Poster boy redeems himself?
Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 12:51AM
spooky in Sky Sports, jamie redknapp

I didn't catch the half-time Sky Sports pundit panel the other night, but did see the same footage (of Bentley falling over 3 times) before they showed the other angle where it proved he was actually fouled.

"It wasn't a foul"

Since then, I've watched the footage where Jamie asks 3 times for the production team to show it, with Richard Keyes scoffing and suggesting he was 'clutching at straws'. Until of course, the other angle proves Bentley was tripped.

Seems having his dad as the manager of the much maligned Tottenham (violin plays) has sent Jamie a little insane. How dare he question Sky and their bias in favour of their Top FourĀ©.

May the madness continue.

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