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The Difference between Harry and Juande


  • Restrictions on food served at the training ground, resulting in players sneaking off to a local Italian restaurant.
  • No Ketchup or mayonnaise.
  • Had to stay in hotel at Canary Wharf before all home games.
  • On evenings before match days, all players had to go first to training ground to leave their car even if they live in Canary Wharf. Then coach takes them back to hotel in Canary Wharf.
  • Ledley King played in the Uefa Cup.


  • Healthy food at training ground, but no limits on portions.
  • Stay at home the night before home games.
  • King playing only in Premier League matches.
  • Dollops of ketchup and mayo.

Football. Keep the man-management simple because footballers are children at heart.

Reader Comments (1)

Gave Harry another 10 games. I think we've been a bit lucky, not that its a bad thing, but when you look at the Arsenal, Liverpool and City games we didn't dominate. I'm being hard on us I know but the team is still unbalanced so I reckon the room for improvement is huge. When we start to boss teams home and away then we can start talking about Europe via the League and hanging medals on the Ketchup bottle.

Nov 14, 2008 at 4:32 PM | Unregistered Commentersilky skills

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