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Challenge Spurs™ - The Bale jinx must Go-mes

Challenge Spurs™ Series

Game 05 v (A) Fulham
2-1 Loss, 0 points
Total points: 12
Position: 19th
1 point from safety

I'm glad Harry Redknapp is still talking publicly about a 'relegation battle' as a reminder is needed for the players who decided to believe their own hype and take their eyes off the ball momentarily (figure of speech) to see us lose at Fulham. Yes, it was sort of expected that we would drop all 3 points there because traditionally that's exactly what happens, but I'm still disappointed that we didn't buck the trend a little. A draw and a few wins doesn't mean we are suddenly up and running because its fine giving it some against the likes of Arsenal and Liverpool, but its the bread and butter of the teams around us that need to be polished off with more intent and effort than Saturdays mediocre outing.

Bale played, we lost. Again. Poor lad needs to make an appearance when we are 3-0 up with 1 minute to go. Gomes, with yet another match-losing howler. Words escape me for the hilarity of the situation. A £9M legacy from the exceptional Comolli that will continue to haunt. Is Cesar not an option? This same scenario is reminiscent of the Paul Robinson saga which saw us keep the faith with him until no confidence or ability was left in him to do the basics right.

Drop him. Let him retain some kind of integrity as he re-builds his composure. Unless of course, what we see is what he does week in week out. Which in that case, let's just hope he doesn't cost us too many points before the Jan window re-opens. Arguably, on the flip side, he produced some amazing saves. Conundrum is our Gomes. As for Bale. Shocking again.

And the rest? Apart from maybe Modric (who left the field of play with an injury) the rest were average, making Fulham look far better than they actually are.

Onwards and upwards please.

Reader Comments (6)

love this site btw - u think just the same as I do.

Why was Bale starting - I though he was useless in the CC tie against the Pool. Yes he was very in involved but was much ado about nothing I thought.

Nov 16, 2008 at 3:46 PM | Unregistered Commenteravi

Gomes is a liability too far. We'll continue to concede goals with him in the side and I dont think we can risk it going into the next 5 games. Not that we have a choice.

Nov 16, 2008 at 6:04 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

I am keeping faith in Gomes for now. But will Harry?

If we get a proven Prem goalie in January I will not be surprised.

Nov 16, 2008 at 6:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

Every game we should expect some kind of calamity from Gomes. Its a permanent fixture in our games.

Rob Green in Jan?

Nov 16, 2008 at 11:45 PM | Unregistered Commenteroracle

Piss poor performance. We made Fulham look outstanding. Its games like this that we should be winning and it concerns me that even on the back of some good wins and performances we can't muster the effort to dispatch Fulham.

One thing that is keeping me positive has to be that we are only playing at 60% or so. We could be a lot better than we've been even since Harry arrived.

We wont go down but talk of Europe is just plain stupid.

Nov 17, 2008 at 9:01 PM | Unregistered Commentershelf side warrior

This loss was only due to Modric and Hudd being hurt and taken off at half-time.

Sep 20, 2010 at 9:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterNochman

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