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To dream the impossible dream

4th spot is still up for grabs and mathematically there are still plenty of sides left in with a shout. Regardless of what twists and turns remain to be played out this season - anyone positively excited by the continued evidence of mental strength and belief within the squad?

Of course you are.

We've had key player(s) missing through-out the entirety of the season. We've at times been pessimistic (a consequence of the past) when the likes of King or Lennon have sat on the sidelines, and yet we have dug deep and shown intent and ambition. Everytime we think Harry and the side are about to tune into another episode of 'One foot in the grave', we change the channel back to 'It ain't half hot mum'. The remote control, firmly in our hands, and no longer lost behind the sofa.

I like this new-improved Tottenham. It's young yet has calm, focused heads, maturing through-out the season, but still knows how to sex it up when required. It's all about the confidence. We'll be playing naked soon, in transparent shirts and shorts.

Keep shaking your junk Spurs.

Gomes, Dawson, Bassong, BAE, Corulka, Bale, Modric, Huddlestone, Lennon, Kranjcar, Palacios, Defoe, Pavlyuchenko. Add the bionic-cameo King to the mix and there's a solid backbone to the side. One that is quietly understanding that the comfort zone of yesterday, the one that Michael Carrick famously refereed to, is no longer an acceptable place to sit snoozing in. Players have overcome personal demons and erratic form and have thus united in spirit.

The arguments about still requiring a talismanic forward (think Berbatov without the sulk) will continue to be discussed. Along with various for/against opinions on the likes of Defoe, Crouch and Pav and the fact we don't bury half the chances we create. Others still remain uncertain about Huddlestone. There are tactical quirks on whether Modric is better suited to the left or the middle and if he plays left does that mean Bale slots into left-back with BAE on the bench? Or should the BAE/Bale marauding act continue with Moddle in the middle alongside Huddlestone. Or Wilson. Or Sandro (next season). Dawson continues to make up for what he lacks with pace, with 100% commitment and desire. England? Why the heck not. Bassong, an unsung hero of sorts, growing in stature with every game. You almost forget about the fallacy that we are meant to be crap without Ledley and when he does play you remember just how great of a player he is, and it's 'ok' that he only plays once a month or so.

All analysis aside, the fact remains, the team is in the battle for fourth and our reaction to the semi-final loss has been one of unequivocally togetherness. That's not just the players, but the fans at the Lane - who have played a massive part in the belief process that is required to play out during the past two league games.

Sure, there have been knee-jerks. Losing 3-1 to Sunderland hurt and it's quite expected that some people reacted with the most negative of reactions. Although it's equally apparent that it's exaggerated tenfold in a positive fashion when we win. But nobody can argue about the manner of the victories against the red and blue scum. It's credit long time coming.

Other's have remained loyal to their beliefs and continue to suggest that Harry is still not the right man for the job (the logic here that a better manager would get even more out of this side - although surely stability is the key that we've never bothered to use to unlock that Champions League door?).

So massive group hug everyone? Pat on the back. Well deserved all-round, no?

United away on Saturday will be far more difficult that the last two games. Mainly because Harry has to try and second guess what Fergie might do in order to congest the midfield and stop the likes of Bale and Modric from playing. Unless Harry has already considered the possible tactic from Ferguson get the gist. It's going to be tight.

We could get away with a point. A defeat wouldn't end our season or damage the remaining run-in because we have proven we are not a soft touch. Unless of course André Marriner (the ref for Saturday) is replaced by a bot, remote controlled by Howard Webb who then proceeds to award United a penalty after a foul near the corner-flag to change the course of the game in their favour and then we concede an extra three goals because that's tradition.

Heads down, emotionally drained, wearing our 'plucky loser' hats again? Thanks but no thanks.

It's a tiresome excuse. Although arguably we've not been helped by the standard of refereeing in the past, in the face of diversity, we should be inspired to right the wrongs. No more psychological capitulations. We owe it to ourselves to get past this challenge as another gauge of just how far we've come and how far left we have to journey.

United have to win to keep the pressure on and their title dream alive. We have to win, to compound the pressure on the teams directly below us. Palacios will be available. Lennon - don't know. United, much like Arsenal and Chelsea are beatable. Focus Spurs, focus.

I'm drooling. Can't wait for it.

A United fan pointed out to me that if they do win the title, apparently it will be a record of sorts, thanks to the amount of games they've lost this season. Which is further evidence of just how open the Premier League is becoming.

Now, just think what we could possibly achieve with a squad that skips past potential depletions and injuries and has an extra one or two squad players added for good measure. Champions League would cement and consolidate all the hard graft and stop key players flirting and bring in new players of the ilk required. No old Scottish men blowing kisses in the direction of Bale, Modric and Palacios thank you very much. Not this summer ta. And don't get me started on the project at Eastlands. You can already half make out what they might attempt to do.

So, the players, the manager, the fans...

To dare is to f*cking do.


Reader Comments (79)

Very well said!

COYS!! We're all in this together. Let's have it.

Apr 20, 2010 at 7:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpurstwunt

good stuff spooks

Apr 20, 2010 at 7:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterLoading

Where the heck is DAVSPURS? Have I missed him?

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterGC

On that note GC, where the arseboy brook ?

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpursLA

20+ gooners invaded this blog. Karma handed their arse back to them.

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:30 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

In my simple mind, We beat Bolton and Burnley and lose to City and United we have 70 points

City will have to win 3 of their 4 remaining games which are against Arsenal, Spurs, Aston Villa and West Ham and this will give them 71 points

2 wins and a 2 daws for City gives them 8 points and its the on goal difference.

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:39 PM | Unregistered Commenterhotspurs

Happy B-Day, "Matt-the-yid'.

Wish that You, Your Dad, and the fellow Yids (wherever in the world they may be) rejoice the Spurs’ performance at OT.

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:39 PM | Unregistered Commenterbeetleblues

If city beat the Arse and we beat the butcher Manure we have a great chance of finishing 3rd

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterSpursLA

Yep, im trying to think of the worse. If scum beat City and we avoind defeat at City (say a draw) and beat bolton and Burnley, we are there no matter what happens on Saturday at OT. I dont care if we finish 3rd or 4th.

Apr 20, 2010 at 8:53 PM | Unregistered Commenterhotspurs

Someone at work somewhat prematurely organised a world cup sweepstake today. I drew Honduras, which is as good an omen as any I reckon. Do your stuff Sargeant Wilson. The Mancs don't like it up 'em.

Apr 20, 2010 at 9:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterRoman's Interpreter

We have to believe we can win what you have seen is Spurs playing Teams with normal energy levels and skill winning the day no manic chasing of he ball and dirty tackles a tired Spurs hitting Arsenal early and sponge defending soaking the pressure up and hitting them on the break and this is the way we will have to play a fired up red head hatchet man and Skelatores Fletcher Vidic Nani the Collapser Bulky Rooney Hamstring Giggs glass back Ferdinands shot away man kisser Neville . Because the Referee wont help and Fergie will demand Five mins overtime if his team are drawing or getting beat . I have no doubt we could win and definitely Draw but after the fiasco of Wembley this is what the FA and The Premier Leagues would like to Happen Man utd champs reason dept Pompy FAcup reasn dept Liverpool 4th reason dept. All because Mr Schofield allowed Sharks into the Premiership and our fans could pay the price of his incompetent the same man who wouldn't let us kick off at 5 o'clock in lasagne gate and when he said no was at Highbury's last game of the season party who also finished fourth . We must win so the noose round is neck goes tighter and chokes the bastard is next disaster looks like 40 million Transfer money Birmingham who are being threatened by a bank for owing two Million. This is the same Team who conceded 6 to our main Rivals and the owner of there loan Goalkeeper What price would that have bean it makes you wonder did anyone win 2 million . Coys 3-1 will do late on like Wigan

Apr 20, 2010 at 11:10 PM | Unregistered Commenterdavspurs

It's pretty straightforward for us. Liverpool can get a max of 68 pts. Therefore, we beat Bolton & Burnley we have 70 pts - Liverpool out of it. Villa can get max of 70 pts. So again, we beat Bolton & Burnley and with our far superior goal diff, Villa out of the equation. Currently, Citeh can get max 74 pts. Honestly, I do not see them getting anything but beaten by Le Scum, so therefore, max 71 pts for them. Therefore......Wed 5th May is the big ONE. We draw or beat blue Mancs, it's over, we're there. Christ,we really are almost there.
Please bear in mind I am not accounting for any points we may snatch at Old Trafford. Oh, or any unforseen, god awful fuck ups against Bolton/Burnley ala Wolves H & A, Stoke H, Hull H, Everton A (FFS, 13 pts dropped there!! - we'd be joint top with a game in hand...)
In the words of a certain whisky breathed, bacon faced fellow of pensionable age, it really is squeaky bum time. Lets enjoy the ride and please god, lets wrap it up before we play a relegated Burnley, with the pressure off them, on the final day, hoping that those foul Spammers do us a favour......

Apr 21, 2010 at 12:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterTrentSpur

Trentspur, you just beat me to it. Based on recent form, I'm far more worried about Bolton and Burnley than ManU and City. Beating the big teams is not a problem at the moment, but the bus parkers, not sure we've got that sorted yet (damn you, shallow learning curve!!!--that's a joke, son. Laugh.) I'll settle for a point at Ancient Trafford (love that whoever came up with it, they are approaching OAP status) but hoping momentum will continue. Very much doubt City will win. Was I the only one a little bit ticked with Wigan, sort of diminished our achievement if any random team can be the Arse?

End of the day, we control our own destiny. So come on you Spurs!

Apr 21, 2010 at 2:15 AM | Unregistered Commenterziegemonster

I started off by thinking Bale at LB and Modric at LM...Huddlestone and Palacios in the middle, Lennon on right but I think the points raised about terrorizing Neville are good ones. Bale and what we do with him presents a huge problem to Man U. Evra who had been tormented by Lennon in past games handled him very well the last two times we've played them it must be said. We have some interesting selection choices to make. I don't mind moving to a 4-2-3-1 where you get Corluka (if fit, else Kaboul), Dawson, King, Benoit Assou Ekketto across the back, Palacios and Huddlestone laying deep, and Bale pushed up down the left, Modric behind Pavelchenko in the central midfield and Lennon down the right. But I would hesitate to change things too much and question whether a Corluka and Lennon would be fit enough after such a long layoff. Probably just 4-4-2 Bale at LB with Modric and Bentley on the wings with Hudd and Palcios. Pav & Defoe up front. I'm expecting a draw and I'm more confident of us getting a result than Arsenal getting a result.

Apr 21, 2010 at 2:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

They say the wheel turns, im hoping it turns this weekend!! Time for fate to make up for the Pedro Mendes "GOAL' that never was!!!!BELIEVE...COYS!!!!

Apr 21, 2010 at 7:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpursrui

Hope MonkeyBoy Bale can continue his Magic and stay fit for rest of season.

Having said that, Chief Monk Levy must be applauded for all his shrewd business dealings. Lennon 2m, Hudd 1m, Moddles 16m, Palacios 14m, Berbs (10m sold for 30m), Carrick (2m sold for 16m), Bob Keane (7m, sold 20m, botback 12m = net 1m), Gomes 7m, Kaboul (HAD to buy him back cos Pompeii no money to PAY us sell-on fee), Bale 5m. How much do you think this players are worth now?? There were also duds but final analysis the bald one has done well.

If you look at spurs team of past (3 decades to be specific).. most of those teams had ability but always came up short against the sky4. In fact, I think we had the worst heads up against the sky4 in the league. What changed? CONFIDENCE... BigMartyJolly did a job, but could not make our lads believe enuff.. Juande (No English pls, Habla Espanol??) Ramos.. literally lost in translation... 'Arry? He talked and talked and bitched and nagged till even Pav who didnt understand RegularPubBloke Uncle Harry was saying..BELIEVED... fuck me.. what a world of difference confidence brings.. As the saying goes, confidence doesnt guarantee a win, but no confidence will always guarantee defeat..

4 matches left.. can see the light now at the end of a very very long tunnel..

PS Davspurs, pls spare the lads some of your ENERGY to last the season.

PS Dear Chief Monk Levy, after the plaudits, pls dont have wet dreams about the potential profits from selling Bale, Lennon, Modric, Hudds, Palacios, Pav or Gomes. We will read you the fucking riot act if you do that. O Bald one, pls exercise your supreme financial wisdom and sell JJ for good price and a certain legend Bob Keane back to his boyhood club ChoppedLiver as Rafa, Torres, Gerrard,etc will be gone and will have to settle for 2nd rate badge kissing pointy shouty strickers (Even if we sell him for 6m, we will still end up with nice gain of 5m since he only cost us 1m nett)

Apr 21, 2010 at 8:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterStevespurs

One quick point to note about 'arry's wheling and a dealing is that now the squad has been fully tested, those coming in when needed (inc, kaboul and gudjohnson) and those not sold in jan despite advances, have done at tet very least a half decent job.

As for the United game it will be difficult when to chose any midfield four when the opposition will probably play a lone striker, therefore obviously lining up with a midfiled six similar to last weekend: Scholes, Giggs, Fletcher,Valencia, Gibson, Atkinson.

The only difference is the availability of Atkinson this weekend as he is likey to be substiuted by Webb or Dowd.

Apr 21, 2010 at 9:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Yeah good point. Where is Brook?

Apr 21, 2010 at 9:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterGC

He's on his 4th paper round, saving up for next year's season ticket so he can watch another trophyless season for 'top dollar'.

Apr 21, 2010 at 10:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

United away is always a tough fixture... for any team in the league. Hunker down and stick the crotch to them. Otherwise, we'll be in for a very long 90 and some odd minutes.

Great article Spooks, as always! COYFS!!!!

Apr 21, 2010 at 10:53 AM | Unregistered Commenterelwehbi@ibleedhotspur

crouch??? oh the fuck you didnt?

Apr 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM | Unregistered Commenterrichg

Anyone heard anything of Keano? Wonder is he missing THFC at all or was his boyhood dreams all coming true enough for him right now?

Also thanks for posting DAVSPURS, was worried!

Apr 21, 2010 at 12:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterGC

Oh bollocks, JJ has just completed a successful 45mins in the reserves!

Apr 21, 2010 at 12:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterCEJ

Scoles is the big danger, as City found out to their cost.

Apr 21, 2010 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered Commenterstrathaven spur

Manure is much the hardest of the last three games because it is away and because SAF sides know how to battle and attack too.

Key to the game is probably Rooney.

If he is fit and firing we probably lose unless we can choke his supply line and isolate him which is easier said than done.

Apr 21, 2010 at 1:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterTed

Modric is the key to this one missing both our defeats this season against the mancs.

Apr 21, 2010 at 2:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheInvisibleJenas

2-1 Spurs.

Quote me.

Apr 21, 2010 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Looks like Lennon starts on the bench. Can't see Corluka being ready yet as its only been 2 weeks since he struggled through the FA cup semi-final and didn't play in the West Ham friendly. My guess is the team looks very similar to the team that faced Chelsea.... I think Palacios is the only guy who might find a place in the first XI who wasn't there last week but not sure at who's expense. Can't take of Mods, Hudd, Bale given how well they are playing. You probably don't want to change the formation and without Corluka at RB I don't want to leave Kaboul too exposured on the right. Tough call what to do but nice to have a decent supply of options and Harry's touch has been good as of late so I have faith.

Apr 22, 2010 at 2:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterTim

A surprise for me thus far is Old Scotch face not started the mind games yet with only 2 days to go. By now he would have said something to rile up our team. Something along the lines of "Spurs always choke" or "Spurs always try to get to into top 4 but their mental fragility lets them down". I don't trust him.

I have come to accept that 'Arry is indeed Huddini. He pulls the unexpected every single time. One of the unexpected things I won't be surprised he does this weekend is partner Wilson with JJ in midfield and sacrifice THudd and Modric in the process. I know, it sounds inconceivable but isn't that what he did when he brought back Bentley earlier this year? The players we least expect to start do and do a great job of it.

Apr 22, 2010 at 7:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterIaG

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