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Giles Barnes is a gooner

If you ever happen to hear someone singing in the shower, don't jump to any conclusions about the lyrics being sang just because you can make out the tune. 'Do Do Do Nigel Mediocre' can quite easily sound like 'Nigel Reo-Coker' from the bottom of the stairs. And anyone choosing to Sky+ Derby v WBA game is only doing it, so they have something to fall asleep to if when they suffer from a bout of insomnia.

I may have got my wires crossed (see previous blogs). Though, I think I prefer to believe that in both instances, I was purposely mis-directed. Seems the player got played. Anyway...

It would appear that Barnes is actually an Arsenal fan, who still had intentions to sign for us back in January, but because he mis-kicked a ball into the path of Pearson on Sunday at Wembley, Derby's MVP fancies himself more so than ever before. Bigger fish to fry and all that jazz. And the lad wasn't even 100% fit. What a legend.


Apparently, he wants to stay at Derby and has been quoted today, bragging about his support of the pikeys and the fact he has a 3 year contract at Derby. Yeah, like he's gonna be with them for the next 3 years. Sol Campbell school of PR.

But then again, do we care? Do we need Barnes? Did we simply want him because we were linked to him? Where would he fit in anyway? Whats the point in having Barnes and Huddlestone and Taarabt? And there's still Jenas. And Ghaly. And one or two others loitering about. I know Levy likes to collect midfielders like I collect upskirt pictures, but there's so much 'young talent' you can get your hands on. I'm talking about purchasing footballers here and not girls in short skirts. Can never get enough of girls in short skirts.

Huddlestone and Lennon will be gutted to hear Giles state his intentions of loyalty. Barnes would have made a perfect additon to the Bling Squad. Apparently Gacoignesque on the pitch (though more than likely in the same way Huddlestone is allegedly Hoddlesque) and thus will avoid Spurs at all costs and aim for Manchester United or his boyhood club the Woolwich Arsenal, where I'm sure he will win the FIFA Player of the Year award repeatedly for years to come. Joining Spurs is surely a side-step move for this prestigious prodigy. So congrats to him for figuring it out early.

So, all the ITK's claiming this one was done and dusted months back, seems you also got pwnd by nothing more than misguided whorage.

As for NRC - another player that wants to maneuver himself a move to Arsenal and avoid Spurs. I'm going to sit back at this point and see what our beloved chairman and Martin Jol (our big teddy bear of a Dutch manager) aim for now that a left back has been purchased and we have 3 or so positions to fill.

There's one or two players on their way out......but will Spurs 'sell out' to bring in players that are not necessarily needed?

After two knock-backs (and let's face it, avoiding paying over the odds for young British talent when theres far better players on the continent isn't something to be red-faced about.....oops, Bale) I'm hoping that Levy doesn't go full circle and actually go back in for these two. They are not needed. So let's see where they end up.

Reader Comments (1)

There's a phrase: Speculate to accumulate. Were we to sign Barnes, we'd no longer be doing that .. we'd be doing the reverse, accumulating to speculate.

May 30, 2007 at 7:46 AM | Unregistered CommenterForza Huddlestone

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