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Orlando Pirates v Spurs

2-1 win, which included a goal from our pre-season gem, Wayne Routledge, once more showing the kind of eye for goal that results with Martin Jol farming him out to an average Premiership side for a season.

Sublime 50-yard pass from Huddlestone to set up Bent who notched up another pre-season goal.

Again, I'm not going to dissect the team and players performance. Its a friendly. Yes, its partly competitive but its still a friendly.

Though special mention to Cerny in goal who looked very comfortable and saved a spot-kick twice, before the rather daft ref asked for it to be taken a 3rd time (no stopping it). His movement looked perfectly legal to me. Strange decision but inconsequential.

Reader Comments (1)

Bent is looking rather sharp, pre-season. Fitting in quite well. No sign of Defoe leaving either. That's some forward line-up for next season.

Jul 25, 2007 at 11:21 PM | Unregistered Commentershelf side warrior

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