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Transfer Speculation

Once again, we have reached that time of year where there is a great deal of press speculation linking us with players from all around the world.

Sporting Director Damien Comolli noted: “It is unbelievable picking up a newspaper this time of year. I guess there will always be transfer stories concerning us as we are a club that is always looking to strengthen where possible, though many of the reports that I have read are completely wide of the mark.”

As always, we should like to remind our supporters that our official channels – website and mobile service spurs(((mobile))) - will carry informed, accurate and timely information as and when it is appropriate to do so.

From: - transfer speculation

Yes Damien, but what about the information that comes straight from the horses mouth? By horses mouth, I was metaphorically referring to someone who works within the club who has shared sensitive information with a Spurs fan who then posts the info on a Spurs forum.

Now, I don’t want to side with the club on this, but it’s quite obvious that nobody really has any idea of what’s going on. Not to the degree that some of the ITK characters would like you to believe.

For example, ones that talk cryptically about new signings as if they want to tell the world about it but at the same time want to avoid the story from leaking are just being creative with their attention-seeking. Others, who straddle branches and hold onto their binoculars just state the bleeding obvious. This latest piece of whorage appeared on (whorage in red):

Shoot me down all you want but my mate has some spurs ties in the boardroom...he rarely talks about spurs as he doesn't like to leak info...which i respect no matter how frustrating at time...

Right. Explain ‘ties’. Does he clean the boardroom? Does he walk past it as he makes his way to the fax machine? Does he hold a glass up to the door? Or are you saying that you know someone who knows someone who knows someone? Already, this information is looking to be 3rd or 4th hand. And if he rarely talks about Spurs, why the sudden verbal diarrhea?

But anyhow he came out to NYC today and is slaughtered and probably excited to be here on his hols....but he needed a favor so i turned the screw! Haha

If he has ties, then you just blow his cover. So enjoy the information, because he wont ever be in a position to share again.

He said that Darren Bent is more or less ours unless Spurs have a change of heart. He has verbally agreed a deal subject to a medical and transfer fee. We are about 3 mil away from what Charlton want. He is not interested in WHAM but curbs is trying to sign him and have more or less agreed to the fee Charlton want for him... Bent is on his hols and we will have a better look at him due to a injury he has picked up on his return.

So. We are signing Bent – however, if we don’t it’s because we have changed our mind. That’s some way to cover your tracks. Adding the injury thing is gold. It’s like me saying we are set to buy Petrov from Athletico Madrid and he want’s to join but we may miss out due to contractual issues.

I might get up to make a cup of tea, but I might not.

Jermain Defoe wants to stay with us and is NOT looking for a move....Chelsea were sniffing around for Chimbo indeed....but quickly turned their attention to Defoe ... Jol wants to work out a deal with Robben in a swap...

Every man and his dog know that Defoe is third inline to be King of Strikers at WHL. Linking him with a move away is something anybody can do. Yes, even people who work for the Daily Mirror can add one plus one. And stating Chelsea were sniffing around for Pascal is like anybody on any forum or any pub saying that Spurs were in for Nani – because its flipping public knowledge already.

As for Robben. This is a firm favourite of most people to talk about as Jol is Dutch and has publicly stated he likes Robben.

Mido has lost his respect at the club and they are negotiating with several teams involving swap deals including interest from a promoted club, Blackburn, and a few other teams abroad mainly in France... Mark Hughes is not convinced at Midos fitness but has not closed the door just yet on it... But respect to Mido he has been working on his fitness...

Mido has lost respect? Really? Hey, about that Hitler taking his own life in the bunker. Oh, and man lands on moon. Christ, you eat enough cheeseburgers and smoke enough cigars you lose the respect of the fans. Again, it’s no secret that Jol and everyone else have had enough of him. As for Mido working on his fitness, of course he is. It’s the summer. He has nothing to sulk about and needs to sell himself to a new club, so that he is ready for another season of gorging and generally expecting to play first team football without actually warranting it.

MGP has been initially blocked but we will test them with a higher bid...Jol looking to bring him in regardless if we buy a im assuming a few formations next year Petrov is wanted by Jol... and comolli has been in contact with friend seems to think we have a really good chance of signing him. Petrov was wanted last season as well but didn't materialize. Petrov is believed to have joked behind closed doors that him and berbs could crack the top four by themselves! But Robben is still the one that Jol is dreaming about!

So, for the one position, the ITK has covered off 3 potential signings in MGP, Petrov and Robben. That’s some safety net you got there. All three are again firm favs of Internet message boards and Spurs fans in general.

We have been asked to keep informed about Nugent but again it depends on Everton as he is a massive fan of theirs....

No no no no no no no no no no no no. No. No.

I asked him about Bale and he said that we had him wrapped (as far as transfer fee and agreement with the club) up in January but couldn't announce it with only a bunch of "reliable" people knowing due to Saints push for the prem. Burley didn't want to rock team morale or distract the youngster. He is very very excited to play for spurs and has been watching spurs vids and reading about our history...Said Bale was a kid in a sweetshop when he arrived at spurs.

Facts after the fact. Its ok to say someone really wanted to join us after he’s joined us. But the fact he has joined us would suggest he wanted to join us anyway. As for being excited, he's 17 for FFS.

Villa/Sunderland have asked about Tainio...Jol is keen to keep him.

This is probably spot-on. Because Jol must be puffing away on something again to be declaring all out love for TT.

Jol is NOT after NRC!!!! Bartons name was been thrown around but some of the top top boys don't want him anywhere near our team. As for Parker...we DID show some interest but went cold due to his refusal at lowering his wages but what made me laugh was...Parker wanted a guarantee of first team footie!

None of this can be proved or disproved. The Damien statement on the website would suggest that he was referring to Parker. As for Barton, he has a clause and probably every other fan of several other clubs are suggesting they are in for him, but are unsure. Barton is a mess. If we signed him, I’ll be looking to make a mess (of the number 2 kind) and mail it to the club.

There is a french striker being discussed at the moment as one of the options....supposed to Henry Mk2...although Arsenal/pompey/boro looking at him also

French? The new Henry? Well, the fact that Arsenal have Walcott (who is the new Henry) would suggest that anyone French and good will go to the worlds largest immobile gypsy caravan (Ashburton Grove) rather than the badlands of Tottenham. Though why on earth the ‘new Henry’ would allow Pompey and Boro to be interested in him would suggest that someone is taking Football Manager stats a bit too seriously.

Last but not least....Jol couldnt be happier....said his dreams have come true and wants the job for life! Keep this a secret haha but Jol loves the banter with the spurs faithful.

Yes, because we all come to the ground to banter with a bald headed bloke who waves at us once in a while. He getting paid to wave at us and finish just outside the Champions League….again.

Even called us prickshh on one occasion for making fun of his in his own words "Hair shtyle"...

No one calls me a prick. No one. I’ve paid over 600 quid to the club and to be insulted by the manager, that’s out of order. Is this how the club repays the loyal fan. Unlike your hair Jol, I will always be here.

Berbs is somewhat of an enigma around the club....some of the spurs staff still cant make eye contact with him apparently hahahah women!

That’s my boy. How daft of the woman (and maybe the odd bloke) who work at the club thinking they can get a piece of the Bulgarian Buldge. Dream on losers.

Last but not least...Nani was a serious serious prospect and we definitely tried to sneak in under the rader...but Nanis agent alerted Utd that we were close in getting our man....Only for Man U sending a squad of people to ensure we dont get our man. Nani was about 10 hours from signing for us.

Yes, this I can give you as probably being near the mark. Probably. But Nani was never going to join us, even if we agreed anything in principal with his club. Utd (and Ronaldo and CQ) was always going to be his destination.

dont care if you shoot me, the suns out and im looking forward in your respectful thoughts haha

Shoot you? No. Politely slap you across your face in an attempt to rattle you out of your delusionary state, yes. Several times.

The only credit you get is for not suggesting all this information came from a large wooden thing with a green roof.

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