Ta muchly
Monday, October 27, 2008 at 9:41AM
spooky in Ramos, clive allen

So apparently Clive picked the team. It was his line-up, so full credit to his selection and instructions (especially to Modric and his free-running). Which all begs the question, what the fuck was Ramos playing at?

I'm not going to suggest he was playing for the sack (because that would be libellous, right?) but if he is meant to be a world class coach, how come Clive Allen showed him up after a single game?

If you look back at our Carling Cup win and and the fact mid-table was secure for us, he could have been far more experimental, by selecting the odd youth/reserve player and also possible develop his formation for the following season. Instead we've had one inept© performance after another, never looking like resolving the problems that arise with each lose.

Tottenham's belief and spirit in the semi-finals and the final of the Cup was something we've not seen from a Spurs side since the early 90's - and for that, I thank Juande. I'm sure he'll prove his worth back in Spain, were he can articulate so much better. Can you picture him getting angry in English?

Two UEFA Cups, Seville playing brilliant attacking football, and yet we don't even come close to it (apart from the Cup games). You might want to cite his fantastic working relationship with the director of football for his efforts out in Spain. Whatever the reason, he left something behind over there and his Spurs side was anything but exciting, in the Prem at least.

Ramos has since released a statement saying how he understands why he was sacked (based on results, or lack of) and states that we will 'have to see' if it's the best decision for the club. All very tame, no hard feelings expressed bitterly. I guess a gag order was written into the compensation clause.

Us Spurs fans didn't really have that much of a relationship with him. Even through this blog I hardly ever got to grips with him in the same way I did with Jol. But when all we get is a translation or Poyet telling us the obvious, it's a bit tricky to connect with someone - especially if they remain emotionless on the touchline.

So, good luck Señor and thanks for the dicking of Le Arse and Chelsea. Fond memories indeed.

Article originally appeared on Dear Mr Levy (http://dml23.squarespace.com/).
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