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Textbook opening day result

Boro 2 Spurs 1

The unmistakable stench of mediocrity is once again rearing its ugly head towards us and winking knowingly.

Welcome to another opening game defeat, as presented by Tottenham Hotspur.

We, apparently, according to Poyet have clever and intelligent players who don't need time to gel. Which is questionable considering how many times we got raped down the right hand side. Midfield was somewhat lacking the basics. No closing down, no urgency, no midfield defensive balance which meant Boro found it relatively simple to counter and apply pressure with relative ease. With Zokora doing his utmost to impersonate Daniel Alves (and ending up just looking like Zokora playing in the right back position with discipline), it was pretty disappointing from start to finish. Where was the support for Bent? Didn’t come from Gio (way too early to expect miracles from the kid) and Bentley was quiet.

Hopefully now people would stop banging on about thrashing Roma like it meant something. Competitive games are upon us and once more we fail to assert ourselves.

I’m not about to hit the panic button. This has always been Spurs on the opening day. It’s how we follow up at home in the next game that will be telling.

What’s blatantly obvious, and has been for as long as I remember is that we need a DM. How many times is that statement going to be repeated? And if King is gonna to star in 15 or so Prem games this season then a CB has also got to be signed. Again, repeated endlessly but not so much it seems at the Lodge. Yet I suspect all we will sign is a forward to replace Berbatov who started on the bench yesterday. A decision that probably cost us the three points. But then would you play start the Sulk if his mind is about his impending medical? When he came on, we almost scored twice thanks to his movement and touches. If he started and we got the first goal, we probably would have turned it on, regardless of the unbalance. Such is the dizzy heights of confidence and belief.

As for the game, Boro had a perfectly legit goal disallowed, prior to that missing an easy opportunity. We had half chances that were never going in. Missing Keane already. The slim and sexy Mido scoring was the type of irony that we always allow to get rubbed in our faces. He was gracious after the game which showed class imo. Our goal was an own goal, testament to how we failed to get close to actually hitting the back of the net from a Spurs players touch.

I’m not going to analyse the game anymore than that. No point. If we lose to Sunderland at home, the shit is gonna hit the fan. Literally. I’m going throw frozen shit pellets at the chairman and some of them might deflect or hit innocent bystanders. I’ll apologise for the collateral damage now.

Reader Comments (3)

spot on, i think most Spurs fans would agree with you there. We need to bounce back against Sunderland, and then set ourselves up against Chelscum - easy isn't it ? Hopefully the transfer saga, in getting someone we need in, hasn't finished for us yet this window.


Aug 18, 2008 at 2:19 AM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

From reading your column anyone would think that we were defensively weak whereas clearly we do not need to improve that aspect. If we can just sell the second of our two strikers who both performed so poorly last season and we are sorted.

Bent is the answer* !

* so long as the question is 'name an expensive goal hanger'

Aug 18, 2008 at 12:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Not sure I share your rating of Keane but the general drift of your comments is fair.I have been taken to task on fansites for being over the top after the first game but to me the same worrying signs are there with regard to Ramos's inability to get the squad 'up' for tedious games,the weekly drudgery of the long league season.
We have a talented squad who did not come near their potential against Middlesbrough.
Unlike you I like Jenas and think that he ,Modric and Huddleston with either Bentley or Lennon,not both at the same time can forge a creative midfield.
Too many supposedly fit players missing or played out of position. Bentley left wing?

Aug 20, 2008 at 11:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterJimmyG2

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