This will make your head spin
Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 6:55AM
spooky in Daniel Levy, OS, OS bid, west ham united

This is satire at it's very best. From West Ham site, KUMB:

Tottenham's dirty tricks exposed

Filed: Sunday, 3rd July 2011
By: Staff Writer

The full extent of the dirty tricks played by Tottenham in the 'cash-for-stadium' row have been exposed.

Today's Sunday Times revealed how the OPLC's director of corporate services was paid circa £20,000 for 'consultancy work' by West Ham - work sanctioned by the club's Olympic Director, said to be in a relationship with the aforementioned. More details on that can be seen here.

However it also reveals the depths that Tottenham were prepared to sink to in order to derail West Ham's move into the Olympic Stadium, which was ratified by the Government earlier this year.

1. Hired 'corporate intelligence' company: The Times claimed that Spurs hired the intelligence agency two days before the OPLC declared their preferred bidder to investigate the 14 members of the adjudicating panel in order to unearth any potential conflicts of interest.

2. Hired private investigators: Having struck gold, Tottenham ordered investigators to place Dionne Knight, the OPLC director at the centre of the storm under personal surveillance. This included a 'stake-out' of the single mother's home, where she lives with her 14-year-old daughter.

3. Accessed personal information: Tottenham's investigators admitted procuring sensitive documents - including personal bank statements belonging to both Knight and the West Ham employee - along with other sensitive personal information usually protected by data protection laws.
West Ham fans posting on forums across the web tonight have urged the club to immediately halt any future transfer dealings with Tottenham in response to the revelations - including any potential move for Scott Parker.

Sorry, I lied. It's not satire. Honestly, hand on heart.

West Ham's response to The Sunday Times article that revealed the 'conspiracy' can be found on their official site. They're going to sue us.

All kicking off. Again.



Article originally appeared on Dear Mr Levy (
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