Movember: Day One

A word from The Fighting Cock team:
Remember, remember the whole of November...because we’re all growing a moustache for charity.
You may have heard of Movember already, but here’s the deal, you grow a moustache for the whole of November to raise awareness for prostate cancer and contribute all donations to the Movember charity. The rules are very simple, no facial hair on the 1st November, and then you continue to shave every area except the moustache (bit of stubble is fine after the mo is in full bloom). You can style it out and trim it if you like, but you HAVE to keep the moustache.
Our club emblem has a cock and a ball; we talk a lot about cocks and balls. The majority of the listeners have balls and the Trunk talks a lot of b*llocks. Hell, even Chicago Dan’s mum is contributing by carrying out free prostate checks with her tongue. So with all our ball connections The Fighting Cock thought it would be fitting to embrace Movember with the same ilk of enthusiasm van der Vaart displays against the scum.
Remember, it’s not about how much money we can raise; it’s about raising the awareness of men’s health, specifically prostate cancer through our moustaches (although we would like a donation so get on it).
Anyone can join our team The_Fighting_Cock and we have a 'My mo space page'.
I implore you to join and grow your tash for Movember. We'll be updating the page and the thread over at The Fighting Cock forum with weekly photos and updates on the growth and styling of our majestic moustaches.
To donate or join the team, click on the link and ‘donate to my team’ or ‘join team’.
The 30 day journey of moustachery is upon us...
Movember, Day One.
First up, the rules:
So here we go.
Clean shaven for the first time in two years. I'm losing my religion, I feel like I've betrayed stubblisim. Bye bye beard. Hello moustache. Considering you can trace my bloodline all the way back to Kashyyyk, I'll probably have a fully grown work of art above my top lip by the end of the week. By the end of November I'll have a squirrel living in it.
Decided I will attempt a Frank Zapper hybrid which will include the tickler for added effect (that's a small complimentary growth under the bottom lip - which is permitted).
Check out the thread over at The Fighting Cock forum for other participant photos and updates.
Reader Comments (4)
good luck gents - judging by pics at least there isnt a general loss of good looks to worry about...have sponsored and will try and chuck link round me wisely men!!
Seeing as I can no longer grow hair on the top of my head I think it would be rude NOT to get involved!
I'm far more dashing in real life.
Would do it, but the missus won't let me near her for the whole month if I do.........
Bloke at work has cheated - started growing his a week ago.