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This football management lark is easy...

As a follow-up to my Football Manager 2010 review, here's my 2 cents on my FM210 demo experience regarding team selection/management for fellow Spurs fans.

In my most successful demo save-game I had Keane playing up front with Defoe. Keane as the deep lying midfielder and Defoe as an advanced forward (giving him a bit more work to do than the more obvious 'poacher' role). Keane was set to 'support' the midfield and Defoe to simply concentrate on attacking. Just behind them, Modric. Sat in the hole as an advanced playmaker looking to craft chances for others and himself. Niko on the left hand side (Bale very useful there too) as a wide midfielder cutting in. On the other side. Lennon. Simply as a winger although I can't work out his best instruction. Cut in or hug the touchline? Both prove to be successful thanks to his devastating pace.

Build your team around him.


Bang in the middle of the park, who else? General Wilson Palacios. The ball winning defender, but rather than all out defensive I have him in a support role which means instead of looking for the quick pass to a creative player, he drives forward himself. Not always with great success, but he scores the odd goal because of it.

Back four? BAE Bassong King Corluka. Woodgate and Bassong share their centre back position and Naughton is also very decent in the game (not that he hasn't got potential in real life). Bale is also good, especially in a left-midfield position.

Gomes in goal.

So it's a 4-3-1-2 tactic in essence.

Players to get rid of? Spurs get a fairly useless £8M transfer budget, which is only slightly improved if you tell the board you will win the title (crazy talk). So the following are players you can sell for plenty of sterling:

Pav. Bentley. Hutton.

You could (at a push) get £12.5M a piece for Pav and Bentley and I've managed to sell Hutton for £5M to Sunderland (who else?). So that's a potential £38M + any additional reserves you want rid of. Which is far more healthy war chest.

Football Manager 2010. Realistic.


You might even look at Jenas as another potential sale. But he does well covering either Palacios or Modric. No seriously, he does. Gio is worth keeping as he appears to be far more rated than the previous version (and there are no night-clubs in FM). The U18 squad does look quite poor so money needs to be spent there. This is a slight gripe for me. We have a very decent academy so I expected better. Means you will need to invest in the U18 set-up.

Not sure about scrapping the reserves though (which is always an option) as it would mean making sure there are plenty of friendly games and tours set up for the players outside of the first team. If you did want to follow what Spurs have done for real, then you'll be more than busy making sure everyone remains fit and sharp.

Tim Sherwood's stats are crap (true to life innit) so terminate his contract and look to bring in some decent backroom staff. You might prefer to promote one or two from youth coaches to senior coaches or just draft in some new blood altogether. It's a necessity to get the training wise and aim for a decent set of 'stars' in the coaching aspect of the game.

In fact - spend time on this. The perfect scenario would be to have youth coaches who are assigned for youth only and a first team set-up that look after the oldies. That and a decent training strategy will work wonders.

King played fairly successfully for me (although initially injured). I guess the trick here is to keep your fingers crossed. Again, very dependent on training. It’s the one area I don't actually care for too much and tend to base it around other peoples suggestions. Get the wrong balance and you'll be more likely to be susceptible to injuries. You could give King his own schedule though, to protect that knee.

As for signings? Well, van der Vaart is someone you can sign for around £7.5M but make sure the contract is a good one other wise he will reject you and go to somewhere like Lazio on loan. Riquelme is also available if you bid but will have to bid a few times to find the right amount of cash you want to part with. Depends on what formation you're planning to go with really. And back to Ream Madrid, RvN is also a cheap option and one that could be superb as cover. I signed him once in the demo, second time round, he laughed at my contract offer. So could be hit and miss.

Getting rid of Bentley means I need cover for the right side. Beckham is available for just over 600K and worth it for those magical moments off the bench and for resting Lennon.

The young lad at Naopli Marek Hamšík looks great. But may cost you a cool £14M.

The Dream Team.


I'll say this: Don't go too nutty with the transfers out. Just sell the deadwood. I performed admirably in the demo with hardly any major changes to the side. My tactic, although not quite perfect, worked a treat.

Also - make sure you offer your star players new contracts. Moddle is easily distracted by transfer speculation and you might find him wanting to do a Berba very early on.

As ever, patience is a virtue. Takes time for people to find their feet and bed into your way of thinking. Defoe initially was rubbish in front of goal (all his shots seemed to be aimed at the keeper) and although we the best of the chances in games, my forwards would be wasteful more often than not. When he found his form he was constantly on fire.

I'll leave you with some stats, so you can compare with your game. Feel free to share your experience(s).


1st in Prem

Played 21
Won 14
Drn 4
Lst 3

For 47
Ag 20


46 points

(Chelsea and Arsenal are on 45 pts)

Unbeaten at the Lane.

Best average:

Keane 7.66

Top scorers:

Defoe 16, Keane 15, Modric 9, Palacios 5, Bassong 4

Historically, I always guide Spurs to around 5th or 6th in my first full season then gain CL qualification in season two. Top In Jan in the demo. I’m hoping the game isn’t that easy and this is nothing more than beginners luck. FM has always been a tough nut to crack.

Reader Comments (35)

I struggle for 3 years before I get anywhere. But then its my own fault for always trying to sell everyone and build up the side from scratch. Modric is looking very good in this version. Scores and creates bundles. Not impressed with Bentley at all but Pav has scored plenty for me. What training schedule you using spooky?

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:24 AM | Unregistered CommenterKingofKings

How many seasons you can use the demo version ?

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:32 AM | Unregistered CommenterRamsesV

Plays up to Jan. So 20 or so league matches and the league cup up to the quarter-final, if you get that far. Its long enough to get a feel for the game. And you can use your demo save game with the full game. I wouldnt though because you'll miss out on having a large database of players.

Spooky - there are more bugs in this game than you think. I've read your review and it paints a better picture than the truth of it. Although its not half as bad as 2009. No showstoppers game breakers. Just 5-10 annoyances that I will be hoping SI fix in time for next week.

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterTonk

Looks like Wilson is the centre-piece in your tactic Spooky. Who you got as a replacement if he gets injured? Dont say Jenas because if you do I will laugh.

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterOracle

I would sell both Keane and Defoe. You'd have £50M - £60M over all (with the other out transfers you mentioned). Leaving you with enough money to bring in a DM and two new forwards. Keep Crouch though.

Oct 21, 2009 at 11:03 AM | Unregistered CommenterSteve, Surrey

I also had a storming season. 2nd at the end of the game-it seems a bit to easy at the moment.

Signed RVN for 2.2 mil, he is my top scorer. I really recommend him!

I sold Pav for 10M, Hutton for £7.5, Jenas for 10m. Also sent Keane out on loan as he never cuts it for me, but will reconsider on the main game. Sold Obika for 2M, which was unreal. Also sold Dawson for 6M, which I think is good business.

Signed Vargas, a left sided player for Fiorentina. He is one of my top performers and really recommend him. 10m well spent. Also signed Militio from Barca in Jan, brilliant CB leader.

Two frees that I really recommend. For CB cover is this Portugeuse guy (can't remember his name) but got awesome stats. He is experienced and great cover. For striker cover, Kamara, really good 4th/5th striker.

Bale was really good for me too and so was lennon. Wilson and Modders are kings as usual.

Oct 21, 2009 at 11:04 AM | Unregistered Commenteryid of leon

Oracle - nobody at the moment re: Wilson cover other than Huddlestone (who doesn't cut it in the ball winning midfield role) and Jenas. Sandro is the player I keep trying to sign as cover and will give it a real go in the proper game.

yid of leon - let me know who the CB cover is you signed. RvN is someone I will go for in the proper game.

So, fund-raising stands as follows:

Pav £10M - £12.5M
Bentley £10M - £12.5M
Jenas £7.5M
Hutton £5M
Dawson £6M
Obika £2M
Cox £1M

(all figures based on other FM Spurs fans who have sold players)

Potential Players in:

RvN £2M - £3M
Beckham £ 650,000
Sandro - £8M - £14M
Vargas - £10M
Marek Hamšík - £14M
van der Vaart - £7.5M

Oct 21, 2009 at 11:16 AM | Registered Commenterspooky

Lol! Love it. I can't wait for the new game to come out, then the real debates will commence; 'Wonderkids' !!!

Oct 21, 2009 at 11:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterKing Yid

Of course, the slightly underhand way of raising funds is to start the game as a 2 player, and use your second manager to purchase your deadwood/reserves etc at inflated prices. That way you get extra cash, but your main rivals have already spunked their money on rubbish!

I once sold Rory Allen to Newcastle for £10m!! That was back in the CM2 days through!!!

Oct 21, 2009 at 11:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterKing Yid


i see, from your screenshots, that there are Mod's image as well as the Tottenham nad Premier League logos are present.. has FM10 got the liscencing for this or did you have to use face and logo packs?

Oct 21, 2009 at 12:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterBimmi

I got hold of face and logo packs.

Keep an eye out on the Sort It Out SI forums.

I've already got hold of a new kit pack, and there is set to be brand new updated face and logo packs in the next 2-3 weeks. The current packs work fine (as you can see) on FM2010.

Oct 21, 2009 at 12:19 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

You bunch of geeks!

Oct 21, 2009 at 1:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterJep

I didn't notice in the paper this morning but apparently we have been overun by aliens. Don't know whether to run for cover or challenge them to a football match. Winner takes over the planet.

Oct 21, 2009 at 1:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

what a sad bunch, get a life, spend some time in the real world. cant believe grown men can act like kids.
come on you REAL spurs

Oct 21, 2009 at 1:38 PM | Unregistered Commenterspam

Realistic! Does it wake you up at 3am as a tabloid hack telling you that your captain's been fighting bouncers again or that your skip man has wrapped his Porsche around a lampost whilst pissed? Does it kick your door in at 6am pretending to be City Plod, or examine your tax affairs with a fine toothed comb? What, no death threats or vile comments about your family and friends? No personal attacks on your appearance or ludicrously incorrect, and biased opinion on your management history. Does it make you feel like the muts nuts when your winning and want to kick shit out of you down a dark alley when your losing? No?..... realistic?......... reality check.

Oct 21, 2009 at 2:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterHarry's Ma

nice touch spam ... acussing people of not having a life while reading a forum about a team and a game that you do not play yourself (not on that level) and reacting on a internet blog/forum which means that you are inside behind your computer criticising people for being inside behind their pc that also follow the same game and team as you do , and participate in activities as blogging , supporting ... Kettle black and then some

Furtermore making the distinction between real fans and fake fans is sad sad sad ... if you want to see real fans i m sure there are teams begging for supporters in the lower leagues where you can whine amongst your kindred spirits about how grown man can act like kids (what a horrible remark mate) and that only you guys are the real deal

Oct 21, 2009 at 3:11 PM | Unregistered Commenterbelgian spur

how about not selling anybody unless you really have to?

seeing boateng play well for pompei is my point.....

pav is quality .....bent on his day puts the ball where he wants it to be .....
great goal arsenal right....

it just seems they have to continue to work on their game as all the othersdo

to get a look in redknapps

jenas and hud as some of the players just need to build in consistency etc

a strong squad which knows itself ..

hutton? ......(well hes scottish he doesnt count!)

Oct 21, 2009 at 3:27 PM | Unregistered Commenterbilliospur

Does this game run on all computers worldwide or is it like DVD's and Video Games where there are different regions? I'm in the States and would love to take Spurs to glory.....Xbox360 online and manager mode are a bit stale and easy.

Oct 21, 2009 at 6:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndy

you are right belgian spur

it was always a bit geeky reading internet blogs about my team
but this is too sad, i am embarrassed for you.
so i dont think ill bother anymore.
crack on with your world and ill crack on with mine

Oct 21, 2009 at 7:29 PM | Unregistered Commenterspam

Only total spanners want to read 5,000 words on your shit computer game mate. Get a life!

Oct 21, 2009 at 7:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

And only a twat would want to point that out. Now back off to your hole.

Oct 21, 2009 at 8:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaxton Yid

So what kind of person would point out me pointing that out then? LMFAO

And please don't talk about my hole mate. Weirdo!

Oct 21, 2009 at 9:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

I have to agree with the earlier poster - this is a (very good) Spurs blog, keep it about Spurs please Spooky! Mention the game by all means, but don't subject us to a blow-by-blow account of your time on it

Oct 21, 2009 at 9:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichie Fingers

Are you for real? He can write about anything he wants.

Oct 21, 2009 at 9:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterZico

Calm down peeps. He wrote this for SI forums thats all

Oct 21, 2009 at 10:06 PM | Unregistered CommenterSOpur

Meh. I'm pleased people have things to make them happy. It's not for me, but hey, it takes all sorts, after all some people end up being fans of all manner of things.

Spooks, now that the insight into something that makes you happy is over, a quick insight into saturday's game? I feel the need for more cynicism.

Oh and gooner jake, did I get your DOB right? (11th feb 1990 in case you missed it). That would be 'spooky' wouldn't it?

Oct 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterTricky

Match preview for Stoke tomorrow :)

Oct 22, 2009 at 12:20 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

LOL nope 'fraid not Tricky. Must be thinking of someone else.

Oct 22, 2009 at 5:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterGoonerJake

Keep it real:

1982, 11th game down.

Oct 22, 2009 at 6:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterNext Season

Zico, all I'm saying is there have been hardly any entries of late, then we get the mother of all posts about a computer game! Why not have a big one about who is going to go on X Factor too? Sod it, how about one on weeds in the garden? Yes, Spooky can post what he likes, but then it's just a bog-standard blog, not one for our wonderful club

Oct 22, 2009 at 8:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichie Fingers

Football Manager is about football. The clue is in the title. And he's done this before. Not sure if it was a review or a letter to FM fans but it's nothing out of the ordinary. The thing with this blog is that Spooky jumps in and out of 'character' and there's always a different style to his writing. I'm a fan of his letters others dont get them. I like the serious stuff (conundrum series) but not so much the silly things like Bale and Bentleys adventures. Theres something for everyone.

Except porn. Theres no porn.

Oct 22, 2009 at 8:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterHazard

Yes, there is football in the title, hence it's football related. Is that the criteria? Well so o is Striker in The Sun. Shall we discuss Warbury Warriors chances of the Title too? What about Subbuteo, is that a valid point of discussion? Panini sticker albums?

Oct 22, 2009 at 10:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterRichie Fingers

Well if Subbuteo and Panini are thrown out there, I'd like to see some Football Champions Cards mentioned. Can neve have enough Gus Poyet.

Oct 22, 2009 at 10:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndy

I'm in a creative mood. I'm going back to my roots.

Oct 22, 2009 at 11:34 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

Next Season - loving that link.

Oct 22, 2009 at 11:42 PM | Registered Commenterspooky

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