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That wasn't meant to happen

Spurs 0 Stoke 1

Ironic that my previous blog article spoke about how we need to be beating the lesser teams and how defeat should cause a reaction of hatred, forcing a positive reaction. Didn’t quite expect us to be tested on the latter quite so soon.

Expectation and the added pressure that comes with wanting more than just the norm makes this type of defeat a painful one. I expected us to tear Stoke a new one. We’re not the ones meant to be dropping the points.

“And this season, we've shown we've got steel. We are not a soft touch”

Famous last words.

I’m going to spare you the torture of a comprehensive match report. You’ll know the story by now. And to be honest I’m currently lacking the motivation to re-live a blow by blow account of what turned out to be a very poor afternoon in N17. I must not be the only Spurs fan who decided not to watch Match of the Day.

I’ll summarise instead.

We had chances. One of which was miraculously cleared off the line. Woodgate left the field of play early thanks to a heroic clearance of his own, and late on Lennon ‘substituted’ himself leaving us with 10 men (all of our subs had been made prior to Aaron’s injury). Disjointed day at the office. We started slowly, found a rhythm that was more Jo Wood than Ricky Whittle. We then applied some pressure but nothing stamped with our trademark free-flowing confident play and soon it went completley off the boil and we lost fluidity and eventually got mugged by a plucky Stoke side (Fuller getting past BAE with ease, setting up Whelan who finished confidently). Lady Luck was not evident at WHL today. Had she blown a kiss our way then Crouch would have had a brace to his name. Niko hit the post. Might have been a penalty in there for us too.

Instead, we lost at home. No grand performance in memory of Sir Bill Nicholson (the 5th anniversary of his passing was on the 23rd of this month). It’s disappointing. It’s unnerving. It’s not meant to happen right? Well wrong. It happens. It’s gutting because three points would have kept us right up there. But today will not be the only upset of the season I’m sure. The Prem has already been full of surprises, so expect more. Hopefully not at our expense.

Some Spurs fans will say the 0-1 loss serves as a reminder we should take nothing for granted. Others will cite it as evidence that we are not good enough to mount a serious challenge for a Top 4 place. You’ll have some claims that it’s been a gradual yet ever so subtle devolution since Modric’s injury that is now beginning to have a clear detrimental effect on the team aided when other key players (Defoe) are also missing.

Yet this time last week I heard a dozen people say that the win at Pompey was proof how strong we are in comparison to the softer and better known versions we’ve come to bemoan in past seasons. Don’t get me wrong, this defeat grates me more than losing to Chelsea or Utd. Possibly because it’s so unexpected. But more so because it serves nothing in the way of justifiable evidence as to whether this was just a fluke loss or a clue to something deeper. Had we played brilliantly and still lost the post-match analysis would have been the same. Had we won it you would have probably found yourself saying something like ‘that’s the sign of a top club’. To win and claim all three points having played poorly.

Stoke were hardly ever in it, apart from the odd chance and shot wide and that early effort that could have stuck'em ahead. Credit to them. But we were not out played. We were just below par. And that’s something for Harry to fix because it’s a complete waste of an afternoon. We defeated ourselves. How's that for another cliché?

I’m not going to dissect the performance and criticise anyone individually. If we lose the next 2/3 games then we can have an inquisition. For the moment, I’m going to tag this with a ‘one of those days’ label and hope that the defeat stings some urgency back into the players and we don’t have to revisit this for a long time.

Everton on Tuesday. Pride restoration the priority.

Arsenal up next in the Prem.

Hold onto your...

Reader Comments (28)

im blaming defoe for the loss , surley had he played he would have bagged a few !

Oct 25, 2009 at 1:02 AM | Unregistered Commenterstevespurs

If JD was playing we would have won. We did play shit for large periods of the game but still carved out chances to win it. One of those days? Yes. But we lacked leadership out there. No tempo either.

Oct 25, 2009 at 1:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

Azza good to go for the derby?

Oct 25, 2009 at 1:32 AM | Unregistered Commenterctrl alt del

I watched the game online

Keep the faith

Rest assured, if we play like today every week we will be in the top 4 at the end of the season

Stoke are acomplete and utter shit team who play anti-football, helped today by a ref who allowed them to get away with lots of rugby tackles. On any other day we would have won 20-0.

Oct 25, 2009 at 1:43 AM | Unregistered Commenterdo not lose our heads

I agree that JD should shoulder some of the responsibility for today's defeat. We weren't helped either by Woodgate's early and Lennon's late departure from the field. I also worry that BAE has made costly errors at Bolton and today at the Lane. Is it time he had a rest and we gave Bale a game or two?

Oct 25, 2009 at 1:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterNorthern Spur

I felt very disappointed after the game, mainly because I couldn't dissect how we lost it! Then I realise it was a combination of things, each insignificant on its own... Defoe red card, losing Woodgate early in the game which indirectly contributing us using up all the 3 subs, Lennon storming down the tunnel after God knows what injury he had, a rusty Pav after we refused to use him regularly, and a persistently inefficient and frustrating Keane

One thing that worries me was that the team lost heart after Lennon was off. May be when we can't win a game with our talents, then we just gave up and let fate came in. Their goal was a moment that the team completely switched off, I dare say they almost wanted they scored so they didn't have to try anymore.

I hope Lennon's 'injury' was not an attitude problem, and Palacios seemed to carry a knock towards the end..

Enough of my rumbling, we have 2 big games coming up and let's support the boys!! COYS!!

Oct 25, 2009 at 3:47 AM | Unregistered CommenterSpursHK

i dont get over often (2 kids and mortgage and a low paid job etc) but today i did for the first time this season and thoughts as doubt to get shot down by everyone....
Gomes - confident and fine
BAE-seems to relaxed - he often has space for the killer ball was seemed happy just to swing it in pretty aimlessly..
Dawson...didnt let anyone down
Bassong...i just kept worrying he would be caught in posession which he was once but dug hinself out
Corluka....i must be missing something cos my friends tell me he has been fine but he looked so unsure and kept trying to play the hollywood ball to lennon which never looked liked coming off
Krankjar...for me lazy (75% effort at tops)
Palacios....did his job and when down to 10 was fantastic confidence at all and often looked unkeen to drive the play forward as he should
Lennon - head and shoulders above everyone but i cant forgive anyone who subs themself and leaves 10....
Crouch - played ok - just wasnt his day
Keane... Looked old and a couple of yards off - Pav looked much sharper

Overalll there just seemed a lack of confidence and drive..JJ brought some urgency when on but then we got mugged...

as for the Arse game...think its all about belief...


Oct 25, 2009 at 6:25 AM | Unregistered Commentercolsey

Pathetic Spurs supporters!! if Stoke are as bad as you try to make out explain why they are up in the top ten,simply put you are extremely arrogant supporters of an average team!!!!!!!!!

Oct 25, 2009 at 7:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterDoggiesStokie

If Lennon was injured he was right to come off, I'd do the same if it was me. What if he aggravates it further and is out for much longer? Anyone who has twisted an ankle knows how painful it can be, and it gets worse once you stop

Oct 25, 2009 at 8:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterRichie Fingers

DoggiesStokie. Simply put, some teams are more average than others. The table as it has been frequemtly said, does not lie.

Oct 25, 2009 at 8:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterTrembly

This game will fade quickly from the memory. Just like our midfield faded in the second half.

Spot on about the lack of clues as to how well we are 'really' doing.

And you shouldn't know about Jo Wood and Ricky Whittle, and neither should I. It rots the brain, you know.

Oct 25, 2009 at 8:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterTOMM

Keep the faith indeed but that is three easy points we cant have back. All the top sides will beat the shit teams at home in the league, even the ones who play anti football (like bolton and stoke - would you pay money to watch that btw?). But we will keep the faith because despite being far from are best we still did enough to win, where as stoke just defended with 11 men and got lucky as fuck with there one attack - bring on the scum but in the grand scheme of things I still reckon its a battle with aston villa to end 6th this season - sad day for football as results like this reinforces the view that its the same old top four yet again. Fair play to stoke, we can all have a go at us losing at home to a shit, lucky team but there was only one way a sane man would have predicted a stoke win at WHL - which was for that game to pan out exactly as it did and I'm sure stoke will happily take it (whether us spurs fans would accept us playing the same way is debatable - didnt we oust george graham for that very reason?) Sorry to say it but stoke won't be a PL club in five years time.

Oct 25, 2009 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered Commenterthfc1882

No, Modric, no Defoe, no Lennon............we are waiting for you, said the spider to the fly.

Oct 25, 2009 at 9:21 AM | Unregistered CommenterLondon

The season is long and events may conspire to prove me wrong but I will re-state what should be obvious: We are not a top four team. If we do manage to wind up fourth, and I am extremely doubtful we will, it will be because we got lucky. A top four team would have at least managed to come up with a point today. Kid yourselves if you like but we don't have the poise or bottle of a top four club. But then again I'm not sure I'd have it any other way :) Thfc1882 has it right, we'll be in a dogfight for 6th.

Oct 25, 2009 at 11:14 AM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

different teams different styles..........just needed the steel of a leader outthere to force the pressure the last 15 mins twos on the edge box etc.....too many passes went astray..and first touches a shade slow...and a lack of movement without lennon.....
stoke played well as a defensive unit......the league this year will be like this year so no one is free from games like far as the Derby game next week ..lennon will be fit ...the chances would have gone in with the arsenal defence not dealing with crouch..etc...a blip but dont judge on one game.....the sooner modric is fit the better obviously missed......frustrating as on another day a 3-1 win......the season is early so this reality check is a good test to rebound against arsenal...........keane stand up this is your game!

Oct 25, 2009 at 11:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterbilliospur

Disappointing result, good performance. We did more than enough to win against a team that was happy to stick ten men behind the ball and mindlessly hoof it up the pitch on the rare occasions they got it off us. It's difficult to play free-flowing attacking football when the game is compacted in the final third of the pitch, Lennon going off meant that we lacked the player who could create something from nothing. But for some fantastic saves and goal line clearances it should have been game over by half-time. Even with ten men we looked the better team.
Ah well.

Oct 25, 2009 at 12:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

There's so much that has contributed to the defeat from not having Modders (slowly going backwards since he was injured) to missong Defoe (petulant little child). Was Lennon really that injured as to not carry on? Okay, only he can make the call if he can continue but I just can't see Giggs going off like that under Fergie. Mental strength people...

It was so Spurs yesterday; dominate games but can't quite put it away. That's the difference between us and the Sky top four. Angry? No, those days are long gone as has my love for the game but certainly feel that we can still be a touch lightweight. We DO need another midfield general/enforcer as we can't expect Wilson to continue the burden; the guy has put in a shift fior us but surely he will suffer over the coming months? Shame we didn't go for Cattermole who has been outstanding for Sunderland as has Cana, another cheap option.

Still, not a bad start but top four? Na, top six, yes...

Oct 25, 2009 at 12:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterIQATL

Spooky, I agree with your sentiments and Next Season, you are correct Sir. We were best in every department on the day just not quite smart enough to score. Stoke should not be trying those tactics too often because someone will stick 5 or 6 past them. Frustrating match and still a little sick we have allowed 3 points to fall out from our hands.

Oct 25, 2009 at 12:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

We didn't actually deserve to win the game. We had lost of possesion but we didn't create that many chances. Our passing was pedestrian at times and somebody explain to me why we were slowing the game down so much?
I know stoke didn't deserve to win the game, but its spurs one or two late goals are to be expected in the season.

Now bring on the arse, we'll turn them over, and hopefully modders will be fit to go by then!

Oct 25, 2009 at 2:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterNandM



Oct 25, 2009 at 8:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterHaHaHaHa

Ah bless, look, a special needs has access to the Internet.

Oct 25, 2009 at 9:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterOllie

Unanimous goading. Must be an Arsenal fan.

Oct 25, 2009 at 9:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterThe Machine

Must be an Arsenal fan who thinks their draw to West Ham is something to be proud of :)

Oct 25, 2009 at 10:01 PM | Unregistered Commenternycyid

I think Arsenal will belt you 4-0.Stoke play to their strenghts not weakness and will continue to improve, i doubt spurs will be top four for a long time.

Oct 26, 2009 at 9:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterDoggiesStokie

DoggiesStokie - come back at end of season...

Oct 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM | Unregistered CommenterAlan

Off thread but on theme..... chins up lads!

Saturday 31st. of October and football clock's are ticking in North London. The Big One. Arsenal v Spurs. It's ten minutes to kick off at The Echoing Library, pardon, the Emirates Stadium. In the Arsenal dressing room the team talk begins............

"Right lads, I will accept nothing less than 100% from each and every one of you from the off against these wankers/arseholes. Remember how they turned us over 5 : 1. Now I don't care if you dive, kick, punch or even head butt your way to victory, you have to win today. I will do all the shouting and cajoling I possibly can, and I will try to use my influence to get us the result, but in the death it's down to you guys, good luck."

The door opens, and in walks Monsieur Arsene Wenger. "Ahh, thanks ref, I'll take it from here. Oui!"

Yeah, it's an old joke. But that doesn't make it less funny.... hahahahahahahaha.

Oct 26, 2009 at 11:57 AM | Unregistered Commentertonyblue

yeah we lost. yeah there was a lack of creativity in front of goal. yeah lennon could have stayed on the pitch.

bottom line only one team in the top four won this weekend, overall results elsewhere have gone in our favour at least we didnt throw away a 2 goal lead like city or those retards down the road.

chin up boys still top four even with our top players missing.
and by the way we will beat the arse 3 - 1.


Oct 26, 2009 at 12:29 PM | Unregistered Commenterpicasosdog

Damn they only beat you 3-0.

Oct 31, 2009 at 7:42 PM | Unregistered CommenterDoggiesStokie

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