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Out of Office

Spooky is currently offline and exiled. He will return in the New Year. Maybe.

Reader Comments (6)

What not even a Kaboul editorial?

Dec 10, 2007 at 4:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterWest Stand Bagel

i'm guessing levy has succeeded with that court injunction then?

Dec 11, 2007 at 10:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterPaxton yid

As long as we get a Dear Mr Levy letter to cover the festive period, im happy.

Dec 12, 2007 at 4:36 PM | Unregistered Commenteroops

He's trapped in Levys basement.

Dec 12, 2007 at 9:51 PM | Unregistered Commenterpaz67

To keep you going in the meantime - Check this out.

Con and Leon, along with Amy try convert Sydney lawyer, Lachlan to love the game of football. With 7 episodes to hit the web, check out episode one at and send it along to your mates. It will make you laugh and cry.

Dec 13, 2007 at 12:34 AM | Unregistered Commenterfansformationdotcom

Spooky hates spammers as much as he hates Levy.

Dec 14, 2007 at 6:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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