long may you continue and let us hope Levy never cuts up as rough as the Yanks.
Congratulations on your anniversary and may there be many more!! This time next year...
Spooky - keeping the sun off our backs. Always a pleasure.
Spooky, when I started reading this I thought you were leading up to throwing in the towel. Felt like the wife was walking out. Silly old me, just an aniversery.
Best (barring none) articles on Spurs on the entire web. We were raped on Saturday at the Bridge. I think Peter4Spurs has a point. Harry fucked up in August when he didn't sign a strker. Has made some very silly decisions this season which certainly cost us 4th place. Ah Well, here's to trying to win the title next season.
Congrats Spooky , by far my favorite blog and spurs related site. Satire combined with intelligence and a moderate view when needed ...
Just feels a bit strange that we are back to 2007 , not really back because we were in the CL this season but still it feels the same and i hope the Jol - Ramos scenario is not about to repeat itself. I actually rate Jol as a coach btw :) He had a lot less talent in his squad and did very well considering ...
As I've said in the past, your blog can be Churchillian or Shakespearean which takes some doing, but the really clever part is outdoing Samuel Beckett with your "Four Horseman".
You are clearly so much more than a one-trick pony.
When I first started reading your blog, you only got a couple of posters who invariably said WTF? Now you've got hundreds of posters who get you (although there's a couple who make me think WTF?). Keep up the great work, even the gooners love you!
DML, is the only Spurs site, which for me, adequately expresses the lunacy of being perpetually tied to the runaway Tottenham express, and for a fan like me, very rarely able to go to games, or even mix with other fanatics, I am eternally grateful.
God bless.
May 2, 2011 at 8:24 PM | johnnycheshunt
Perfectly put johnnycheshunt.... my sentiments entirely.... Keep 'em coming spooky
I can add no more. Everyone has put it so well.
Thanks Spooky! Just know that what you do makes a lot of people very happy...
Keep up the excellent work Spooky, its a joy to read!
I've not missed one article since I first laid eyes on this blog. 'Gripping' is the best word I can think of to explain it. The rest pale in comparison. Keep it up sir
Thanks and special thanks to the ones that remember those early quiet days.
Long time reader, sporadic poster, Happy Anniversary! Wasn't here at the very beginning so it would appear one has mellowed slightly.....? Perhaps the upturn in fortunes played a part? Either way...looking at those 'problems' we had back then, they do unfortunately seem to still be with us....all of them apart from the LW one...which was remedied by accident via a LB who was jinxed for a while so we haven't actually adressed any of them in the meantime.
This season was a 'shoulda' rather than a 'coulda' and that's disappointing but we go on...for another fiv...four years at least.
More power to your elbow. COYS