David Bentley
Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 11:36PM
spooky in Bentley, stat attack

Since the 31st January, David Bentley has made the following Premier League appearances:

29 mins as a sub vs Sunderland

51 mins as a sub vs Liverpool (last game of the season)

6 mins as a sub vs Hull


18 as an unused substitute.

Before this period of time he started 20 games in the Premier League in the Lilywhite of Spurs.

Now stuck between the 20th game and a 21st appearance. Same might say Blackburn are due a hefty wad of money if he starts more than twenty games for us.

With thanks to Unknown (GG.net) for the stats. Not sure if she pinched them from somewhere herself, but regardless, looks like David is stuck on the bench until some minor miracle allows him a way back into the starting line-up. Wonder if Blackburn have a buy-back clause they can take advantage of? Guessing we'd struggle to reclaim anything over £8M for him.

Catch 22 for us. Who wants to buy a player who doesn't actually play?

Another perfect illustration of the DoF system and Levy's lack of football understanding. Why sign a player for £15M who can only play right-wing when we've already got a right-winger who we all know is capable of so much? Hopefully David will be the very last big-money superfluous signing we make. Wanted him to succeed with us even though the vast majority would agree that he was an unnecessary addition. Sadly it's been nothing short of a disaster.

Lack of confidence due to personal issues (so they all say). Various off the field distractions (skip, bar, crash) and very few on the pitch joyful moments (just that goal). Played out of position and practically self-ruined himself by not showing heart or determination to fight his way back to something resembling form, preferring instead to show-boat and flick rather than play a simple ball. Was given plenty of opportunities to no avail. And is now super-glued to the bench for EPL games.

Gone in Jan?

Unless lickle Aaron disappears through a surprising and tragic worm-hole, then I'd wager Bentley will be off. Those star-jumps seem like they happened a million years ago now...

Article originally appeared on Dear Mr Levy (http://dml23.squarespace.com/).
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