Monday, August 13, 2007 at 5:29PM
spooky in Martin Jol, tabloid hype

Quote from today's tabloids:

“There was a good sign in the dressing room because they were all blaming each other. The most important thing is that we pick ourselves up because it is a long, tough season.”

That's Martin Jol telling us that there was some spirit in the dressing room. Wrong place chief. It's out on that beautiful green grass where you're meant to have some passion, not after the game has ended and you're all in the showers slapping each others bums apologetically.

He goes on to add this gem:

Jol added: “We had a bad start last season and we lost to Bolton on the opening day but we picked ourselves up and that is what we have got to do again now. We have got to do better in midfield, up front and from the flanks as well.

So, let me get this right. We lost because we were shit in midfield, up front and on the wings? Daaaaamn. That's some insightful analysis right there for you. Basically, we have to improve in all positions. I would never have guessed that. I was gonna suggest we take performance enhancing drugs, but hey, better the devil you know. Looks like another hard days training is due. Though how hard, I don't know. Not that hard according to athlete and Spurs reserve player Ghaly.

Article originally appeared on Dear Mr Levy (http://dml23.squarespace.com/).
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