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Levy bites back


Normally we only have to remind fans to ignore speculation during transfers windows, and we do that in the best interests of our playing staff and our supporters. Given the level of speculation about Martin and his position at the Club we feel it is necessary to do the same thing now.

Much of the reporting that has been carried since mid-August has been speculative and unfounded and accurately provided information has been disregarded.

Chairman, Daniel Levy stated, “There has been no board meeting, let alone any emergency board meeting, and reports that we have agreed a compensation package with Martin are wholly inaccurate - we have not even discussed the subject and there is no reason to do so. We will not allow ourselves to be side-tracked or undermined by external agendas or media hype. Our focus is on winning games.

“For the record Damien was not in Barcelona this weekend, he was watching Southampton v Barnsley!”

Who to believe? Would anyone really choose Barcelona over Southampton?

Reader Comments (2)

"There has been no board meeting. We have no intention of letting Martin Jol go. Pay no attention to Harry Redknapp behind that curtain."

Though if Comolli was in So'ton, I'd be a bit worried that they're going to re-sign Rasiak.

Sep 25, 2007 at 4:56 PM | Unregistered Commenterazaris

If Spurs part company with Jol sooner rather than later then you have to question Levy and his PR machine. Levy appears to want everyone to believe that there is an agenda by the media. Sacking Jol (or letting him go) will probably be excused with a 'The media made it too difficult for the manager to continue' type of statement.

Sep 26, 2007 at 3:04 PM | Unregistered Commenteroracle

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