If Stratford Hotspur happens, it ends there...

Guest blog by Jack aka tehTrunk.
Yes hello, you may remember me, I was the bloke what done them little cartoon things with the voices and stuff. I'm here today in a different capacity, to share my thoughts on the eerily quiet new stadium goings on at Stra...Tottenham Hotspur. I say quiet, but thankfully Karen Brady's constant barking does serve some purpose, if only in reminding us of the fact that we could well, genuinely, be leaving not just White Hart Lane but Tottenham itself.
Yeah, this could actually happen. WTF OMG?!!1! (I'm writing on the internet, it's allowed (lol))
Now, I'm not from Tottenham, I don't even live in North London. My allegiance with Spurs is the age old father son connection familiar with many football fans. You know, when dad creeps into your bedroom at night, gagging you with an Arsenal scarf in order to play hide the magic banana? Since those days, anything bearing the cannon of them lot down the road turns my stomach and reminds me of those mornings where I'd have to swagger into school like a cowboy. This then reminds me of cowboys which I also hate (I always preferred Indians). Suffice to say that sitting through Brokeback Mountain was a nightmare.
Alas, I digress.
Where was I?
Oh yes, I support Tottenham but I'm not from Tottenham, there we go.
These recent mutterings that we could be leaving Tottenham to take up residence in the Millennium Dome (er Olympic Stadium mate?!)have created a strange and uncomfortable conflict within my thoughts, much like when I catch a glimpse of Niko Kranjcar. As I've already covered but will tell you again, Tottenham isn't my home, the team Tottenham Hotspur isn't my local team so why should I care where the team plies it's trade? I don't know really, but I do.
History has always been an important part of this club, given that during the years I've supported them there has been little success, but it's been instilled into me that this is a club with heritage, with tradition. I'm sure most clubs think this way, but we support Spurs, we don't care what myths other clubs supporters perpetuate amongst themselves. We're onto a new chapter now, who knows where it goes. I'm enjoying, while it lasts, us grabbing headlines and having a squad filled with world class players, but this isn't why I support Spurs.
We all know about our cup runs, and double heroics and European glory glory nights so I'll save the maudlin mush.
Football is a business (no sheet Sherlock). It's easy to say, but it's hard to grasp what this actually means. Business' exist to make money. The chairmen, the board, they don't care about you, they don't care about me (they should care about me, I'm awesome. Not you though. D*ckhead) Does the CEO of McDonalds care that your burger doesn't look like it does in the picture on the board?
Daniel Levy is a business man. Don't ever forget that. For all his 'Spurs fan' talk, he's a business man. He's not big Dan from down the pub who wears a Spurs shirt on match days and gets asked to leave the pub when he's had a few too many and is getting loud sweary cross and scaring the couple who just popped in for an ale and glass of house white after finishing shopping, whilst he watches Spurs lose to Wolves at home (all in 3D mind). Levy, and the people surrounding him want to make money. This isn't all a bad thing, money has allowed us to assemble the squad we see before us today. Moving to the Olympic Stadium makes perfect business sense.
It's cheaper than building an entirely new stadium. It has a massive capacity. It looks well nice so will entice new fans. Having a massive, well nice stadium increases the club's prestige both at home and abroad. This will see a rise in the attendance, fan base and the type of investors and players we can attract to the club. Maybe it'll even see us become a more attractive option to a super mega rich foreign owner, who'll buy us Messi and we can win everything and be the best team in the world and even make it onto Sky Sports montages and have our players pictured on the front of the packets of football stickers found on the newsagent's counter.
Spurs, nay, football in general is entering into a dangerously vacuous and shallow era. This potential move to Stratford is a perfect example of that. Forget the history, forget about the locals, forget the name, we're going to move. We'll be Stratford Hotspur, it'll be just the same just we'll make more money and maybe win more stuff and then football will be more better, honest. Yeah, worked well for Wimbledon.
You can scream at me until you're blue faced, the endless clichés that 'we have to do it to compete', 'we want to win stuff what with City getting better now', 'Liverpool will bounce back sooner or later'. I don't care. I didn't support Spurs because they competed, because they were amazing, I support Spurs because they're Spurs. Sacrificing what we are in order to get to what we perceive is a higher level is like the bloke who ditches all his ugly best mates because he wants to be more popular with women. He's a lonely, boring, desperate tool and everyone can see it but him.
I know my thoughts don't represent those of all Spurs fans, and I don't look down on anyone for feeling differently (I really do to be honest). I just see this as one of many examples of how appalling our society is now. It's like saying that I think my mum is fat and ugly and I want a new one with less droopy wangers that way it'll reflect better on me and then I'll be happier. I don't think you're fat and ugly by the way Mummy, Trunky wuvs woo.
If Stratford Hotspur happens, it ends there for me. FC Hotspur of Tottenham or whoever else likely pops up it'll be. You can take your Gareth Bales, VDVs and whoever else and shove them. Along with your reality TV, IKEA furniture, tabloid newspapers, celebrities, Thomas Cook holidays and most of all your Sky Sports.
If all of you told Levy where he could stick his plan, it wouldn't happen, fact. But you won't.
Think on.
Be sure to visit We are N17 for your anti-Stratford fix and latest news. You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook.
Previous Stratford/N17 articles by Spooky:
N17: Home is where the heart is
A nail in the coffin of Stratford?
For some, it's a brutal interrogation...
Reader Comments (559)
It will be tough to leave the Lane for sure. It will feel weird, it won't feel right and wtf will happen to our name? But on the up side it will really piss the hapless hammers off, Karen Brady's head will explode and Gold and Sullivan might masturbate themselves or each other into oblivion...... which would be cool (not in a gay way, you understand!) ;-)
if we move we still take our history with us. We are still tottenham hotspur. what defines us wont be taken away but i think you have to be a little crazy to think the club will be exactly the same as it was. it wont. you might allow the cosmetics of the new stadium to take your breath away and travel in to be effortless but it wont really be tottenham hotspur anymore. and over time it will change and the new generations wont knowof the past other than footage and older family members passing on stories. we the fans are constant the only constant in football but we are replaceable thanks to virtue of life and death. but it still wont be tottenham just a rebooted version of it. a franchise. i hope i really do pray if we move that we are successful and we push on because if we dont we are nothing more than just another club glossed over with all revenue avenues at our feet but with no soul.
People are also missing the most obvious thing. If we move to Stratford Tottenham might well be sold onto a consortium similar to the one at City or a billionaire like Chelsea. We are getting beefed up for non-footballing matters.
No fella. Not a scum fan, just a yid who doesnt want the club to drown under a mountain of debt, which it will be in great danger of doing if we borrow £450m. If we suddenly get a £400-500m injection ,i'd love to build on the new site and maybe with an even bigger capacity than the Scumirates. I just think that NO club could service that kind of debt, unless the ticket prices go through the roof, WHICH IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT NORTHUMBERLAND DEV. How do the pro Northumberland project think we will fund it??? The original plans some years ago were circa £300m. All you pro N17 fans need to consider the finances whether you like it or not.
Spurstough said;
'It will be tough to leave the Lane for sure. It will feel weird, it won't feel right and wtf will happen to our name? But on the up side it will really piss the hapless hammers off, Karen Brady's head will explode and Gold and Sullivan might masturbate themselves or each other into oblivion...... which would be cool (not in a gay way, you understand!) ;-)'
o would take zero joy out of annoying whu if we moved - absolutely none.
in fact i like brady - at least she is speaking out against are proposed move, more than anyone else is doing. plus i like her titts :)
While the article is an excellently written one and I concur with the sentiments of it apart from the being buggered by my dad bit, but the really interesting bit is reading through the comments. A few comments if i may:
1. The whole Stratford hotspur is a metaphor. If we moved we'll still be tottenham hotspur. It's meant to give an idea of how the football club WILL change.
2. Moving to the Olympic stadium will NOT mean we have loads more cash for transfers compared to redeveloping White hart lane as many believe. This is simply not the case in the slightest.
The differences in opinion between spurs fans are based on differing values of what football is all about and in particular what supporting spurs is about. This is what it boils down to whether you like to hear it or not. Those who are pro Stratford have forgot or never knew the beauty of football. As much as success is great and trophies and champions league football are brilliant, it's the pre season friendlies away to bristol city in 1994 (my first game) are the real memories and the reasons you should love your football team.
Why do you think grounds like old Trafford, Stamford bridge, anfield and the emirates are so poor on match days? It's because they've forgotten what it's all about. To them it's all about winning and money now and that's not it at all. Winning is important of course but it should run deeper. I know a lot of people would stop going to games and stop writing blogs etc if we were playing in league two but there are those of us who would still go and enjoy the experience as much as they do now. It's these fans that want to remain in n17. I hope the rest of you will soon realise this is more than just moving stadiums.
As an American Spurs supporter, I feel like I have a unique perspective on clubs moving, etc. It's bad enough that we have to tear down WHL, however, I've come to accept that. For all those people talking about how great Stratford will be, let me tell you:
It will never be the same. Ever. Every single little thing you love about this club will be altered, somehow. The atmosphere? Changed. Pre-match pints? Certainly changed. The very character of the club will be erased---I've seen it countless times here in the States, doesn't matter which sport or which team. Even if a team moves just a few miles, as my hockey team, St. Louis Blues did, that team loses a big part of itself. Because it is down to the neighborhood---yes, the Blues are in a much nicer arena now, with luxury suites and better transport links and 9 dollar beers, but they're not the same blue-collar team they were. They moved from a nice, working/middle-class neighborhood full of bars to a soulless corporate arena in a desolate area, and that old spark is gone.
Perhaps Haringey isn't the nicest area, but to hear some of you talk about it not being family-friendly, you'd think it was Gary, Indiana in the 1970s. I've been there, and not once did I fear for my safety.
As far as the whole 'easier to get there from the Home Counties' argument---well, we might as well just move to Essex then. There are some things that are worth working hard for, and for me, Spurs is one of them.
The whole pro-Stratford argument is myopic---trade our history, our traditions, our soul for a sterile stadium in the middle of a bunch of manicured parks and plazas? I've seen the devastating impact of that first hand.
p.s. If you think we'll tear down the OS and build a new stadium on site, you've got another thing coming---remember when we weren't even thinking about Stratford, and remember how quickly that changed? If we are approved for the OS, watch the argument evolve over six months into something like 'why would we spend all that money? OS is perfectly serviceable." An argument for Stratford is an argument for a move to the existing OS.
The whole N17 / Stratford debate has meant the fact that we're actually leaving the glorious WHL stadium has been forgotten. As soon as we walk out of there and turn the lights off we're making a massive massive change in the history of the club. Whether we move in next door or down the road pales into insignificance compared to losing the stadium we know and love. Money no object then i'd stay in N17 no question. But that's not the case unfortunately and I'll still support the club i've always supported.
YES FRAN we consider the finances and if we cant afford it then we stay where we are in a 36k capacity. that over a millionk capacity in stratford is preferable because it keeps TOTTENHAM hotpsur FC alive - DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT - or are you just a gooner pissing everyone of.
GET A FUCKING BRAIN and dont speak to me again until you do.
if we cant afford the nldp then levy should sell to someone who can.
YES we might be more successful at stratford (we might not be btw) but that is irrelevent as we would be dead.
im sorry if you cant see this and how transport links, only 5 miles, n17 is shithole, are totally irrelelvent then you are either a gooner, posting for mike lee or just a fucking retard
DrWinston and STL.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Spooky if we move would you move ?
Recognise the names of the pro n17 posters? Yes
Recongnise the name of the pro shfc posters? err no
MIKE LEE i dont care if you are a bloody pr saint sent from the devil himself - by god you wont win this one and i emplore you to give up now. and goonies posting, you test us real spurs and you will see a bloody war on the street of tottenham.
From the bottom of my heart, fuck you too Spursnomad!
Are we not competing now, without being millions in debt?
We have millions of pounds in deadwood sitting on the bench which should have been, and hopefully soon will be, converted into a couple of decent strikers who will help us compete further.
Manure have a much bigger stadium, yet are hundreds of millions in debt and were it not for old bacon face getting the maximum out of a squad of players not as good ours, would be in real trouble.
Who's to say that after we moved to Stratford that Levy and Co. wouldn't sell up to a leveraged buyout and put us in more debt than the NDP would incur? If they didn't sell, there's still no way we'd be able to compete with the billions of City anyway.
The move to Stratford would be a short term money saving exercise for a small group of people who have their own (not ours or the club's) longer term financial interests in mind.
If building the NDP is so crippling financial, don't build it. Maybe someone else will take over the club who can afford to (part) fund it. Moving to Stratford, leaving the name and the heritage of the club behind forever, in the vain hope of being able to 'compete' or for 'easier access' is tantamount to Tottenham treason.
Shame on all of you who have been taken in by the money argument.
As stated, I don't want the club to move out of N17. If we moved I'm unsure if I could detach myself from the history but identity would take an absolute battering.
FC Hotspur of Tottenham? I'm game for that. But wouldn't let go of THFC. I guess a bit like breaking up with your girlfriend who is now with some other bloke, but you still stalk her and watch her.
Yeah, exactly like that.
TMWNN what legend you are
AND GUESS WHAT I RECOGNISE THE NAME - you have been posting for years and years what about the pro stratford people on here and sites moving forward.....thfcfan, mike, brian, spurs fan WHO THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU
give up mike lee and goonies your wasting your time
TOTTENHAM till i die!!!
sorry to disagree spooky, nothing put forward by stl other than the sentiment argument. how would we be trading our history soul and traditions exactly. can anybody enlighten me. after all we will move five miles away.
TMWNN ; see the thing is, that is not a viable option or argument because it's being presented to us as follows:
a) move or we cant compete
b) stay and we crippled ourselves
Because apparently c) is now too costly (NDP) to push ahead with
Some of our fans have really latched onto this 'if we don't get the OS we'll surely perish' defence.
The contradiction is attempting to work out Levy in all this. If the OS is keeping our options open/pressuring local government then maybe N17 was never viable but just part of the process to appease us initially before moving onto the real target. Or its all a double bluff and Levy will win the day and we wont move. But I think the latter is wishful thinking. And we're doomed if the chairman has already made up his mind for the quick fix solution that everyone thinks is going to pave the way for title challenges.
If spurs move to stratford that will also be the end of my going to to spurs and even watching them on tv. They must stay in tottenham. We must fight the move now before its too late.
ham? who the fuck is this ham? i have never heard of ham? who the fuck are u ham.
i am sick and tired of repeating myself and others are alike.
if you cant grasp the argument by now then i suggest a return to primary school.
jog on ham and good luck in the replay at elland road - NOT
Ham. It illustrates the different mind sets at play. Neither of us are in the wrong though, we'd both say in defence.
I support the club not the ground, the ground is not the club, it is an historical location. If the Tottenham MP wants Spurs to remain where they are he should be raising european money for an area re-development project. Arsenal only built their new stadium with help from outside money yet our MP has raised nothing, not even the difference in cost between the two projects.
the council have tried to hold the club to ransom and the Heritage mob don't want us to build at all.
I shall continue to support the club whatever the outcome.
Boxed in. hope ur alright fella and not costraphobic :)
your on the money. nearly.
No real spurs fan would believe this idea that we're doomed if we stay and title winners if we leave.
These people are by and large gooners/mike lee posters or just very mentally challenged people - all of which we have no hope in convincing no matter how many times we repeat fundamental arguments.
never heard or seen a post on here by doc before.
ham in disguise perhaps. probably
For me Im pro-Stratford as the new stadium in N17 wont be as big or accessible as it needs to be for 56,000. The extra money might not all be spent of improving the team, but at least when we need a new player we can pay the ££££ which will not happen should we saddle ourselves with 450m of debt. If the team fail to do well at the rebuilt WHL people will be moaning we cant buy the players we need and then will start saying we should have kept with the orginal stadium blah blah blah.... WHL doesnt look anything like it did 50 years ago, things change... we didnt even start out history on that site either. Our history will always be with us whether we play in Tottenham or Stratford. As for leaving North London for the scum, Spurs will always have a big fan base which will only get bigger as we improve.
I cant see many real supporters not following Spurs if the Stratford option goes through, they might not be overly happy and will moan but come on guys and girls.... We all love to be YIDS home and away and abroad, whatever the outcome we should carry on supporting the team and wear the colours with pride.
On a seperate note, anyone thinking that Levy is lining up the AEG bloke to buy us?? We are teamed up with them for the Stratford project and now the deal with Beckham looking likely to be coming over and the bloke owns LA Galaxy. He is a billionaire but dont know too much about him to be honest.
;-) you foul mouthed scum bag, i am 42 and supported spurs all my life, first game was against wovles 6-1 in 1982 . check it pikey, born and bred in hackney. have been posted on spookies site for last couple of years . sorry sonny youll have to repeat a little bit more, who are you.??????
There's a fair few pro stratford people on here...
can i ask die hard spurs fans doc and ham or is ut ham and doc why your petition has only 8 sorry thats 9 signatures?
i always thought pikeys were from hackney ;)
I honestly can't believe that some supporters want to go to Stratford.
Who cares Tottenham's a shithole? We've all been going for years and nothing's happened. Does it honestly make a difference if the way to your stadium is paved with gold or horse shit? It's not like you spend your entire day there; you go to the boozer, grab a dirty burger, watch the game, back to the boozer until the crowd dies down, and then off you go. With the redevelopment of WHL wouldn't it clean up the area if you're so concerned.
All this bollocks of "I'd be able to take the family there"? You're not going to the Saturday morning cinema club with the wife and two kids, you're going to the football where you get away for a couple of hours from the routine of life. I understand people want to pass Tottenham down to their family (my dad took me when I was 6) and that's fine but moving to a totally different area so you can sit on a Stratford F.C leahther couch and stuff your face with popcorn whilst prob catching 30 minutes of football while the rest of your time is spent unraveling the foil from your prawn sandwiches and popping the pringles open for your kids, do me a favour! You can do all this down the Emirates.
If you can't take the family with the prices currently on offer at WHL, what do you think the prices of the OS will be?
We all strive for trophies and glory but do you really want to sell the history, tradition and soul for the price of empty victories? Chelsea's success means fuck all; all bought with Russian money and the same will be said for Citeh. It's borderline cheating. It pains me to say it but the Gooners have gone about it the right way.
Winning trophy upon trophy isn't what it's ALL about it's the support of the club and everything it embodies. If you change the ideologies of your support then you're not supporting the same thing.
This will end Tottenham Hotspur football club.
a) We wouldn't be in Tottenham anymore. Sorry, but it's Tottenham Hotspur. The history and the tradition go back to the Tottenham marshes, where the boys first practiced. We're not Woolwich arsenal, trying to form a super-club, failing, and moving a few miles up to North London. Sorry, but you don't think the people that support arsenal are all still from south london, do you? Also, while many of our supporters don't live in Tottenham, I think it's fair to say that much of the neighborhood is behind us, which often gives matchdays the feel of a local festival. Do we want to be the people that move into a new neighborhood and build the most ostentatious house on the block?
b) Like I said in my post, it's down to the neighborhood. The pubs, the people, the little traditions everybody has. It's something special, and it only comes of being in a place for a long, long time. The area around the OS has little to offer besides lots of train stations, miles of carefully manicured footpaths through desolate parks, and a weird observation tower---a poor man's millenium wheel.
c) as I said, I have no doubt the OS will be our home, not the NLDP moved six miles south---we're not going to tear down the OS for God knows how much and build a new one on site---if we wanted to throw money around like that, we would just build the damn thing in Tottenham (I know land acquisition costs a lot, but the biggest cost is construction).
d) As much as it hurts to leave WHL, at least the architects planned for a fantastic stadium to replace it. The OS blows---it's a multi-use entertainment arena, not a football ground.
42 years and where has it got you ham.
no morals. your a disgrace to your family and your football club - that makes you the 'scum bag'
and dont you bloody beleive it
you call me scum but your happy for your club to sell out to make more money, for better transport links? your happy for tottenham to be ripped out of tottenham and dumped into the east end to satisfy your desperate cravings for more success.
A real person would rather follow FC Hotspur of Tottenham in combined leagues 4 million than your shfc winning the next 7 billion leagues and cups and CL
your 42 and talk like a spoilt 19 brat.
i hope you drown in all that silverware.
disgusting man
does any other clubs supporters know that arsenal was once from south london or care?
are you aware that we used to play at another stadium and do we or anyone care?
I now live in australia I followed spurs for 30 years from london and swindon in all kinds of weather. being turned away from the gates in driving snow after standing for hour in the freezing cold. I've been spat at, had hot pies thrown at me, punched,kicked and abused just because I love tottenham hotspur. I've never been tied up with an arsenal scarf and rodgered with a banana though but I hate them just the same. I seen glory days and glory matches. I've had glory heros and cried tears when they have passed. My connection is from father to son to son we all support tottenham. My son gets up at all hours of the morning bleary eyed itchy bollox searching the kitchen for a coffee before the tottenham bug digs in and he's frozen to the tele. Roars..yells..screams wtf arry..gooooaaaaalll. Same as I do as is the way in a different time line. I followed spurs down to div two visited blaces like bristol. I felt the hair on my neck prick up at the sound of thousands of spurs fans from the 'special' and herded like sheep towards the ground roaring as they go growling tott..nam..tott..nam. we answer back they went silent. then..tott..nam..tott..nam. we roared back and danced in the terraces. the home fans grew restless and threw coins, pies and any abuse at us. We larfed at em and threw it all back they were no match for tottenham. No one was. no one ever will be. especially a team called stratford tottenham. I will lose it all. And what did i do? What did we do? Genrations of footballing fans lost to the money men! Why is it so? We will be sold after..so why not do it now? I hate Levy. I always have. I've always been shouted down that he's doing the best for spurs! Even when he sold berba and keane when we had our best chance in decades of building on a team twice fifth in the league. I'm loving it at the moment but 50 years of supporting spurs tells me levy will not build on last seasons success. spurs will not retain champs league status again this term. There are no bargains to be had. QPR will spend big when they come up. united will still be the club to catch. arsenal will shrewdly go on as before. Citeh will spend big as will chelsea. What will spurs do under Levy. yes we'll be that well run club down the road that balances it's books well. buy em cheap and sell em for more money then say we out spent the rest of the league when we haven't we just made money on the bargains we bought. If this happens spurs will be left far behind. levy promised he had the funds to build the new stadium in tottenham without impinging on funds for transfers. obviously that pales to insignificance at the chance to save a million or two! Pity someone can't step in and save our tottenham hotspur. I'm buggered. I don't watch anyone else. I hate england with a passion when it come to internationals yet i can't follow anyone else either. So with tottenham moving to stratform football in it's entirity ends for me. Damn you mr levy damn you to hell. Leeds united had no money. they failed from sloppy management but you know what..there's still a leeds united!
like the words of our great leader bill nich (who i met)
footballs about the glory......nothing else matters..
You put it all alot more eloquently than me. Esp with my mad ramblings.
But thats beause i have said what you have a million and one times and still these people come up with its only 5 miles, better transport links, i dont care about the area, we'll save a 100m blah blah blah.
Well now im MAD and ready to take on levy and his crew in another way. But your saying all these great arguments that cannot be argued with yet in repsonse we here its only 5 miles, better transport links, i dont care about the area, we'll save a 100m blah blah blah.
Please realise these people are goonies, they are mike lee posters - BE AWARE OF THEM thats what im saying, dont be naive, be clever.
Wimbledon moving to Milton Keynes is NOT the same as Spurs moving to Stratford.
Wish people would stop using it as some form of evidence.
Two more stupid stupid points by ham.
Irrelevent if people know what arsanal did. the point is they should and it WAS a very wrong act. it killed woolich fc, it encroached on our fanbase and stole our fans over the years and had success we could have had.
If they hadnt done it youd already have your super club thfc in a massive stadium revered like real madrid.
We are aware we played at two different venues - BOTH IN TOTTENHAM though.
With regards quoting bill nick and twisting it to support your insane mind - that is a disgraceful act from a disgraceful man completely taking his famous quote out of context.
In fact the only way you can use great spurs people of the past would be in support of staying. Spurs isnt just about winning, its about doing things the RIGHT way, with style.
That's what the NLDP is, stratford is borderline a crime, in fact it is a crime and bill nick would be sickened by the thought - that have no doubt.
Graham Roberts has already lambasted the idea.
grammarnazi care to elaborate?
what is the geographical limit you are comfortable with then? 5, 10 or perhaps 15 miles?
maybe mk is okay (if it saves us 500m) as long as it has teleporters from your bed to seat?
whats your thoughts dear sir nazigrammar man?
a) to Doc: you are spot on re: Lammy needs to get off his ass and sweeten the deal
b) Damo: Anschutz is a far-right wing hardcore Christian Republican loving ass-clown. I fucking hate his guts.
c) spursguv: I feel you on the getting up bleary-eyed to watch Spurs bit, but I cant match your pedigree in other areas
d) Grammar Nazi---Okay, Wimbledon and Milton Keynes are 50 miles or so apart. Fair enough. However, six miles within London makes a hell of a lot of difference in terms of neighborhood, population, etc. Your spiritual home is where you belong---if your parents were to move from your boyhood home to a different yet perfectly serviceable neighborhood, things would just seem a bit off, just that little bit worse. You'd lose your sense of place, your sense of identity.
hope when we move to stratford
you carry on supporting thfc of tottenham
cos it says something when all us are having a debate about our beloved club
and you have to start turning it into an aggressive and vile slagging match
and this by somebody supposedly on my side.
i have lived away from the uk for 35 years,and during most of this time i never had the chance to follow my boyhood team. the internet has changed that and i am lovingn it! while i respect the home fans who pay for their season tickets and have the privilege of watching spurs week in week out, i believe that the club will always be the club - even if we play at a stadium in south london. The essence of spurs is not the physical location of the place we play - it is the tradition and history of the club and all we love about it - why are some so afraid that we would lose that by moving?
Life moves on, and nobody has ever succeeded by refusing to accept this. while we may question levy's motives, it seems to me that sticking our collective head in the sand will not help spurs move forward. who wants to be a second rate club stuck in a small stadium unable to compete (on our terms) with the arse and the rest?
Let me get this right,if Tottenham relocate to Stratford they will have to become Stratford Hotspur ,so by the same logic ,if West Ham move to Stratford they will have to change their name to Stratford United as they won't be in West Ham any more.Wimbledon moved to Milton Keynes not 6 miles away ,its a desperate comparison.
Those supporting a move to Stratford are not true Spurs fans because they are prepared to support another club at the expense of our beloved Spurs. Shame on you.
We can't we do some work on some of the stands at WHL? Tell you why because in the long run it wont make us much money as moving away and the value of the club will be worth more in East London so ENIC can make with their profit and move on. Which is their end game.
Spurs would not lose the 'Tottenham' from their name if we did move.
Bottom line is, Levy and Enic will do what they like and no amount of complaints, petitions or torn up season tickets will change that.
Maybe it's the feeling of impotency that makes supporters so angry.
In Levy's defence, you have to say he has put the club in it's strongest position for years but who knows whether he thinks it's in the best interests of the club to play in N17 or E15.
I thought the threat to move to the OS was used just to sort out the local council but I am not so sure anymore.
ham i am not on your side. i am not on your front or back either - i am on top of you stomping you down again and again and again until ham has gone all the way down to the centre of the earth. then i am having a break to watch FC Hotspur of Tottenham beat Croydon Athletic 5 - 0 whilst noting on soccer saturday that paul merson is stunned as str-ack-ford hoter-spur score an eleventh, yes eleventh against fulham at the OS.
Then i am coming back down to the centre of the earth in my Olympic spurs elevator to dig you up and then take you to N17 and stick your 42 years and counting bafoon like being onto a giant stick bigger than crouchy with a sign saying 'im ham, wish you were here, btw lots of gold at the centre of the earth, want some levy??????'
Btw diaspora i suspect your the nba usa type. you wont get it so please refrain from passing your thoughts again sir...
This thread is the best thing I've read in a long long time. Spiffing.