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Challenge Spurs™ 2011: Thou Shalt Not Lose

Challenge Spurs. It's back. In pog form. Well actually, it's just back in its standard blog format as it last appeared in full Technicolor during 2008 when the challenge concerned itself with the fixtures that stood before Redknapp and the two points eight games tag line.

A slightly more positive spin this time round, although equally as nerve-racking as past missions with the possibility of gut wrenching disappointment, the unwanted reward for failure.

Success however will open the gate to further glory. The next five games will define what the final eight will mean in our battle to remain Champions League for the 2012 season.

Five games, three away from the Lane sandwiched between two home games. Bolton up first on Saturday. Then Sunderland, Blackpool and Wolves before West Ham visit us in N17 to complete the challenge. What makes these five games special is that we play Meelan twice, home and away, in amongst the league games. Strength in mind, body and soul absolutely imperative as we face five Cup finals and two World Cups.

One game at a time.

At no point can we lose focus. At no point can we allow ourselves to look back with regret.

After the West Ham game, we'll be looking ahead, staring straight at the final eight Prem games - the run-in - either buoyant and inspired or dejected and backs firmly nailed to wall.

So what's required for (excluding Champions League) the five games? What basic winning mentality criteria, regardless of personnel on pitch, do we need to possess to rape and pillage our way through the opposition with brutal ruthlessness?

Team cohesiveness.
Work ethic.
Craft and creativeness.
Tactical astuteness.
Fighting spirit.

What happens on other battlefields is of no concern to us. Our only concern should be the obstacles that stand in our way. Such things as complacency and fear.

None of the above will matter if we play like utter dogsh*t and still win all the games. But to win with intent and purpose, to make a statement that will thunder it's way across to those other battlefields sending a defiant message that we stand tall (some taller than others) with no white flag of surrender in sight? Who needs reinforcements? Not us.

Eleven commanders on the field, no worship of false Gods and one simple commandment to live and die by. Thou shalt not lose.

Onwards to the Promised Land.



Reader Comments (66)

My local pool hall couldn't get the Spurs game, so I had to watch the Newcastle game with a room full of gooners. Priceless.

Feb 6, 2011 at 9:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterLemonadeMoney

"Is there a Spur loanee out there who hasn't scored or turned in a man of the match performance since the window closed?"
Feb 6, 2011 at 4:48 AM | ziegemonster

a very good point sir. not sure you're treating Redknapp entirely fairly though

Feb 6, 2011 at 10:19 AM | Unregistered Commentervukman18

What I saw yesterday was a team on the cusp of breaking down! I believe that a new signing in January would've energized the team!

Redknapps blinkered belief in Crouch will be the death of this season. We are about to nosedive - to grab the fcuk on and hold tight. `

Feb 6, 2011 at 11:21 AM | Unregistered Commenterwisky tom

I'm waiting for Arsenal fan 'fatyidcunt' to turn up. He promised he would. I guess he's going to adopt the Brook guide to posting on blogs by waiting until we lose and they win.


Feb 6, 2011 at 11:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterPLY

Wow, Lemonade money, you hit the schadenfreude jackpot! There was a huge roar at the Lane as that fourth Newcastle goal was scored. Not sure it was direct cause and effect, but the team suddenly started trying harder and Niko scored the winner a couple minutes later.

Feb 6, 2011 at 2:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterziegemonster

Atmosphere at the Lane has been struggling for a few seasons now. Price of progress. Fans are too busy biting their nails.

Feb 6, 2011 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

there is a good reason niko was not picked to start and was not brought on.... VDV likes to play on the right, Niko does not. So with VDV playing on the right coming inside, you have to put lennon on the left doing the same for the balance, and you play a narrow game. With VDV going off and Niko preferring the left to cut inside from you have to bring Stevie P on to play wide left, to compliment lennon wide right.

The manager has tactics and its not all about a single player but the overall shape. Ultimately we won..... and i think we played well despite not having 3 of our four best midfielders out. I dont think Niko would have been back there defending to stop the Bolton goal, so having him on at half time may have not made the difference for the whole half. Stevie P is a harder worker and did plenty with regards to offensive and defensive play.

second best home record in the league in the last 6 games, 3rd best away record in the last 6 games and one defeat in 14 in the league. There arent many other teams who can claim that.

Feb 6, 2011 at 6:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavedajew

"second best home record in the league in the last 6 games, 3rd best away record in the last 6 games and one defeat in 14 in the league"

I like this.

Feb 6, 2011 at 6:16 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

I bet Clattendouche is big into leather.

I wonder what his safe word is.

Feb 6, 2011 at 9:01 PM | Unregistered Commenterbig sky spur


Feb 6, 2011 at 11:04 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

Naughton scored a peach for Leicester City.. Caulker in the Bristol City side that kept a clean sheet.....Kyle Walker earns shock England call-up and scores his 2nd goal for Villa. We pick 3pts up on Chelsea & Man U, 2pts on Arse. Not a bad weekend. No room for error though.

Feb 7, 2011 at 4:21 AM | Unregistered Commentertim

3 points - last minute or first minute who cares. Good to see such resilience in the squad as a whole. Jenas and Niko both have points to prove so good on them.

I hope JD starts scoring soon. He's due a goal or 3, maybe the England squad could act like a Back to the Future moment and he picks up where he left it last year after his England hat-trick and injury.

I can see him scoring on Saturday. Another 3 points, put a real marker down to City if they drop points in their derby game. Got to believe.

And it will be interesting to see how Chelsea react to their defeat, they've got some big games as well in the next 6 league games, I really think we can be above them and City 6 games from now if we can just focus and win our home games and don't lose away from home. They are all games we are capable of taking 3 points from.

This could be "the run" that pundits love to talk about. Giving us the Holy Grail of "momentum".

Feb 7, 2011 at 9:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

Focussed from Singapore , i usually rate your comments but your Jenas hate is clouding your vision , he was pretty good again this weekend.

Feb 7, 2011 at 10:33 AM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur


Feb 7, 2011 at 11:59 AM | Unregistered Commenterdavedajew


That will get right under HR's skin.

Its so frustrating, I think Pav is class, I really do and he is just being wasted.

Feb 7, 2011 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterYidal

"Its so frustrating, I think Pav is class, I really do and he is just being wasted."

Yidal, you and me both. COYS!!!!!!!!!

Feb 7, 2011 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

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