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17 minutes gone, Bale sent off, 1-0 Stoke from the spot

We are going down. Embrace it. Hug it. Welcome it.

edit001: Bent, 1-1. Off-side, he was. Is lady lucky glancing our way for once?

edit002: Half-time. Bale (the jinx) red carded, and the direct result is 30 minutes of determination, heart and character. More fight club mentality in the second half and we might just nick all 3 points. Imagine that.

edit003: It's all gone to shit again. 2-1 down. Fight? More like fright.

edit004: Corluka, with neck brace and oxygen, is stretched off the pitch. Bad to worse.

edit005: Jenas. Jenas. Jenas. A free kick that is neither a cross or a shot. Quintessentially textbook from the most redundant player in the universe.

edit006: 11 minutes of injury time. Cue a 3rd Stoke goal.

edit007: I'm crying and laughing at the same time. Woodgate gives away a penalty, which is taken, hits both posts comes out and then gets struck against the bar. Hilarity that only the Spurs can bring to you. Still 2-1 and still no hope.

edit008: No Dawson is sent off (rightfully), and has goes spastic at the ref's decision. Football suicide at its very finest.

edit009: And that's that. Upcoming Prem fixture list:

Bolton (H)
Arsenal (A)
Liverpool (H)
Man City (A)

See you next season at Burnley.

Reader Comments (6)

hmmm, i thought your stats about bale were for a laugh but maybe there's method to your madness. Bale on = red card and penalty. Bale off = 1-1 and Spurs dominate.

Oct 19, 2008 at 4:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Shocking shocking stuff. Even showing some spirit in patches proved too little on the day. And all this against Stoke.

40 points is the usual target. That means we need to win at least 10 home games and pick up 5 or so draws away.

I cant see that, can you? Nope? Thought so.


Oct 19, 2008 at 6:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterBig Dave

Now it's all about the home form.

14 left including all of the Big 4. 8 wins from those 14, anything less we are done for. Who am I kidding, we're screwed.

I also have to decide whether to take up the clubs offer of a ST with a restricted view.
It says something about the pysche of a Spurs supporter that I am even considering it.

Oct 19, 2008 at 6:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterDiaz

it's like a car crash Spooky... can't look but can't bare to look away..

Oct 19, 2008 at 8:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterBimitarDerbatov

Spooky mate, I love this blog, I love your attitude, I'm with you mate. THE REVOLUTION STARTS HERE. If I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist, which I am, I'd say we'd been SABOTAGED FROM WITHIN. Where are the proper Tottenham people within the club? By God do we need proper Tottenham people on the board, the training ground, changing room and pitch now because this is a fucking fight for survival for the rest of the season, and all I see are a bunch of moneyed up cunts fucking fiddling whilst Tottenham burns.

Oct 19, 2008 at 8:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Shambles, shambles shambles. The only way out of this is to get rid of Ramos. The players need to be shook up. Fucking disgraceful that they don't appear to understand the situation is dire. Team selection, Comolli fuck ups in the transfer market aside, dont tell me that the players can't force the issue - UNITE - onthe pitch and give it 200%? Stoke, Hull they dont appear to struggle with it. But our fuckign rich tossers play like a bunch of scared fucking pussies. Irony is, mostof them would transfer request their way out of the club if we go down. But muggins here will be at every home game and a few away ones till the end of the season, screaming and singing because thats all I can do.

11 Spurs fans, if only we had 11 Spurs fans playing for us ON the pitch.

Oct 19, 2008 at 9:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterCrooks

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